A method was called on a raw pointer whose inner type wasn't completely known. For example, you may have done something like: ```compile_fail # #![deny(warnings)] let foo = &1; let bar = foo as *const _; if bar.is_null() { // ... } ``` Here, the type of `bar` isn't known; it could be a pointer to anything. Instead, specify a type for the pointer (preferably something that makes sense for the thing you're pointing to): ``` let foo = &1; let bar = foo as *const i32; if bar.is_null() { // ... } ``` Even though `is_null()` exists as a method on any raw pointer, Rust shows this error because Rust allows for `self` to have arbitrary types (behind the arbitrary_self_types feature flag). This means that someone can specify such a function: ```ignore (cannot-doctest-feature-doesnt-exist-yet) impl Foo { fn is_null(self: *const Self) -> bool { // do something else } } ``` and now when you call `.is_null()` on a raw pointer to `Foo`, there's ambiguity. Given that we don't know what type the pointer is, and there's potential ambiguity for some types, we disallow calling methods on raw pointers when the type is unknown.