/* * Copyright (c) 2012-2021 Fredrik Mellbin * * This file is part of VapourSynth. * * VapourSynth is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * VapourSynth is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with VapourSynth; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef VAPOURSYNTH4_H #define VAPOURSYNTH4_H #include #include #define VS_MAKE_VERSION(major, minor) (((major) << 16) | (minor)) #define VAPOURSYNTH_API_MAJOR 4 #define VAPOURSYNTH_API_MINOR 0 #define VAPOURSYNTH_API_VERSION VS_MAKE_VERSION(VAPOURSYNTH_API_MAJOR, VAPOURSYNTH_API_MINOR) #define VS_AUDIO_FRAME_SAMPLES 3072 /* Convenience for C++ users. */ #ifdef __cplusplus # define VS_EXTERN_C extern "C" # if __cplusplus >= 201103L || (defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 201103L) # define VS_NOEXCEPT noexcept # else # define VS_NOEXCEPT # endif #else # define VS_EXTERN_C # define VS_NOEXCEPT #endif #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64) # define VS_CC __stdcall #else # define VS_CC #endif /* And now for some symbol hide-and-seek... */ #if defined(_WIN32) /* Windows being special */ # define VS_EXTERNAL_API(ret) VS_EXTERN_C __declspec(dllexport) ret VS_CC #elif defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4 # define VS_EXTERNAL_API(ret) VS_EXTERN_C __attribute__((visibility("default"))) ret VS_CC #else # define VS_EXTERNAL_API(ret) VS_EXTERN_C ret VS_CC #endif #if !defined(VS_CORE_EXPORTS) && defined(_WIN32) # define VS_API(ret) VS_EXTERN_C __declspec(dllimport) ret VS_CC #else # define VS_API(ret) VS_EXTERNAL_API(ret) #endif typedef struct VSFrame VSFrame; typedef struct VSNode VSNode; typedef struct VSCore VSCore; typedef struct VSPlugin VSPlugin; typedef struct VSPluginFunction VSPluginFunction; typedef struct VSFunction VSFunction; typedef struct VSMap VSMap; typedef struct VSLogHandle VSLogHandle; typedef struct VSFrameContext VSFrameContext; typedef struct VSPLUGINAPI VSPLUGINAPI; typedef struct VSAPI VSAPI; typedef enum VSColorFamily { cfUndefined = 0, cfGray = 1, cfRGB = 2, cfYUV = 3 } VSColorFamily; typedef enum VSSampleType { stInteger = 0, stFloat = 1 } VSSampleType; #define VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(colorFamily, sampleType, bitsPerSample, subSamplingW, subSamplingH) ((colorFamily << 28) | (sampleType << 24) | (bitsPerSample << 16) | (subSamplingW << 8) | (subSamplingH << 0)) typedef enum VSPresetFormat { pfNone = 0, pfGray8 = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfGray, stInteger, 8, 0, 0), pfGray9 = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfGray, stInteger, 9, 0, 0), pfGray10 = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfGray, stInteger, 10, 0, 0), pfGray12 = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfGray, stInteger, 12, 0, 0), pfGray14 = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfGray, stInteger, 14, 0, 0), pfGray16 = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfGray, stInteger, 16, 0, 0), pfGray32 = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfGray, stInteger, 32, 0, 0), pfGrayH = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfGray, stFloat, 16, 0, 0), pfGrayS = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfGray, stFloat, 32, 0, 0), pfYUV410P8 = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfYUV, stInteger, 8, 2, 2), pfYUV411P8 = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfYUV, stInteger, 8, 2, 0), pfYUV440P8 = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfYUV, stInteger, 8, 0, 1), pfYUV420P8 = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfYUV, stInteger, 8, 1, 1), pfYUV422P8 = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfYUV, stInteger, 8, 1, 0), pfYUV444P8 = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfYUV, stInteger, 8, 0, 0), pfYUV420P9 = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfYUV, stInteger, 9, 1, 1), pfYUV422P9 = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfYUV, stInteger, 9, 1, 0), pfYUV444P9 = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfYUV, stInteger, 9, 0, 0), pfYUV420P10 = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfYUV, stInteger, 10, 1, 1), pfYUV422P10 = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfYUV, stInteger, 10, 1, 0), pfYUV444P10 = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfYUV, stInteger, 10, 0, 0), pfYUV420P12 = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfYUV, stInteger, 12, 1, 1), pfYUV422P12 = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfYUV, stInteger, 12, 1, 0), pfYUV444P12 = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfYUV, stInteger, 12, 0, 0), pfYUV420P14 = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfYUV, stInteger, 14, 1, 1), pfYUV422P14 = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfYUV, stInteger, 14, 1, 0), pfYUV444P14 = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfYUV, stInteger, 14, 0, 0), pfYUV420P16 = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfYUV, stInteger, 16, 1, 1), pfYUV422P16 = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfYUV, stInteger, 16, 1, 0), pfYUV444P16 = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfYUV, stInteger, 16, 0, 0), pfYUV444PH = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfYUV, stFloat, 16, 0, 0), pfYUV444PS = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfYUV, stFloat, 32, 0, 0), pfRGB24 = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfRGB, stInteger, 8, 0, 0), pfRGB27 = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfRGB, stInteger, 9, 0, 0), pfRGB30 = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfRGB, stInteger, 10, 0, 0), pfRGB36 = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfRGB, stInteger, 12, 0, 0), pfRGB42 = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfRGB, stInteger, 14, 0, 0), pfRGB48 = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfRGB, stInteger, 16, 0, 0), pfRGBH = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfRGB, stFloat, 16, 0, 0), pfRGBS = VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID(cfRGB, stFloat, 32, 0, 0), } VSPresetFormat; #undef VS_MAKE_VIDEO_ID typedef enum VSFilterMode { fmParallel = 0, /* completely parallel execution */ fmParallelRequests = 1, /* for filters that are serial in nature but can request one or more frames they need in advance */ fmUnordered = 2, /* for filters that modify their internal state every request like source filters that read a file */ fmFrameState = 3 /* DO NOT USE UNLESS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY, for compatibility with external code that can only keep the processing state of a single frame at a time */ } VSFilterMode; typedef enum VSMediaType { mtVideo = 1, mtAudio = 2 } VSMediaType; typedef struct VSVideoFormat { int colorFamily; /* see VSColorFamily */ int sampleType; /* see VSSampleType */ int bitsPerSample; /* number of significant bits */ int bytesPerSample; /* actual storage is always in a power of 2 and the smallest possible that can fit the number of bits used per sample */ int subSamplingW; /* log2 subsampling factor, applied to second and third plane */ int subSamplingH; /* log2 subsampling factor, applied to second and third plane */ int numPlanes; /* implicit from colorFamily */ } VSVideoFormat; typedef enum VSAudioChannels { acFrontLeft = 0, acFrontRight = 1, acFrontCenter = 2, acLowFrequency = 3, acBackLeft = 4, acBackRight = 5, acFrontLeftOFCenter = 6, acFrontRightOFCenter = 7, acBackCenter = 8, acSideLeft = 9, acSideRight = 10, acTopCenter = 11, acTopFrontLeft = 12, acTopFrontCenter = 13, acTopFrontRight = 14, acTopBackLeft = 15, acTopBackCenter = 16, acTopBackRight = 17, acStereoLeft = 29, acStereoRight = 30, acWideLeft = 31, acWideRight = 32, acSurroundDirectLeft = 33, acSurroundDirectRight = 34, acLowFrequency2 = 35 } VSAudioChannels; typedef struct VSAudioFormat { int sampleType; int bitsPerSample; int bytesPerSample; /* implicit from bitsPerSample */ int numChannels; /* implicit from channelLayout */ uint64_t channelLayout; } VSAudioFormat; typedef enum VSPropertyType { ptUnset = 0, ptInt = 1, ptFloat = 2, ptData = 3, ptFunction = 4, ptVideoNode = 5, ptAudioNode = 6, ptVideoFrame = 7, ptAudioFrame = 8 } VSPropertyType; typedef enum VSMapPropertyError { peSuccess = 0, peUnset = 1, /* no key exists */ peType = 2, /* key exists but not of a compatible type */ peIndex = 4, /* index out of bounds */ peError = 3 /* map has error state set */ } VSMapPropertyError; typedef enum VSMapAppendMode { maReplace = 0, maAppend = 1 } VSMapAppendMode; typedef struct VSCoreInfo { const char *versionString; int core; int api; int numThreads; int64_t maxFramebufferSize; int64_t usedFramebufferSize; } VSCoreInfo; typedef struct VSVideoInfo { VSVideoFormat format; int64_t fpsNum; int64_t fpsDen; int width; int height; int numFrames; } VSVideoInfo; typedef struct VSAudioInfo { VSAudioFormat format; int sampleRate; int64_t numSamples; int numFrames; /* the total number of audio frames needed to hold numSamples, implicit from numSamples when calling createAudioFilter */ } VSAudioInfo; typedef enum VSActivationReason { arInitial = 0, arAllFramesReady = 1, arError = -1 } VSActivationReason; typedef enum VSMessageType { mtDebug = 0, mtInformation = 1, mtWarning = 2, mtCritical = 3, mtFatal = 4 /* also terminates the process, should generally not be used by normal filters */ } VSMessageType; typedef enum VSCoreCreationFlags { ccfEnableGraphInspection = 1, ccfDisableAutoLoading = 2, ccfDisableLibraryUnloading = 4 } VSCoreCreationFlags; typedef enum VSPluginConfigFlags { pcModifiable = 1 } VSPluginConfigFlags; typedef enum VSDataTypeHint { dtUnknown = -1, dtBinary = 0, dtUtf8 = 1 } VSDataTypeHint; typedef enum VSRequestPattern { rpGeneral = 0, /* General pattern */ rpNoFrameReuse = 1, /* When requesting all output frames from the filter no frame will be requested more than once from this input clip, never requests frames beyond the end of the clip */ rpStrictSpatial = 2 /* Always (and only) requests frame n from input clip when generating output frame