// examples/simple_window.rs use rustofi::window::*; fn fizzbuzz() -> Vec { let mut results = Vec::new(); // print fizzbuzz as a rofi! for x in 1..25 { // divisible by 3 or by 5 match (x % 3 == 0, x % 5 == 0) { (false, false) => results.push(x.to_string()), // neither (false, true) => results.push("Fizz".to_string()), // divisible by 5 (true, false) => results.push("Buzz".to_string()), // divisible by 3 (true, true) => results.push("FizzBuzz".to_string()), // divisible by both } } results } fn main() { // create a window with 8 lines and a vector of strings and show it Window::new("FizzBuzz in Rofi!").lines(8).show(fizzbuzz()); }