This error occurs when an attempt is made to assign to a borrowed value. Erroneous code example: ```compile_fail,E0506 struct FancyNum { num: u8, } fn main() { let mut fancy_num = FancyNum { num: 5 }; let fancy_ref = &fancy_num; fancy_num = FancyNum { num: 6 }; // error: cannot assign to `fancy_num` because it is borrowed println!("Num: {}, Ref: {}", fancy_num.num, fancy_ref.num); } ``` Because `fancy_ref` still holds a reference to `fancy_num`, `fancy_num` can't be assigned to a new value as it would invalidate the reference. Alternatively, we can move out of `fancy_num` into a second `fancy_num`: ``` struct FancyNum { num: u8, } fn main() { let mut fancy_num = FancyNum { num: 5 }; let moved_num = fancy_num; fancy_num = FancyNum { num: 6 }; println!("Num: {}, Moved num: {}", fancy_num.num, moved_num.num); } ``` If the value has to be borrowed, try limiting the lifetime of the borrow using a scoped block: ``` struct FancyNum { num: u8, } fn main() { let mut fancy_num = FancyNum { num: 5 }; { let fancy_ref = &fancy_num; println!("Ref: {}", fancy_ref.num); } // Works because `fancy_ref` is no longer in scope fancy_num = FancyNum { num: 6 }; println!("Num: {}", fancy_num.num); } ``` Or by moving the reference into a function: ``` struct FancyNum { num: u8, } fn main() { let mut fancy_num = FancyNum { num: 5 }; print_fancy_ref(&fancy_num); // Works because function borrow has ended fancy_num = FancyNum { num: 6 }; println!("Num: {}", fancy_num.num); } fn print_fancy_ref(fancy_ref: &FancyNum){ println!("Ref: {}", fancy_ref.num); } ```