# rustcord A safe wrapper around the Discord Rich Presence API, updated to the latest library version. Wrapper version: 0.2.4 Discord RPC version: 3.4.0 ### Example ```rust use rustcord::{Rustcord, EventHandlers, User, RichPresenceBuilder}; use std::io; pub struct Handlers; impl EventHandlers for Handlers { fn ready(user: User) { println!("User {}#{} logged in...", user.username, user.discriminator); } } fn main() -> Result<(), io::Error> { let discord = Rustcord::init::("APP_ID_HERE", true, None)?; let presence = RichPresenceBuilder::new() .state("Rusting") .details("Mining few crystals") .large_image_key("rust") .large_image_text("Rust") .small_image_key("amethyst") .small_image_text("Amethyst") .build(); discord.update_presence(presence)?; loop { discord.run_callbacks(); } Ok(()) } ``` ### Documentation [docs.rs][docs_rs] ### Useful links [The C API Documentation][rpc_docs] ### License Apache-2.0 [docs_rs]:https://docs.rs/rustcord [rpc_docs]:https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/rich-presence/how-to