# Radio Rust A minimalist rust based Internet Radio Player using eframe, Reqwest, and Rodio. Uses .pls files to play internet ratio streams. Currently no support for .m3u files. ## Installation Use can use cargo to install rust_radio ``` cargo install rust_radio ``` or download the correct binary from the releases. ## Usage ``` rust_radio ``` or run the executable if you download the binary release. You can use the "Create New Station" in the gui to create .pls files to the station or put external .pls files into the rust_radio directory created in the User's Music folder, if the directory is not their then create it. If your station doesn't appear in the gui then rust_radio has found an issue with it. ## Screenshots ![alt text](https://github.com/palaster/rust_radio/blob/main/screenshots/screenshot_0.jpg?raw=true)