# rustdoc-json A library for programmatically working with [rustdoc JSON](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/76578). ## Build rustdoc JSON To build rustdoc JSON for a library with the manifest path `project/Cargo.toml`, do like this: ```rust let json_path = rustdoc_json::Builder::default() .toolchain("nightly") .manifest_path("project/Cargo.toml") .build() .unwrap(); // Prints `Wrote rustdoc JSON to "/Users/martin/src/project/target/doc/project.json"` println!("Wrote rustdoc JSON to {:?}", &json_path); ``` There are many more build options. See the [docs](https://docs.rs/rustdoc-json/latest/rustdoc_json/struct.Builder.html) to learn about all of them. ## Changelog Please refer to [CHANGELOG.md](https://github.com/cargo-public-api/cargo-public-api/blob/main/rustdoc-json/CHANGELOG.md). ## Tests This library is indirectly and heavily tested through the [`public-api`](https://crates.io/crates/public-api) and [`cargo-public-api`](https://crates.io/crates/cargo-public-api) test suites. Their tests heavily depend on this library, so if all of their tests pass, then this library works as it should. All tests are of course ensured to pass before a new release is made. # Trademark Notice "Rust" and "Cargo" are trademarks of the Rust Foundation. This project is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or otherwise associated with the Rust Project or Rust Foundation.