Macro import declarations were malformed. Erroneous code examples: ```compile_fail,E0466 #[macro_use(a_macro(another_macro))] // error: invalid import declaration extern crate core as some_crate; #[macro_use(i_want = "some_macros")] // error: invalid import declaration extern crate core as another_crate; ``` This is a syntax error at the level of attribute declarations. The proper syntax for macro imports is the following: ```ignore (cannot-doctest-multicrate-project) // In some_crate: #[macro_export] macro_rules! get_tacos { ... } #[macro_export] macro_rules! get_pimientos { ... } // In your crate: #[macro_use(get_tacos, get_pimientos)] // It imports `get_tacos` and extern crate some_crate; // `get_pimientos` macros from some_crate ``` If you would like to import all exported macros, write `macro_use` with no arguments.