use std::fmt::Write as _; use std::fs::File; use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader, BufWriter, Write}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use tiny_keccak::{Hasher, Sha3}; fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let out_dir = PathBuf::from(std::env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap()); gen_phf(&out_dir); const SOURCE: &str = "src/python.lalrpop"; println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={SOURCE}"); let target; let error; #[cfg(feature = "lalrpop")] { target = out_dir.join("src/"); } #[cfg(not(feature = "lalrpop"))] { target = PathBuf::from("src/"); error = "python.lalrpop and src/ doesn't match. This is a rustpython-parser bug. Please report it unless you are editing rustpython-parser. Run `lalrpop src/python.lalrpop` to build parser again."; } let Some(message) = requires_lalrpop(SOURCE, &target) else { return Ok(()); }; #[cfg(feature = "lalrpop")] { let Err(e) = try_lalrpop() else { return Ok(()); }; error = e; } println!("cargo:warning={message}"); panic!("running lalrpop failed. {error:?}"); } fn requires_lalrpop(source: &str, target: &Path) -> Option { let Ok(target) = File::open(target) else { return Some(" doesn't exist. regenerate.".to_owned()); }; let sha_prefix = "// sha3: "; let sha3_line = if let Some(sha3_line) = BufReader::with_capacity(128, target) .lines() .find_map(|line| { let line = line.unwrap(); line.starts_with(sha_prefix).then_some(line) }) { sha3_line } else { // no sha3 line - maybe old version of lalrpop installed return Some(" doesn't include sha3 hash. regenerate.".to_owned()); }; let expected_sha3_str = sha3_line.strip_prefix(sha_prefix).unwrap(); let actual_sha3 = { let mut hasher = Sha3::v256(); let mut f = BufReader::new(File::open(source).unwrap()); let mut line = String::new(); while f.read_line(&mut line).unwrap() != 0 { if line.ends_with('\n') { line.pop(); if line.ends_with('\r') { line.pop(); } } hasher.update(line.as_bytes()); hasher.update(b"\n"); line.clear(); } let mut hash = [0u8; 32]; hasher.finalize(&mut hash); hash }; let eq = sha_equal(expected_sha3_str, &actual_sha3); if !eq { let mut actual_sha3_str = String::new(); for byte in actual_sha3 { write!(actual_sha3_str, "{byte:02x}").unwrap(); } return Some(format!( " hash expected: {expected_sha3_str} but actual: {actual_sha3_str}" )); } None } #[cfg(feature = "lalrpop")] fn try_lalrpop() -> Result<(), Box> { // We are not using lalrpop::process_root() or Configuration::process_current_dir() // because of lalrpop::Configuration::new() .use_cargo_dir_conventions() .set_in_dir(Path::new(".")) .process() } fn sha_equal(expected_sha3_str: &str, actual_sha3: &[u8; 32]) -> bool { if expected_sha3_str.len() != 64 { panic!("lalrpop version? hash bug is fixed in 0.19.8"); } let mut expected_sha3 = [0u8; 32]; for (i, b) in expected_sha3.iter_mut().enumerate() { *b = u8::from_str_radix(&expected_sha3_str[i * 2..][..2], 16).unwrap(); } *actual_sha3 == expected_sha3 } fn gen_phf(out_dir: &Path) { let mut kwds = phf_codegen::Map::new(); let kwds = kwds // Alphabetical keywords: .entry("...", "Tok::Ellipsis") .entry("False", "Tok::False") .entry("None", "Tok::None") .entry("True", "Tok::True") // more so "standard" keywords .entry("and", "Tok::And") .entry("as", "Tok::As") .entry("assert", "Tok::Assert") .entry("async", "Tok::Async") .entry("await", "Tok::Await") .entry("break", "Tok::Break") .entry("case", "Tok::Case") .entry("class", "Tok::Class") .entry("continue", "Tok::Continue") .entry("def", "Tok::Def") .entry("del", "Tok::Del") .entry("elif", "Tok::Elif") .entry("else", "Tok::Else") .entry("except", "Tok::Except") .entry("finally", "Tok::Finally") .entry("for", "Tok::For") .entry("from", "Tok::From") .entry("global", "Tok::Global") .entry("if", "Tok::If") .entry("import", "Tok::Import") .entry("in", "Tok::In") .entry("is", "Tok::Is") .entry("lambda", "Tok::Lambda") .entry("match", "Tok::Match") .entry("nonlocal", "Tok::Nonlocal") .entry("not", "Tok::Not") .entry("or", "Tok::Or") .entry("pass", "Tok::Pass") .entry("raise", "Tok::Raise") .entry("return", "Tok::Return") .entry("try", "Tok::Try") .entry("type", "Tok::Type") .entry("while", "Tok::While") .entry("with", "Tok::With") .entry("yield", "Tok::Yield") .build(); writeln!( BufWriter::new(File::create(out_dir.join("")).unwrap()), "{kwds}", ) .unwrap(); }