# rustme Generate your Rust project's README-like files. [![crate version](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/rustme.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/rustme) [![Live Build Status](https://img.shields.io/github/workflow/status/khonsulabs/rustme/Tests/main)](https://github.com/khonsulabs/rustme/actions?query=workflow:Tests) [![Documentation for `main` branch](https://img.shields.io/badge/docs-main-informational)](https://khonsulabs.github.io/rustme/main/rustme/) RustMe generates files by concatenating multiple sections into a new file. It has specific features that are useful for Rust projects: - Rust-annotated markdown code blocks are processed to remove lines that start with `#`, making the blocks render the same as when used with `#![doc = include_str!("...)]`. This crate uses this functionality with the code snippet below. - Include snippets from other files. Annotate a file with special comments, and import them. The "basic" example demonstrates this functionality. - Snippets are automatically trimmed to remove equal whitespace at the beginning of each line. - Include sections that are remote URLs. - [We](https://khonsulabs.com/) manage a lot of repositories, and wanted to standardize specific sections of our README files across all repositories. This README's footer is loaded from another repository. - This can also be used to include standard files. We use that with our repositories to pull standardized files, such as licenses, from a central repository. ## `rustme` command line interface To install, simply run `cargo install rustme`. Currently `rustme` ignores all command line arguments. It looks for a [Ron](https://github.com/ron-rs/ron)-formatted `Configuration` located in either `./rustme.ron` or `./.rustme/config.ron`, and generates the files relative to the configuration file. ## `rustme` as a library ```rust let config = rustme::Configuration::load("examples/basic/.rustme.ron").unwrap(); config.generate().unwrap(); ``` ## This is a `rustme` This README was generated using `rustme`. ## Open-source Licenses This project, like all projects from [Khonsu Labs](https://khonsulabs.com/), are open-source. This repository is available under the [MIT License](./LICENSE-MIT) or the [Apache License 2.0](./LICENSE-APACHE). To learn more about contributing, please see [CONTRIBUTING.md](./CONTRIBUTING.md).