use std::{ env, ffi::{OsStr, OsString}, fmt::Display, path::{Path, PathBuf}, process::{Command, Stdio}, }; use curl::easy::Easy; use tar::Archive; use xz::read::XzDecoder; static PREBUILT_LLVM_URL: &str = ""; static REQUIRED_MAJOR_LLVM_VERSION: u8 = 7; fn main() { rustc_llvm_build(); // this is set by cuda_builder, but in case somebody is using the codegen // manually, default to 520 (which is what nvvm defaults to). if option_env!("CUDA_ARCH").is_none() { println!("cargo:rustc-env=CUDA_ARCH=520") } } fn fail(s: &str) -> ! { println!("\n\n{}\n\n", s); std::process::exit(1); } #[track_caller] pub fn output(cmd: &mut Command) -> String { let output = match cmd.stderr(Stdio::inherit()).output() { Ok(status) => status, Err(e) => fail(&format!( "failed to execute command: {:?}\nerror: {}", cmd, e )), }; assert!( output.status.success(), "command did not execute successfully: {:?}\n\ expected success, got: {}", cmd, output.status ); String::from_utf8(output.stdout).unwrap() } fn target_to_llvm_prebuilt(target: &str) -> String { let base = match target { "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc" => "windows-x86_64", // NOTE(RDambrosio016): currently disabled because of weird issues with segfaults and building the C++ shim // "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" => "linux-x86_64", _ => panic!("Unsupported target with no matching prebuilt LLVM: `{}`, install LLVM and set LLVM_CONFIG", target) }; format!("{}.tar.xz", base) } fn find_llvm_config(target: &str) -> PathBuf { // first, if LLVM_CONFIG is set then see if its llvm version if 7.x, if so, use that. let config_env = tracked_env_var_os("LLVM_CONFIG"); // if LLVM_CONFIG is not set, try using llvm-config as a normal app in PATH. let path_to_try = config_env.unwrap_or_else(|| "llvm-config".into()); // if USE_PREBUILT_LLVM is set to 1 then download prebuilt llvm without trying llvm-config if tracked_env_var_os("USE_PREBUILT_LLVM") != Some("1".into()) { let cmd = Command::new(&path_to_try).arg("--version").output(); if let Ok(out) = cmd { let version = String::from_utf8(out.stdout).unwrap(); if version.starts_with(&REQUIRED_MAJOR_LLVM_VERSION.to_string()) { return PathBuf::from(path_to_try); } } } // otherwise, download prebuilt LLVM. println!("cargo:warning=Downloading prebuilt LLVM"); let mut url = tracked_env_var_os("PREBUILT_LLVM_URL") .map(|x| x.to_string_lossy().to_string()) .unwrap_or_else(|| PREBUILT_LLVM_URL.to_string()); let prebuilt_name = target_to_llvm_prebuilt(target); url = format!("{}{}", url, prebuilt_name); let out = env::var("OUT_DIR").expect("OUT_DIR was not set"); let mut easy = Easy::new(); easy.url(&url).unwrap(); let _redirect = easy.follow_location(true).unwrap(); let mut xz_encoded = Vec::with_capacity(20_000_000); // 20mb { let mut transfer = easy.transfer(); transfer .write_function(|data| { xz_encoded.extend_from_slice(data); Ok(data.len()) }) .expect("Failed to download prebuilt LLVM"); transfer .perform() .expect("Failed to download prebuilt LLVM"); } let decompressor = XzDecoder::new(xz_encoded.as_slice()); let mut ar = Archive::new(decompressor); ar.unpack(&out).expect("Failed to unpack LLVM to LLVM dir"); let out_path = PathBuf::from(out).join(prebuilt_name.strip_suffix(".tar.xz").unwrap()); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", out_path.display()); out_path .join("bin") .join(format!("llvm-config{}", std::env::consts::EXE_SUFFIX)) } fn detect_llvm_link() -> (&'static str, &'static str) { // Force the link mode we want, preferring static by default, but // possibly overridden by `configure --enable-llvm-link-shared`. if tracked_env_var_os("LLVM_LINK_SHARED").is_some() { ("dylib", "--link-shared") } else { ("static", "--link-static") } } pub fn tracked_env_var_os + Display>(key: K) -> Option { println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed={}", key); env::var_os(key) } fn rustc_llvm_build() { let target = env::var("TARGET").expect("TARGET was not set"); let llvm_config = find_llvm_config(&target); let required_components = &["ipo", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "lto", "nvptx"]; let components = output(Command::new(&llvm_config).arg("--components")); let mut components = components.split_whitespace().collect::>(); components.retain(|c| required_components.contains(c)); for component in required_components { assert!( components.contains(component), "require llvm component {} but wasn't found", component ); } for component in components.iter() { println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=llvm_component=\"{}\"", component); } // Link in our own LLVM shims, compiled with the same flags as LLVM let mut cmd = Command::new(&llvm_config); cmd.arg("--cxxflags"); let cxxflags = output(&mut cmd); let mut cfg = cc::Build::new(); cfg.warnings(false); for flag in cxxflags.split_whitespace() { if flag.starts_with("-flto") { continue; } // ignore flags that aren't supported in gcc 8 if flag == "-Wcovered-switch-default" { continue; } if flag == "-Wstring-conversion" { continue; } if flag == "-Werror=unguarded-availability-new" { continue; } cfg.flag(flag); } for component in &components { let mut flag = String::from("LLVM_COMPONENT_"); flag.push_str(&component.to_uppercase()); cfg.define(&flag, None); } if tracked_env_var_os("LLVM_RUSTLLVM").is_some() { cfg.define("LLVM_RUSTLLVM", None); } build_helper::rerun_if_changed(Path::new("rustc_llvm_wrapper")); cfg.file("rustc_llvm_wrapper/RustWrapper.cpp") .file("rustc_llvm_wrapper/PassWrapper.cpp") .include("rustc_llvm_wrapper") .cpp(true) .cpp_link_stdlib(None) // we