An attempt was made to constrain an associated type. For example: ```compile_fail,E0222 pub trait Vehicle { type Color; } pub trait Box { type Color; } pub trait BoxCar : Box + Vehicle {} fn dent_object(c: dyn BoxCar) {} // Invalid constraint ``` In this example, `BoxCar` has two super-traits: `Vehicle` and `Box`. Both of these traits define an associated type `Color`. `BoxCar` inherits two types with that name from both super-traits. Because of this, we need to use the fully qualified path syntax to refer to the appropriate `Color` associated type, either `::Color` or `::Color`, but this syntax is not allowed to be used in a function signature. In order to encode this kind of constraint, a `where` clause and a new type parameter are needed: ``` pub trait Vehicle { type Color; } pub trait Box { type Color; } pub trait BoxCar : Box + Vehicle {} // Introduce a new `CAR` type parameter fn foo( c: CAR, ) where // Bind the type parameter `CAR` to the trait `BoxCar` CAR: BoxCar, // Further restrict `::Color` to be the same as the // type parameter `COLOR` CAR: Vehicle, // We can also simultaneously restrict the other trait's associated type CAR: Box {} ```