import argparse import json import os import sys import diffimg import lxml.etree as etree import PIL.Image as Image import PIL.ImageChops as ImageChops import PIL.ImageOps as ImageOps import xmldiff.main as main ns = {'svg': ''} linkToTestSuiteCat = '' linkToTestInEditor = '' def start_webpage(): html = etree.Element('html') head = etree.Element('head') html.append(head) title = etree.SubElement(head, 'title') title.text = 'Verovio test suite for Pull Request' etree.SubElement(head, 'link', attrib={ 'rel': 'stylesheet', 'href': '', 'type': 'text/css'}) etree.SubElement(head, 'link', attrib={ 'rel': 'stylesheet', 'href': '', 'type': 'text/css'}) etree.SubElement(head, 'link', attrib={ 'rel': 'stylesheet', 'href': '', 'type': ' text/css'}) etree.SubElement(head, 'script', attrib={ 'src': '', 'type': 'text/javascript'}) etree.SubElement(head, 'script', attrib={ 'src': '', 'type': 'text/javascript'}) body = etree.Element('body') html.append(body) return html, body def end_webpage(html, body, htmlOutFile): js = """ $(document).ready(function(){ $(".nav-tabs a").click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $(this).tab('show'); }); $("a.before-after").click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $(this).parent().next('.img-before-after').toggle(); }); }); """ script = etree.SubElement(body, 'script', attrib={ 'type': 'text/javascript'}) script.text = js docType = '' tree = etree.ElementTree(html) tree.write(htmlFileOut, xml_declaration=False, doctype=docType, method='html', pretty_print=True) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Examine diffrences in renderings of MEI scores') parser.add_argument('input_dir1') parser.add_argument('input_dir2') parser.add_argument('output_dir') parser.add_argument('-t', '--threshold', required=False, type=float, default=0.1, help='Threshold for visual difference in percent') args = parser.parse_args() html, body = start_webpage() div = etree.Element('div', attrib={'class': 'container'}) body.append(div) text1 = etree.SubElement(div, 'h3') text2 = etree.SubElement(div, 'p') ulTablist = etree.SubElement( div, 'ul', attrib={'class': 'nav nav-pills', 'role': 'tablist'}) divTabcontent = etree.SubElement( div, 'div', attrib={'class': 'tab-content'}) totalChanges = 0 categoryChanges = 0 log = [] path_in1 = args.input_dir1 path_in2 = args.input_dir2 path_out = args.output_dir dir1 = sorted(os.listdir(path_in1)) for item1 in dir1: if not(os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path_in1, item1))): continue # create the output directory if necessary if not(os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path_out, item1))): os.mkdir(os.path.join(path_out, item1)) divTab = etree.SubElement(divTabcontent, 'div', attrib={ 'id': item1, 'class': 'tab-pane', 'role': 'tabpanel'}) etree.SubElement(divTab, 'hr') h4 = etree.SubElement(divTab, 'h4') a = etree.SubElement( h4, 'a', attrib={'href': linkToTestSuiteCat + item1, 'target': '_blank'}) a.text = 'Open the test suite for this category' table = etree.SubElement(divTab, 'table', attrib={ 'class': 'table table-bordered'}) nbChanges = 0 dir2 = sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(path_in1, item1))) for item2 in dir2: # skip directories if not(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path_in1, item1, item2))): continue # skip hidden files and not SVG files if item2.startswith('.') or not(item2.endswith('.svg')): continue svgFile1 = os.path.join(path_in1, item1, item2) svgFile2 = os.path.join(path_in2, item1, item2) # filenames (input SVG and output PNG) name, ext = os.path.splitext(item2) pngFile1 = os.path.join(path_in1, item1, name + '.png') pngFile2 = os.path.join(path_in2, item1, name + '.png') pngFileOut = os.path.join(path_out, item1, name + '.png') pngFile1Out = os.path.join(path_out, item1, name + '.after.png') pngFile2Out = os.path.join(path_out, item1, name + '.before.png') print(f'Comparing {name}') diffValue = diffimg.diff(pngFile1, pngFile2, delete_diff_file=True) if (diffValue > (args.threshold / 100.0)): print(f'Img diff: {diffValue}') row = etree.SubElement(table, 'tr') col = etree.SubElement(row, 'td') p = etree.SubElement(col, 'p') p.text = name + ' (diff:' + str(diffValue) + ') - ' # link to Verovio editor a = etree.SubElement(p, 'a', attrib={ 'href': linkToTestInEditor + item1 + '/' + name + '.mei', 'target': "_blank"}) a.text = 'Open this test in the Verovio Editor' etree.SubElement(col, 'img', attrib={ 'src': item1 + '/' + name + '.png', 'class': 'img-responsive'}) # link to show before - after p = etree.SubElement(col, 'p') a = etree.SubElement( p, 'a', attrib={'href': '#', 'class': 'before-after'}) a.text = 'Show before / after' divBeforeAfter = etree.SubElement( col, 'div', attrib={'class': 'img-before-after', 'style': 'display: none'}) etree.SubElement(divBeforeAfter, 'img', attrib={ 'src': item1 + '/' + name + '.before.png', 'class': 'img-responsive'}) etree.SubElement(divBeforeAfter, 'img', attrib={ 'src': item1 + '/' + name + '.after.png', 'class': 'img-responsive'}) nbChanges += 1 im1 = im2 = difference = ImageChops.difference(im1, im2) diffIm1 =, difference.size) R, G, B, A = difference.split() mask ='L', diffIm1.size, 255) diffIm2 = Image.merge('RGBA', (mask, G, B, A)) diffIm2.paste(diffIm1, (0, 0), diffIm1) tree1 = etree.parse(svgFile1) root1 = tree1.getroot() tree2 = etree.parse(svgFile2) root2 = tree2.getroot() # remove all attributes for node in root1.xpath('//*[@*]'): node.attrib.clear() for e in root1.findall('./svg:desc', namespaces=ns): root1.remove(e) # remove //svg/desc (version will be different) for node in root2.xpath('//*[@*]'): node.attrib.clear() for e in root2.findall('./svg:desc', namespaces=ns): root2.remove(e) # unused for now diff = main.diff_trees(root1, root2) if (len(diff) > 0): print(f'Node diff: {len(diff)}') if (nbChanges > 0): li = etree.SubElement(ulTablist, 'li', attrib={ 'role': 'presentation'}) link = etree.SubElement(li, 'a', attrib={ 'data-toggle': 'tab', 'role': 'tab', 'aria-controls': item1, 'href': '#' + item1}) link.text = item1.capitalize() + ' ' span = etree.SubElement(link, 'span', attrib={'class': 'badge'}) span.text = str(nbChanges) log.append("* {}: {}".format(item1, nbChanges)) categoryChanges += 1 totalChanges += nbChanges text1.text = 'Test suite visual regression test for PR' text2.text = '{} change(s) detected in {} test category(ies)'.format( totalChanges, categoryChanges) htmlFileOut = os.path.join(path_out, 'index.html') end_webpage(html, body, htmlFileOut) if (totalChanges > 0): logFileOut = os.path.join(path_out, '') with open(logFileOut, 'w') as f: f.write("\n%s\n" % text2.text) for item in log: f.write("%s\n" % item)