//! Rustlr is an LR-style parser generator for Rust. Advanced features
//! include:
//! 1. Option to automatically generate the AST datatypes and semantic actions, with manual overrides possible. Rustlr's grammar format contains a sublanguage
//! that controls how ASTS are created, so that the generated types do
//! not necessarily reflect the format of the grammar.
//! 2. Option to use [bumpalo](https://docs.rs/bumpalo/latest/bumpalo/index.html) to create
//! ASTS types that enable *nested* pattern atching against recursive types.
//! 3. Recognizes regex-style operators `*`, `+` and `?`, which simplify
//! the writing of grammars and allow better ASTs to be created.
//! 4. An experimental feature that recognizes *Selective Marcus-Leermakers*
//! grammars. This is a class of unambiguous grammars that's
//! larger than traditional LR grammars. They are especially helpful
//! in avoiding conflicts when new production rules are added to a grammar.
//! 5. The ability to train the parser interactively for better error reporting
//! 6. Also generates parsers for F# and other .Net languages
//! A **[tutorial]()**
//! is separately available that will explain the
//! format of grammars and how to generate and deploy parsers for several
//! examples. The documentation found here should be used as a technical
//! reference.
//! Rustlr should be installed as an executable (**cargo install rustlr**),
//! although parser generation can also be invoked with the [rustle] function.
//! Many of the items exported by this crate are only required by the parsers
//! that are generated, and are not intended to be used in other programs.
//! However, rustlr uses traits and trait objects to loosely couple the
//! various components of the runtime parser so that custom interfaces, such as
//! those for graphical IDEs, can built around a basic [ZCParser::parse_core]
//! function.
#[cfg(feature = "generator")]
mod generator_lib;
#[cfg(feature = "generator")]
pub use generator_lib::*;
pub mod zc_parser;
use zc_parser::*;
mod grammar_processor;
use grammar_processor::*;
mod lr_statemachine;
use lr_statemachine::*;
pub mod lexer_interface;
pub use lexer_interface::*;
pub mod runtime_parser;
use runtime_parser::*;
mod augmenter;
use augmenter::*;
pub mod generic_absyn;
pub use generic_absyn::*;
pub mod zc_parser;
use zc_parser::*;
mod parser_writer;
mod sd_parserwriter;
mod fs_parserwriter;
mod ast_writer;
mod fs_astwriter;
mod bumpast_writer;
mod lalr_statemachine;
mod selmlk; // experimental
//mod logos_lexer;
mod yacc_ast;
mod yaccparser;
use lalr_statemachine::LALRMachine;
use selmlk::{MLStatemachine};
pub use lr_statemachine::{Stateaction,decode_action};
pub use runtime_parser::{RuntimeParser,RProduction};
pub use zc_parser::{ZCParser,ZCRProduction};
//pub use enhancements::{ParseValue,ParseResult,Enhanced_Lexer};
pub const VERSION:&'static str = "0.4.13";
/// This function can be called from within Rust to generate a parser/lexer.
/// It takes the same arguments as the rustlr command-line application.
/// Furthermore, if given the `-trace 0` option, no output will be
/// sent to stdout or stderr. Instead, a log of events is recorded and
/// is returned. An `Ok(_)` result indicates that some parser was created
/// and an `Err(_)` result indicates failure.
/// Example:
/// ```ignore
/// let report = rustlr::generate("simplecalc.grammar -o src/main.rs -trace 0");
/// ```
pub fn generate(argv:&str) -> Result {
let asplit:Vec<_> = argv.split_whitespace().collect();
/// This function is retained for backwards compatiblity. It is recommended
/// to call [generate] instead.
pub fn rustle(args:&Vec) -> Result // called from main
let mut args2 = Vec::new();
for s in args { args2.push(&s[..]); }
fn rustle1(args:&[&str]) -> Result // called from main
let argc = args.len();
if argc<2 {
//eprintln!("Must give path of .grammar file"); return;
return Err("Must give path of .grammar file".to_owned());
let mut filepath = "";
let mut parserfile = String::from(""); // -o target
let mut lalr = false; // changed from false in version 0.2.0
let mut newlalr = true;
let mut tracelev:usize = 1; // trace-level
let mut verbose = false;
let mut zc = true;
let mut genlex = false;
let mut genabsyn = false;
let mut lrsd = false;
let mut lrsdmaxk:usize = selmlk::MAXK;
let mut regenerate = false;
let mut mode = 0;
let mut conv_yacc = false;
let mut argi = 1; // next argument position
while argi {filepath = args[argi];},
filen if filen.ends_with(".y") => {
"lr1" | "LR1" | "-lr1" => { lalr=false; newlalr=false; },
"lalr" | "LALR" | "-lalr" => {newlalr=true; },
"lalr1" | "LALR1" | "-lalr1" => {newlalr=true; },
"oldlalr" | "-oldlalr" | "-selML" => {newlalr=false; lalr=true;}
"-lrsd" | "lrsd" => {
newlalr=false; lalr=false; lrsd=true;
if argi+1() {
lrsdmaxk=mk; argi+=1;
} // next arg is number
}//if next arg exists
"-regenerate" => { regenerate=true; },
"-fsharp" => {mode=1;},
"-trace" => {
if argi() {tracelev=lv; }
if tracelev>0 {println!("trace-level set to {}",tracelev);}
"verbose" | "-verbose" => { verbose=true; },
