# Rust Sudoku Solver The sudoku solver I made in C, but remade in rust to get some practice using the language. This version is more robust with a better CLI argument parser and more features. ## v0.2 Update: After a few months learning more about rust, I've updated the program to be a bit more idiomatic and robust. I've added `bpaf` and `anyhow` to make a better cli. I've also added features to add an input and output file. They fallback to stdin/stdout respectively (allowing data to be piped in or redirected into the program. I also added multiple printing types including `simple`, `multiline` and `bordered` (previous method). `simple` is everything printed onto the same line, `multiline` is everything still printed in a grid but without the borders around each square and `bordered` which prints borders around the puzzle and every 3 x 3 area. ## Installation - cargo ```shell $ cargo install rust-sudoku ``` - Prebuilt binaries Get a prebuilt binary from the releases. ## Usage ```shell $ rust-sudoku --help ``` ```text Solve Sudoku problems *blazingly fast*. Accepts input from a text file to fill in the puzzle. Each number (1-9) is interpreted as that number in the puzzle. A zero or any other letter is considered a blank space. Any whitespace is ignored. Usage: [-i FILE] [-o FILE] [--style STYLE] [-p] [-d DELAY] Available options: -i, --input Location of puzzle to read or stdin by default. -o, --output Output file to write solution to or stdout by default. --style