# A Rust automaton manipulation library project. ## Functionalities The library allows to build automatons (DFA and NFA) and regexes. It also provides lots of classic algorithms over theses structures and allows to convert from one to another. ## Algorithms implemented - union of two automatons - intersection of two automatons - equality of two automatons - concatenation of two automatons - complementary of an automaton - minimisation of an automaton - Kleene closure of an automaton - determinization of an automaton - completed automaton - accessible automaton - co-accessible automaton - trimmed automaton - reversed automaton ## Displayal Regexes can be displayed as Strings but the "simplify" function is not incredible so it generates stupidly long regexes. Automatons can be exported to [.dot files](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DOT_(graph_description_language)). ## Bugs This library hasn't been tested intensively so I wouldn't recommend using it for something too serious. If you notice a bug or anything weird don't hesitate to open an issue or a pull request on [the Github page](https://github.com/pgimalac/rustomaton).