"-zc" | "zero_copy" => {zc=true;},
"genlex" | "-genlex" => {genlex=true; },
"-genabsyn" | "-ast" | "-auto" => {genabsyn = true; },
"-nozc" => {zc=false;},
"binary" | "-binary" => { verbose=false; },
"-o" => {
if argi {},
}//match directive
}//while there are command-line args
if filepath.len()==0 {
//eprintln!("Must give path of .grammar file or .y file to convert from");
return Err("Must give path of .grammar file or .y file to convert from".to_owned());
if conv_yacc {
return Ok(String::new());
//return Ok(".y grammar converted to .grammar\n".to_owned());
if zc && verbose {
//eprintln!("verbose mode not compatible with -zc option");
return Err("verbose mode not compatible with -zc option".to_owned());
if tracelev>0 && verbose {println!("verbose parsers should be used for diagnositic purposes and cannot be trained/augmented");}
if tracelev>1 {println!("parsing grammar from {}",&filepath);}
let mut grammar1 = Grammar::new();
grammar1.genlex = genlex;
grammar1.genabsyn = genabsyn;
grammar1.tracelev = tracelev;
grammar1.mode = mode; // 0 for rust, 1 for fsharp
let parsedok = grammar1.parse_grammar(filepath); // ***
if !parsedok {
//println!("\nFailed to process grammar");
return Err(format!("\nFailed to process grammar at {}",filepath));
// Check grammar integrity: now done inside parse
if grammar1.name.len()<2 { // derive grammar name from filepath
let doti = if let Some(p)= filepath.rfind('.') {p} else {filepath.len()};
let mut slashi = if let Some(p) = filepath.rfind('/') {p+1} else {0};
if slashi==0 {
slashi = if let Some(p) = filepath.rfind('\\') {p+1} else {0};
grammar1.name = filepath[slashi..doti].to_string();
}// derive grammar name
let gramname = grammar1.name.clone();
let pfsuffix = if mode==1 {"fs"} else {"rs"};
if grammar1.genabsyn {
let mut slashpos = parserfile.rfind('/');
if let None = slashpos {slashpos = parserfile.rfind('\\');}
let mut astpath = format!("{}_ast.{}",&gramname,pfsuffix);
if let Some(pos) = slashpos { astpath=format!("{}{}",&parserfile[..pos+1],&astpath); }
let wres;
if mode==1 {wres = grammar1.write_fsast(&astpath); }
else if !grammar1.bumpast { wres = grammar1.writeabsyn(&astpath); }
else {wres = grammar1.write_bumpast(&astpath); }
if !wres.is_ok() {
//eprintln!("Failed to generate abstract syntax");
return Err("Failed to generate abstract syntax".to_owned());
grammar1.delay_transform(); // static delayed reduction markers
if tracelev>2 {println!("computing Nullable set");}
if tracelev>2 {println!("computing First sets");}
let mut fsm0;
if lrsd {
grammar1.logprint(&format!("Generating Experimental LR-Selective Delay State Machine with Max Delay = {}",lrsdmaxk));
let mut lrsdfsm = MLStatemachine::new(grammar1);
lrsdfsm.regenerate = regenerate;
//fsm0 = lrsdfsm.to_statemachine();
if lrsdfsm.failed {
//println!("NO PARSER GENERATED"); return;
if !lrsdfsm.failed && lrsdfsm.regenerate {
lrsdfsm.Gmr.logprint("Re-Generating LR(1) machine for transformed grammar...");
lrsd = false;
fsm0 = Statemachine::new(lrsdfsm.Gmr);
fsm0.lalr = false;
fsm0.generatefsm(); //GENERATE THE FSM
} else { fsm0 = lrsdfsm.to_statemachine(); }
// but of course there will be more conflicts since there will be
// more rules. The original rules that caused conflicts for LR are
// still there??
} else // not lrsd
if newlalr { // newlalr takes precedence over other flags
grammar1.logprint("Generating LALR(1) state machine");
let mut lalrfsm = LALRMachine::new(grammar1);
fsm0 = lalrfsm.to_statemachine();
else {
grammar1.logprint(&format!("Generating {} state machine for grammar {}...",if lalr {"older LALR"} else {"LR1"},&gramname));
fsm0 = Statemachine::new(grammar1);
fsm0.lalr = lalr;
if lalr {fsm0.Open = Vec::with_capacity(1024); } // important
fsm0.generatefsm(); //GENERATE THE FSM
} // old code
if tracelev>2 && !newlalr && !lrsd { for state in &fsm0.States {printstate(state,&fsm0.Gmr);} }
else if tracelev>1 && !newlalr && !lrsd { printstate(&fsm0.States[0],&fsm0.Gmr); }//print states
if parserfile.len()<1 || parserfile.ends_with('/') || parserfile.ends_with('\\') {parserfile.push_str(&format!("{}parser.{}",&gramname,pfsuffix));}
if fsm0.States.len()>65536 {
return Err(format!("too many states: {} execeeds limit of 65536",fsm0.States.len()));
let write_result =
if mode==1 { fsm0.writefsparser(&parserfile) }
if zc { // write zero-copy parser
if !lrsd {fsm0.writeenumparser(&parserfile)}
else {fsm0.writelrsdparser(&parserfile)}
else { // non-zc, original before version 0.2.0
if verbose /*fsm0.States.len()<=16*/ {fsm0.write_verbose(&parserfile)}
else {fsm0.writeparser(&parserfile)}
}; // write_result =
//if tracelev>0 && !lrsd {eprintln!("{} total states",fsm0.FSM.len());}
fsm0.Gmr.logprint(&format!("{} total states",fsm0.FSM.len()));
if let Ok(_) = write_result {
fsm0.Gmr.logprint(&format!("Parser saved in {}",&parserfile));
else if let Err(err) = write_result {
return Err(format!("failed to write parser, likely due to invalid -o destination\n{:?}",err));
let mut savedlog = String::new();
if tracelev==0 {fsm0.Gmr.swap_log(&mut savedlog);}