An identifier was used like a function name or a value was expected and the identifier exists but it belongs to a different namespace. For (an erroneous) example, here a `struct` variant name were used as a function: ```compile_fail,E0423 struct Foo { a: bool }; let f = Foo(); // error: expected function, tuple struct or tuple variant, found `Foo` // `Foo` is a struct name, but this expression uses it like a function name ``` Please verify you didn't misspell the name of what you actually wanted to use here. Example: ``` fn Foo() -> u32 { 0 } let f = Foo(); // ok! ``` It is common to forget the trailing `!` on macro invocations, which would also yield this error: ```compile_fail,E0423 println(""); // error: expected function, tuple struct or tuple variant, // found macro `println` // did you mean `println!(...)`? (notice the trailing `!`) ``` Another case where this error is emitted is when a value is expected, but something else is found: ```compile_fail,E0423 pub mod a { pub const I: i32 = 1; } fn h1() -> i32 { a.I //~^ ERROR expected value, found module `a` // did you mean `a::I`? } ```