import sys import subprocess import re class AuthorInfo: added_lines = 0 removed_lines = 0 changed_files = 0 name = '' email = '' commit_count = 0 def __init__(self, added_lines, removed_lines, changed_files, name, email, commit_count): self.added_lines = added_lines self.removed_lines = removed_lines self.changed_files = changed_files = name = email self.commit_count = commit_count class GitInfo: _from_version = '' _to_version = '' def __init__(self, from_version, to_version): self._from_version = from_version self._to_version = to_version def get_summary_stats(self): return subprocess.getoutput('git diff {}..{} --shortstat'.format(self._from_version, self._to_version)).strip() def get_number_of_commits(self): return len(subprocess.getoutput('git log {}..{} --oneline' .format(self._from_version, self._to_version)).splitlines()) def _get_author_stats(self, author_name, author_email, commit_count): stats = subprocess.getoutput( 'git log {}..{} --numstat --pretty="" --author="{} <{}>"'.format( self._from_version, self._to_version, author_name, author_email)).splitlines() added_lines = 0 removed_lines = 0 for stat_line in stats: try: added_lines = added_lines + int(stat_line.split()[0]) removed_lines = removed_lines + int(stat_line.split()[1]) except ValueError: pass return AuthorInfo(added_lines, removed_lines, len(stats), author_name, author_email, commit_count) def get_list_of_authors(self): author_regex = re.compile('(\d+)\s+(.+)\s+<(.+)>') git_authors = subprocess.getoutput('git shortlog {}..{} -sne' .format(self._from_version, self._to_version)).splitlines() return [self._get_author_stats(,, for l in git_authors for m in [] if m] @staticmethod def get_most_recent_tags(): tag_regex = re.compile('tag:\s(v[a-zA-Z\d.]+)') git_tags = subprocess.getoutput('git log --tags --simplify-by-decoration --pretty="format:%D"').splitlines() return [ for l in git_tags for m in [] if m][0:2] @staticmethod def is_master_branch(): return subprocess.getoutput('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD').strip() == 'master' if len(sys.argv) < 2: print('Usage: {} '.format(sys.argv[0])) sys.exit(1) if not GitInfo.is_master_branch(): print('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!') print('!!! YOU ARE NOT IN MASTER BRANCH !!!') print('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!') print('') tags = GitInfo.get_most_recent_tags() if len(tags) < 2: print('Expected to find at least 2 git tags, but found {}'.format(len(tags))) sys.exit(1) current_tag = tags[0] current_version = current_tag[1:] previous_tag = tags[1] previous_version = previous_tag[1:] code_name = sys.argv[1] git_info = GitInfo(previous_tag, current_tag) print("I'm pleased to announce HawkTracer {} ({}) release!".format(current_version, code_name)) print("URL:{}".format(current_tag)) print("Changes") print("==========================================") found_version = False with open("NEWS") as f: for line in f: if line.startswith(current_version): found_version = True elif line.startswith(previous_version): break elif found_version: sys.stdout.write(line) authors = git_info.get_list_of_authors() print("Git statistics") print("==========================================") print(" {}".format(git_info.get_summary_stats())) print(" Number of commits: {}".format(git_info.get_number_of_commits())) print(" Contributors: {}".format(len(authors))) for author in authors: alignment = len(authors[0].commit_count) - len(author.commit_count) print(" * {}{} {} <{}> {} files changed (+{}, -{})".format( ' ' * alignment, author.commit_count,,, author.changed_files, author.added_lines, author.removed_lines))