# Rustbox2 Rustbox2 is a Rust implementation of [termbox2](http://github.com/yymirror/termbox2). Currently, this is just a wrapper of the C library by nsf, though my plan is to convert it to be a pure Rust implementation and remove the requirement on the C library. The original implementation of this was inspired by [Aaron Pribadi](http://github.com/apribadi/rust-termbox), so big props to him for the original work. **NOTE** This is under development, and the APIs may change as I figure out more how Rust works and as the language itself changes ## Usage In your `Cargo.toml` add the following: ```toml [dependencies.rustbox] git = "https://github.com/yymirror/rustbox2.git" ``` Then, in your `src/example.rs`: ```rust #![feature(core)] extern crate rustbox2; use std::error::Error; use std::default::Default; use rustbox2::{Color, RustBox}; use rustbox2::Key; fn main() { let rustbox = match RustBox::init(Default::default()) { Result::Ok(v) => v, Result::Err(e) => panic!("{}", e), }; rustbox.print(1, 1, rustbox::RB_BOLD, Color::White, Color::Black, "Hello, world!"); rustbox.print(1, 3, rustbox::RB_BOLD, Color::White, Color::Black, "Press 'q' to quit."); rustbox.present(); loop { match rustbox.poll_event(false) { Ok(rustbox::Event::KeyEvent(key)) => { match key { Key::Char('q') => { break; } _ => { } } }, Err(e) => panic!("{}", e.description()), _ => { } } } } ``` **NOTE:** this example can also be run with `cargo run --example hello-world`.