import groovy.transform.InheritConstructors String libTestOutFile = 'tests/lib/hawktracer_tests.xml' String parserTestOutFile = 'tests/parser/hawktracer_parser_tests.xml' stage('Linux') { def linuxBuild = new LinuxBuild(this, 'Linux') .withDebugBuild() .withCodeCoverage() .withTests() .withAsan() runBuild(linuxBuild, 'ignite-linux', 'ignite-linux') } stage('OSX') { def osxBuild = new LinuxBuild(this, 'OSX') .withDebugBuild() .withTests() withEnv (['PATH+MAVEN=/usr/local/bin']) { runBuild(osxBuild, 'hawktracer-osx', 'hawktracer-osx') } } stage('Windows') { def winBuild = new MSVCBuild(this, 'MSVC') .withTests() runBuild(winBuild, 'ignite-windows', 'ignite-windows') } stage('Raspberry PI') { def rpiBuild = new RaspberryBuild(this, 'Raspberry PI') .withToolchain('../rpi-toolchain.cmake') .withInitialCacheFile('../TryRunResults.cmake') .withBenchmarks() runBuild(rpiBuild, 'ignite-build', 'hawktracer-rpi') } def runBuild(HTBuild htBuild, String buildNode, String testNode) { stage(htBuild.getName()) { boolean sameNode = testNode == buildNode try { node(buildNode) { stage(htBuild.getName() + ': checkout') { checkout scm } stage(htBuild.getName() + ': configure') { htBuild.configure() } stage(htBuild.getName() + ': build') { } if (!sameNode) htBuild.stashBuildArtifacts(testNode + '-build-artifacts') } node (testNode) { if (!sameNode) unstash testNode + '-build-artifacts' if (htBuild.testsEnabled) { stage(htBuild.getName() + ': run tests') { htBuild.runTests() } } if (htBuild.benchmarksEnabled) { stage(htBuild.getName() + ': run benchmarks') { htBuild.runBenchmarks() } } if (!sameNode) { htBuild.stashReports(htBuild.getName() + '-reports') deleteDir() } } node (buildNode) { if (!sameNode) unstash htBuild.getName() + '-reports' htBuild.publishReports() } } catch (exc) { echo 'Build failed: ' + exc.toString() echo 'Message: ' + exc.getMessage() echo 'CallStack: ' + exc.getStackTrace() error("Build failed.") } finally { node(buildNode) { deleteDir() } } } } abstract class HTBuild { protected String cmakeArgs = ' -DENABLE_EXAMPLES=ON -DENABLE_BENCHMARKS=ON' protected final context protected boolean coverageEnabled protected String name public boolean testsEnabled public boolean benchmarksEnabled HTBuild(context, name) { this.context = context this.coverageEnabled = false this.testsEnabled = false this.benchmarksEnabled = false = name } def getName() { return name } def withToolchain(String toolchainPath) { cmakeArgs += ' -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=' + toolchainPath return this } def withInitialCacheFile(String cacheFile) { cmakeArgs += ' -C ' + cacheFile return this } def withDebugBuild() { cmakeArgs += ' -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug' return this } def withBenchmarks() { cmakeArgs += ' -DENABLE_BENCHMARKS=ON' this.benchmarksEnabled = true return this } def withCodeCoverage() { cmakeArgs += ' -DENABLE_CODE_COVERAGE=ON' coverageEnabled = true return this } def withTests() { cmakeArgs += ' -DENABLE_TESTS=ON' testsEnabled = true return this } def withAsan() { cmakeArgs += ' -DENABLE_ASAN=ON' return this } def publishReports() { context.stage(name + ': publish reports') { if (testsEnabled) { context.junit 'tests/**/*.xml' } if (coverageEnabled) { context.step([$class: 'CoberturaPublisher', coberturaReportFile: 'coverage.xml']) } if (benchmarksEnabled) { // TODO publish benchmark results } } } def stashBuildArtifacts(String stashName) {} def stashReports(String stashName) {} abstract def configure() abstract def build() abstract def runTests() abstract def runBenchmarks() } @InheritConstructors class LinuxBuild extends HTBuild { def configure() { 'cmake ' + this.cmakeArgs + ' .' } def build() { 'make -j 2' } def runTests() { 'make test CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE=1' if (coverageEnabled) { 'gcovr -r . --exclude=examples/* --exclude=tests/* --exclude=benchmarks/* --html --xml -o coverage.xml' } } def runBenchmarks() { 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib ./benchmarks/hawktracer_benchmarks --benchmark_format=json --benchmark_out=benchmark.json' } def stashBuildArtifacts(String stashName) { String buildArtifacts = 'lib/,' if (benchmarksEnabled) { buildArtifacts += 'benchmarks/hawktracer_benchmarks,' } if (testsEnabled) { buildArtifacts += 'tests/lib/hawktracer_test_gtest,' buildArtifacts += 'tests/lib/hawktracer_test_destroy_timeline_after_uninit,' buildArtifacts += 'tests/parser/hawktracer_test_parser,' } context.stash includes: buildArtifacts, name: stashName } def stashReports(String stashName) { String reports = '' if (benchmarksEnabled) { reports += 'benchmark.json,' } if (testsEnabled) { reports += context.libTestOutFile + ',' + context.parserTestOutFile } context.stash includes: reports, name: stashName } } @InheritConstructors class MSVCBuild extends HTBuild { def configure() { context.bat 'cmake ' + this.cmakeArgs + ' .' } def build() { context.bat 'msbuild /p:Configuration=Release HawkTracer.sln' } def runTests() { context.bat 'copy tests\\googletest\\googlemock\\gtest\\Release\\gtest.dll tests\\lib\\Release\\' context.bat 'copy lib\\Release\\hawktracer.dll tests\\lib\\Release\\' context.bat 'copy tests\\googletest\\googlemock\\gtest\\Release\\gtest.dll tests\\parser\\Release\\' context.bat 'copy lib\\Release\\hawktracer.dll tests\\parser\\Release\\' context.bat 'ctest --verbose' } def runBenchmarks() { context.bat 'copy lib\\Release\\hawktracer.dll benchmarks\\Release\\' context.bat './benchmarks/hawktracer_benchmarks --benchmark_format=json --benchmark_out=benchmark.json' // TODO: we should have common step to add platform to benchmark.json } } @InheritConstructors class RaspberryBuild extends LinuxBuild { @Override def runTests() { 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib ./tests/lib/hawktracer_test_gtest --gtest_output=xml:' + context.libTestOutFile 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib ./tests/parser/hawktracer_test_parser --gtest_output=xml:' + context.parserTestOutFile 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib ./tests/lib/hawktracer_test_destroy_timeline_after_uninit' } }