[package] name = "rust_keylock" version = "0.15.1" authors = ["aston "] description = "A password manager with goals to be Secure, Simple to use, Portable and Extensible" keywords = ["password", "manager", "safe", "encryption", "key"] license = "GPL-3.0" documentation = "https://rust-keylock.github.io/rust-keylock-lib/rust_keylock/" repository = "https://github.com/rust-keylock/rust-keylock-lib" homepage = "https://rust-keylock.github.io/" readme = "README.md" categories = ["cryptography", "authentication"] edition = "2021" [badges] travis-ci = { repository = "rust-keylock/rust-keylock-lib", branch = "master" } [lib] name = "rust_keylock" crate-type = ["rlib", "dylib"] [dependencies] ctr = "0.9" aes = "0.8" sha2 = "0.10" sha3 = "0.10" hkdf = "0.12" cipher = "0.4" bcrypt = "0.15" base64 = "0.21" rand = "0.8" log = "0.4" secstr = "0.5" hyper = {version = "0.14", features = ["full"]} http = "0.2" percent-encoding = "2.3" url = "2.4" futures = "0.3" hyper-tls = "0.5" native-tls = "0.2" xml-rs = "0.8" openssl-probe = "0.1" terminal-clipboard = "0.4.1" dirs = "3.0" tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] } reqwest = "0.11" serde_json = "1.0" rs-password-utils = "0.2" async-trait = "0.1.41" zeroize = {version = "1.6", features = ["zeroize_derive"] } serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] } [dependencies.toml] version = "0.8" default-features = false features = ["preserve_order", "display", "parse"] [dev-dependencies] lazy_static = "1.4"