A value was moved out while it was still borrowed. Erroneous code example: ```compile_fail,E0505 struct Value {} fn borrow(val: &Value) {} fn eat(val: Value) {} fn main() { let x = Value{}; let _ref_to_val: &Value = &x; eat(x); borrow(_ref_to_val); } ``` Here, the function `eat` takes ownership of `x`. However, `x` cannot be moved because the borrow to `_ref_to_val` needs to last till the function `borrow`. To fix that you can do a few different things: * Try to avoid moving the variable. * Release borrow before move. * Implement the `Copy` trait on the type. Examples: ``` struct Value {} fn borrow(val: &Value) {} fn eat(val: &Value) {} fn main() { let x = Value{}; let ref_to_val: &Value = &x; eat(&x); // pass by reference, if it's possible borrow(ref_to_val); } ``` Or: ``` struct Value {} fn borrow(val: &Value) {} fn eat(val: Value) {} fn main() { let x = Value{}; let ref_to_val: &Value = &x; borrow(ref_to_val); // ref_to_val is no longer used. eat(x); } ``` Or: ``` #[derive(Clone, Copy)] // implement Copy trait struct Value {} fn borrow(val: &Value) {} fn eat(val: Value) {} fn main() { let x = Value{}; let ref_to_val: &Value = &x; eat(x); // it will be copied here. borrow(ref_to_val); } ``` You can find more information about borrowing in the rust-book: http://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch04-02-references-and-borrowing.html