# Rust code visualizer A library and CLI tool for graphical representation of Rust code, focusing on visualizing the relationships between structs and enums. [mml](https://crates.io/crates/mml) appears to be dead and deprecated, so I started working on my own implementation. ## Usage Here's how the CLI works (current use): ```sh rcvis test.rs > graph.dot dot -Tpng graph.dot -o graph.png ``` Here's how the CLI works (in future): ```sh rcvis source.rs source1.rs --format {plantuml,graphviz} --out file.out ``` This command analyzes the provided Rust source files and generates a visual representation of the relationships between structs and enums in the specified output format (PlantUML or Graphviz), saving the result to file.out. ## Features - [ ] Export relationships between structs and enums to Graphviz format - [ ] Export relationships between structs and enums to PlantUML format ## Example For the structures.rs in example folder: ![Example structures.rs image](example/graph.png) ## Installation To install the Rust Code Visualizer CLI tool, run the following command: ```sh cargo install rust_code_visualizer ``` Contributing Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue on the GitHub repository. License Rust Code Visualizer is licensed under the MIT License. Acknowledgements Special thanks to the creators of the [mml](https://crates.io/crates/mml) crate for their initial work and inspiration.