#### Note: this error code is no longer emitted by the compiler. This error occurs when an attempt is made to mutate or mutably reference data that a closure has captured immutably. Erroneous code example: ```compile_fail // Accepts a function or a closure that captures its environment immutably. // Closures passed to foo will not be able to mutate their closed-over state. fn foo(f: F) { } // Attempts to mutate closed-over data. Error message reads: // `cannot assign to data in a captured outer variable...` fn mutable() { let mut x = 0u32; foo(|| x = 2); } // Attempts to take a mutable reference to closed-over data. Error message // reads: `cannot borrow data mutably in a captured outer variable...` fn mut_addr() { let mut x = 0u32; foo(|| { let y = &mut x; }); } ``` The problem here is that foo is defined as accepting a parameter of type `Fn`. Closures passed into foo will thus be inferred to be of type `Fn`, meaning that they capture their context immutably. If the definition of `foo` is under your control, the simplest solution is to capture the data mutably. This can be done by defining `foo` to take FnMut rather than Fn: ``` fn foo(f: F) { } ``` Alternatively, we can consider using the `Cell` and `RefCell` types to achieve interior mutability through a shared reference. Our example's `mutable` function could be redefined as below: ``` use std::cell::Cell; fn foo(f: F) { } fn mutable() { let x = Cell::new(0u32); foo(|| x.set(2)); } ``` You can read more about cell types in the API documentation: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/cell/