mod api_wrapper; mod geo; mod map; mod ascii_map; mod style; use clap::Parser; /// Throw clap error if arguments are not valid fn check_arguments(args: &Args) { // Create clap App let mut app = clap::App::new("Rustreet"); if args.zoom <= 0.0 { let err = app.error(clap::ErrorKind::InvalidValue, "The zoom value must be greater than 0."); err.exit(); } // TODO: REMOVE WHEN INTERACTIVE MODE IS IMPLEMENTED if args.interactive { let err = app.error(clap::ErrorKind::ArgumentConflict, "Interactive mode not implemented yet."); err.exit(); } } /// Process the request of the user one time, print the generated map and exit the program fn one_shot(args: &Args) { // Request bounding box from Nominatim if {println!("[INFO] Requesting data from Nominatim API")} let mut searcher = api_wrapper::Searcher::new(); let mut bbox = searcher.research(&; if {println!("[INFO] Nominatim data received. Bounding box: {}, {}, {}, {} (S/W/N/E)", bbox.coo[0], bbox.coo[1], bbox.coo[2], bbox.coo[3])} // Apply zoom bbox.zoom(args.zoom); if && args.zoom != 0.0 {println!("[INFO] Applied a x{} zoom. New bounding box: {}, {}, {}, {} (S/W/N/E)", args.zoom, bbox.coo[0], bbox.coo[1], bbox.coo[2], bbox.coo[3])} // Request map data from the Overpass API if {println!("[INFO] Requesting map data from Overpass API")} let mut overpass_data = api_wrapper::OverpassData::new(); let data = overpass_data.request(bbox, args.timeout); if {println!("[INFO] Data received")} // Generate the map if {println!("[INFO] Generating map of size {}", args.size)} let map = map::MetaMap::from(data, bbox, args.size); if {println!("[INFO] Map generated")} // Display map and exit let ascii_map = map.generate_ascii_map().with_decoration(); ascii_map.print(); } // Args parsing using clap #[derive(Parser)] #[clap(author = "myselfleo", version = "0.1.0", about = "Display maps in your terminal !")] struct Args { /// Specifies if Rustreet must start in one-shot or interactive mode. #[clap(short, long)] interactive: bool, /// A string representing a place. Example: Paris, France search: String, /// The level of zoom, should be greater than 0. #[clap(short, long, default_value_t = 1.0)] zoom: f64, /// Specifies the size of the outputted image. #[clap(short, long, default_value_t = 60)] size: u16, /// Specifies the level of details, between 0 and 6. 0 is the most detailled and 6 the less. /// The default value depends on the size of the displayed area. #[clap(short, long)] details_lvl: Option, /// Set the timeout for requests to Overpass API. #[clap(short, long, default_value_t = 30)] timeout: u32, /// If specified, will display information messages. Don't work in interactive mode. #[clap(long)] info: bool, } fn main() { // Get arguments from command line let args = Args::parse(); check_arguments(&args); // Run Rustreet in interactive or one-shot mode if args.interactive { } else { one_shot(&args); } }