handle this below .compile("llvm-wrapper"); let (llvm_kind, llvm_link_arg) = detect_llvm_link(); // Link in all LLVM libraries, if we're using the "wrong" llvm-config then // we don't pick up system libs because unfortunately they're for the host // of llvm-config, not the target that we're attempting to link. let mut cmd = Command::new(&llvm_config); cmd.arg(llvm_link_arg).arg("--libs"); if target.contains("windows-gnu") { println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=shell32"); println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=uuid"); } else if target.contains("netbsd") || target.contains("haiku") { println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=z"); } cmd.args(&components); for lib in output(&mut cmd).split_whitespace() { let name = if let Some(stripped) = lib.strip_prefix("-l") { stripped } else if let Some(stripped) = lib.strip_prefix('-') { stripped } else if Path::new(lib).exists() { // On MSVC llvm-config will print the full name to libraries, but // we're only interested in the name part let name = Path::new(lib).file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(); name.trim_end_matches(".lib") } else if lib.ends_with(".lib") { // Some MSVC libraries just come up with `.lib` tacked on, so chop // that off lib.trim_end_matches(".lib") } else { continue; }; // Don't need or want this library, but LLVM's CMake build system // doesn't provide a way to disable it, so filter it here even though we // may or may not have built it. We don't reference anything from this // library and it otherwise may just pull in extra dependencies on // libedit which we don't want if name == "LLVMLineEditor" { continue; } let kind = if name.starts_with("LLVM") { llvm_kind } else { "dylib" }; println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib={}={}", kind, name); } // Link in the system libraries that LLVM depends on #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))] link_llvm_system_libs(&llvm_config, required_components); // LLVM ldflags // // If we're a cross-compile of LLVM then unfortunately we can't trust these // ldflags (largely where all the LLVM libs are located). Currently just // hack around this by replacing the host triple with the target and pray // that those -L directories are the same! let mut cmd = Command::new(&llvm_config); cmd.arg(llvm_link_arg).arg("--ldflags"); for lib in output(&mut cmd).split_whitespace() { if let Some(stripped) = lib.strip_prefix("-LIBPATH:") { println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", stripped); } else if let Some(stripped) = lib.strip_prefix("-l") { println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib={}", stripped); } else if let Some(stripped) = lib.strip_prefix("-L") { println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", stripped); } } // Some LLVM linker flags (-L and -l) may be needed even when linking // rustc_llvm, for example when using static libc++, we may need to // manually specify the library search path and -ldl -lpthread as link // dependencies. let llvm_linker_flags = tracked_env_var_os("LLVM_LINKER_FLAGS"); if let Some(s) = llvm_linker_flags { for lib in s.into_string().unwrap().split_whitespace() { if let Some(stripped) = lib.strip_prefix("-l") { println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib={}", stripped); } else if let Some(stripped) = lib.strip_prefix("-L") { println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", stripped); } } } let llvm_static_stdcpp = tracked_env_var_os("LLVM_STATIC_STDCPP"); let llvm_use_libcxx = tracked_env_var_os("LLVM_USE_LIBCXX"); let stdcppname = if target.contains("openbsd") { if target.contains("sparc64") { "estdc++" } else { "c++" } } else if target.contains("freebsd") || target.contains("darwin") { "c++" } else if target.contains("netbsd") && llvm_static_stdcpp.is_some() { // NetBSD uses a separate library when relocation is required "stdc++_pic" } else if llvm_use_libcxx.is_some() { "c++" } else { "stdc++" }; // RISC-V requires libatomic for sub-word atomic operations if target.starts_with("riscv") { println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=atomic"); } // C++ runtime library if !target.contains("msvc") { if let Some(s) = llvm_static_stdcpp { assert!(!cxxflags.contains("stdlib=libc++")); let path = PathBuf::from(s); println!( "cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", path.parent().unwrap().display() ); if target.contains("windows") { println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static-nobundle={}", stdcppname); } else { println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static={}", stdcppname); } } else if cxxflags.contains("stdlib=libc++") { println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=c++"); } else { println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib={}", stdcppname); } } // Libstdc++ depends on pthread which Rust doesn't link on MinGW // since nothing else requires it. if target.contains("windows-gnu") { println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static-nobundle=pthread"); } } #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))] fn link_llvm_system_libs(llvm_config: &Path, components: &[&str]) { let mut cmd = Command::new(&llvm_config); cmd.arg("--system-libs"); for comp in components { cmd.arg(comp); } for lib in output(&mut cmd).split_whitespace() { let name = if let Some(stripped) = lib.strip_prefix("-l") { stripped } else { continue; }; println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=dylib={}", name); } }