# Rustcmdpev A command-line Rust Postgres query visualizer, heavily inspired by the excellent (web-based) [pev](https://github.com/AlexTatiyants/pev). It started out being ported from [gocmdpev](https://github.com/simon-engledew/gocmdpev) # Demo # Install # Overview ## Usage Generate a query plan with all the trimmings by prefixing your query with: ```pgsql EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, COSTS, VERBOSE, BUFFERS, FORMAT JSON) ``` Then pipe the resulting query plan into `rustcmdpev`. On MacOS you can just grab a query on your clipboard and run this one-liner: ```bash pbpaste | sed '1s/^/EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, COSTS, VERBOSE, BUFFERS, FORMAT JSON) /' | psql -qXAt | rustcmdpev ``` ## Local development ### View sample output ``` cargo run -- '[{"Plan":{"Alias":"c0","Node Type":"Seq Scan","Parallel Aware":false,"Plan Rows":50,"Plan Width":1572,"Relation Name":"coaches","Startup Cost":0.0,"Total Cost":10.5}}]' ``` ## Testing To see output from print statements, run with nocapture flag: `cargo test -- --nocapture`