# Contributing If you notice any small bugs please feel free to [file an issue][issues], or create a pull request if you know how to fix it. ## Commit Messages Linus Torvalds describes a good commit message. See [here][linus-commit]. A good commit message looks like this: ``` Header line: explaining the commit in one line Body of commit message is a few lines of text, explaining things in more detail, possibly giving some background about the issue being fixed, etc etc. ``` Limit the first line of commit messages to 80 or less characters. If you want to include more, separate the **Header** from the **Body** with a blank line. Use verbs in the imperative in the commit message, as in: * "Fix bug that..." * "Add file/feature ..." [issues]: https://github.com/miller-time/rust-warrior/issues [linus-commit]: https://github.com/torvalds/subsurface/blob/a48494d2fbed58c751e9b7e8fbff88582f9b2d02/README#L88