#[macro_use] extern crate rustless; extern crate iron; extern crate url; extern crate serde; extern crate serde_json; extern crate valico; use std::fmt; use std::error; use std::error::Error as StdError; use valico::json_dsl; use rustless::server::status; use rustless::errors::{Error}; use rustless::batteries::swagger; use rustless::batteries::cookie::{Cookie, CookieExt}; use rustless::{Nesting}; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct UnauthorizedError; impl error::Error for UnauthorizedError { fn description(&self) -> &str { return "UnauthorizedError"; } } impl fmt::Display for UnauthorizedError { fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { self.description().fmt(formatter) } } fn main() { let mut app = rustless::Application::new(rustless::Api::build(|api| { api.prefix("api"); api.version("v1", rustless::Versioning::Path); api.mount(swagger::create_api("api-docs")); api.error_formatter(|err, _media| { match err.downcast::() { Some(_) => { return Some(rustless::Response::from( status::StatusCode::Unauthorized, Box::new("Please provide correct `token` parameter") )) }, None => None } }); api.post("greet/:name", |endpoint| { endpoint.summary("Sends greeting"); endpoint.desc("Use this to talk to yourself"); endpoint.params(|params| { params.req_typed("name", json_dsl::string()); params.req_typed("greeting", json_dsl::string()); }); endpoint.handle(|client, params| { client.text( format!("{}, {}", params.find("greeting").unwrap().to_string(), params.find("name").unwrap().to_string()) ) }) }); api.get("echo", |endpoint| { endpoint.summary("Sends back what it gets"); endpoint.desc("Use this to talk to yourself"); endpoint.handle(|client, params| { client.json(params) }) }); api.namespace("admin", |admin_ns| { admin_ns.params(|params| { params.req_typed("token", json_dsl::string()) }); // Using after_validation callback to check token admin_ns.after_validation(|_client, params| { match params.find("token") { // We can unwrap() safely because token in validated already Some(token) => if token.as_str().unwrap() == "password1" { return Ok(()) }, None => () } // Fire error from callback is token is wrong return Err(rustless::ErrorResponse{ error: Box::new(UnauthorizedError) as Box, response: None }) }); // This `/api/admin/server_status` endpoint is secure now admin_ns.get("server_status", |endpoint| { endpoint.summary("Get server status"); endpoint.desc("Use this API to receive some useful information about the state of our server"); endpoint.handle(|client, _params| { { let cookies = client.request.cookies(); #[cfg(feature = "ssl")] let signed_cookies = cookies.signed(); #[cfg(not(feature = "ssl"))] let signed_cookies = cookies; let user_cookie = Cookie::new("session".to_string(), "verified".to_string()); signed_cookies.add(user_cookie); } client.text("Everything is OK".to_string()) }) }); }) })); swagger::enable(&mut app, swagger::Spec { info: swagger::Info { title: "Example API".to_string(), description: Some("Simple API to demonstration".to_string()), contact: Some(swagger::Contact { name: "Stanislav Panferov".to_string(), url: Some("http://panferov.me".to_string()), ..std::default::Default::default() }), license: Some(swagger::License { name: "MIT".to_string(), url: "http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT".to_string() }), ..std::default::Default::default() }, ..std::default::Default::default() }); let mut chain = iron::Chain::new(app); chain.link(::rustless::batteries::cookie::new("secretsecretsecretsecretsecretsecretsecret".as_bytes())); iron::Iron::new(chain).http("").unwrap(); println!("On 4000"); }