Rust AdMob SSV Validation ========================= This is a library for verifying a callback request (SSV) from AdMob. Please refer to the [official documentation]( for more information. It only does the verification process using openssl. It requires you to request the keys from the [AdMob key server]( insert them into a `Hashmap` and hand it over to the verifciation function. ### How to use This library only has one function `verify_ssv_callback`. It takes two parameters: * `query_string: String`: The full query String including signature and key_id [Documentation]( * `public_keys: Hashmap`: A HashMap of all public keys received from the [AdMob key server]( It returns either `Ok(bool)` if the verification was successful/unsuccessful or not or `Err(String)` when encountering an error during the whole validation process.