Selected elements can be used a dividers blocks: input: |

expect: |

Textile-like syntax within divider blocks is not parsed: input: | The following _strong_ is not so.
expect: |

The following strong is not so.

Dividers can be escaped by starting the block with whitespace, but it also escapes wrapping: input: | expect: | Dividers accept attributes: input: | expect: | Dividers accept trailing whitespace within the tag: input: |

expect: |

Dividers can be self-closing: setup: setHtmlType: xhtml input: |

expect: |

Dividers can be paired containers: setup: setHtmlType: xhtml input: |
expect: |
Dividers do not terminate extended blocks: input: | bc..

p. Paragraph. expect: |


    <img src="image.jpg">


Textile-block containing divider content is not a divider: input: | p. expect: |

Divider matching does not care about character encoding: input: | expect: | Divider matching is case-insensitive: input: |

expect: |

Divider can not wrap content: input: | Content. expect: |


Divider that wraps content will not be wrapped if its not a phrasing element: input: |
Content. expect: |
Content. Divider can not contain any other content: input: | *Content*. expect: |


Divider blocks can consist of multiple tags: input: |

expect: |

Dividers must be closed: input: |
expect: |



Textile syntax that generates divider-like tags is not a divider: input: | !image.jpg! expect: |

Dividers are sanitized in restricted mode: setup: setRestricted: true input: | !image.jpg! expect: |

<img src=“image.jpg”>