# ref: [package] name = "rustkey" version = "0.4.0" edition = "2021" description = "rusTkey — rust library for tillitis TKey application development" authors = ["Danny van Heumen "] readme = "README.md" # FIXME decide on what license to use. (GPL-2.0-only is probably too restrictive given many licenses on Apache-2.0, (L)GPL-3.0, etc.) license = "GPL-2.0-only" repository = "https://codeberg.org/rustkey/rustkey/" publish = ["crates-io"] autobins = false autoexamples = false autotests = false autobenches = false [lib] name = "rustkey" crate-type = ["lib"] path = "src/lib.rs" test = false doctest = false bench = false plugin = false proc-macro = false # successfully building a binary app file, additionally requires: # - `app.lds`: linker script # - `.cargo/config.toml`: configuration for riscv32i target # - `src/main.rs`, which shows the required `_start` function which performs # some basic initialization, and `main` which is the starting point for the # application. [[bin]] name = "example" path = "src/main.rs" test = false bench = false [[bin]] name = "test" path = "src/test.rs" test = false bench = false [[bin]] name = "bench" path = "src/bench.rs" test = false bench = false