Next release ------------ * ... 0.7.0 ----- * Implement `rdf:Annotation` for `Species`, `Reaction` and `Model`, with a simple custom RDF implementation. * Parse `fbc:charge` and `fbc:chemicalFormula` for `Species`. 0.6.1 ----- * Publish crate and upload multi-platform python wheels on CI tags. 0.6.0 ----- * Naive implementation of MathML. * Add `` attribute to `InitialAssignment`. * Implement `Rule` and `Function` base types. 0.5.3 ----- * Benchmark against libSBML (through python's [cobrapy]( * Enhance pyo bindings with some removal of superfluous `PyResult`s. * Add missing SBase attributes to `Species` and `Compartment`. * Improve test structure and docs. 0.5.2 ----- * Fix serializing of `kind` field in `Unit`. * Fix on markdown. 0.5.1 ----- * Remove println statement. * Fixes on markdown. 0.5.0 ----- * Replaced [roxmltree]( in favor of [quick-xml]( * Writing capabilities of `ModelRaw`. * Huge improvement of documentation. * Lost support of [MathML]( 0.4.1 ----- * Added in-code README and automate README generation through cargo-readme 0.4.0 ----- * Added and