The type name used is not in scope. Erroneous code examples: ```compile_fail,E0412 impl Something {} // error: type name `Something` is not in scope // or: trait Foo { fn bar(N); // error: type name `N` is not in scope } // or: fn foo(x: T) {} // type name `T` is not in scope ``` To fix this error, please verify you didn't misspell the type name, you did declare it or imported it into the scope. Examples: ``` struct Something; impl Something {} // ok! // or: trait Foo { type N; fn bar(_: Self::N); // ok! } // or: fn foo(x: T) {} // ok! ``` Another case that causes this error is when a type is imported into a parent module. To fix this, you can follow the suggestion and use File directly or `use super::File;` which will import the types from the parent namespace. An example that causes this error is below: ```compile_fail,E0412 use std::fs::File; mod foo { fn some_function(f: File) {} } ``` ``` use std::fs::File; mod foo { // either use super::File; // or // use std::fs::File; fn foo(f: File) {} } # fn main() {} // don't insert it for us; that'll break imports ```