# RustPython

A Python-3 (CPython >= 3.8.0) Interpreter written in Rust.

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# WARNING: this project is still in a pre-alpha state!

**Using this in a production project is inadvisable. Please only do so if you understand the risks.**

## Usage

#### Check out our [online demo](https://rustpython.github.io/demo/) running on WebAssembly.

## Goals

-   Full Python-3 environment entirely in Rust (not CPython bindings)
-   A clean implementation without compatibility hacks

## Quick Documentation

pyEval(code, options?);

`code`: `string`: The Python code to run


-   `vars?`: `{ [key: string]: any }`: Variables passed to the VM that can be
    accessed in Python with the variable `js_vars`. Functions do work, and
    receive the Python kwargs as the `this` argument.
-   `stdout?`: `"console" | ((out: string) => void) | null`: A function to replace the
    native print function, and it will be `console.log` when giving `undefined`
    or "console", and it will be a dumb function when giving null.

## License

This project is licensed under the MIT license.