n, never requests frames beyond the end of the clip */ } VSRequestPattern; typedef enum VSCacheMode { cmAuto = -1, cmForceDisable = 0, cmForceEnable = 1 } VSCacheMode; /* Core entry point */ typedef const VSAPI *(VS_CC *VSGetVapourSynthAPI)(int version); /* Plugin, function and filter related */ typedef void (VS_CC *VSPublicFunction)(const VSMap *in, VSMap *out, void *userData, VSCore *core, const VSAPI *vsapi); typedef void (VS_CC *VSInitPlugin)(VSPlugin *plugin, const VSPLUGINAPI *vspapi); typedef void (VS_CC *VSFreeFunctionData)(void *userData); typedef const VSFrame *(VS_CC *VSFilterGetFrame)(int n, int activationReason, void *instanceData, void **frameData, VSFrameContext *frameCtx, VSCore *core, const VSAPI *vsapi); typedef void (VS_CC *VSFilterFree)(void *instanceData, VSCore *core, const VSAPI *vsapi); /* Other */ typedef void (VS_CC *VSFrameDoneCallback)(void *userData, const VSFrame *f, int n, VSNode *node, const char *errorMsg); typedef void (VS_CC *VSLogHandler)(int msgType, const char *msg, void *userData); typedef void (VS_CC *VSLogHandlerFree)(void *userData); struct VSPLUGINAPI { int (VS_CC *getAPIVersion)(void) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* returns VAPOURSYNTH_API_VERSION of the library */ int (VS_CC *configPlugin)(const char *identifier, const char *pluginNamespace, const char *name, int pluginVersion, int apiVersion, int flags, VSPlugin *plugin) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* use the VS_MAKE_VERSION macro for pluginVersion */ int (VS_CC *registerFunction)(const char *name, const char *args, const char *returnType, VSPublicFunction argsFunc, void *functionData, VSPlugin *plugin) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* non-zero return value on success */ }; typedef struct VSFilterDependency { VSNode *source; int requestPattern; /* VSRequestPattern */ } VSFilterDependency; struct VSAPI { /* Audio and video filter related including nodes */ void (VS_CC *createVideoFilter)(VSMap *out, const char *name, const VSVideoInfo *vi, VSFilterGetFrame getFrame, VSFilterFree free, int filterMode, const VSFilterDependency *dependencies, int numDeps, void *instanceData, VSCore *core) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* output nodes are appended to the clip key in the out map */ VSNode *(VS_CC *createVideoFilter2)(const char *name, const VSVideoInfo *vi, VSFilterGetFrame getFrame, VSFilterFree free, int filterMode, const VSFilterDependency *dependencies, int numDeps, void *instanceData, VSCore *core) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* same as createVideoFilter but returns a pointer to the VSNode directly or NULL on failure */ void (VS_CC *createAudioFilter)(VSMap *out, const char *name, const VSAudioInfo *ai, VSFilterGetFrame getFrame, VSFilterFree free, int filterMode, const VSFilterDependency *dependencies, int numDeps, void *instanceData, VSCore *core) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* output nodes are appended to the clip key in the out map */ VSNode *(VS_CC *createAudioFilter2)(const char *name, const VSAudioInfo *ai, VSFilterGetFrame getFrame, VSFilterFree free, int filterMode, const VSFilterDependency *dependencies, int numDeps, void *instanceData, VSCore *core) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* same as createAudioFilter but returns a pointer to the VSNode directly or NULL on failure */ int (VS_CC *setLinearFilter)(VSNode *node) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* Use right after create*Filter*, sets the correct cache mode for using the cacheFrame API and returns the recommended upper number of additional frames to cache per request */ void (VS_CC *setCacheMode)(VSNode *node, int mode) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* VSCacheMode, changing the cache mode also resets all options to their default */ void (VS_CC *setCacheOptions)(VSNode *node, int fixedSize, int maxSize, int maxHistorySize) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* passing -1 means no change */ void (VS_CC *freeNode)(VSNode *node) VS_NOEXCEPT; VSNode *(VS_CC *addNodeRef)(VSNode *node) VS_NOEXCEPT; int (VS_CC *getNodeType)(VSNode *node) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* returns VSMediaType */ const VSVideoInfo *(VS_CC *getVideoInfo)(VSNode *node) VS_NOEXCEPT; const VSAudioInfo *(VS_CC *getAudioInfo)(VSNode *node) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* Frame related functions */ VSFrame *(VS_CC *newVideoFrame)(const VSVideoFormat *format, int width, int height, const VSFrame *propSrc, VSCore *core) VS_NOEXCEPT; VSFrame *(VS_CC *newVideoFrame2)(const VSVideoFormat *format, int width, int height, const VSFrame **planeSrc, const int *planes, const VSFrame *propSrc, VSCore *core) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* same as newVideoFrame but allows the specified planes to be effectively copied from the source frames */ VSFrame *(VS_CC *newAudioFrame)(const VSAudioFormat *format, int numSamples, const VSFrame *propSrc, VSCore *core) VS_NOEXCEPT; VSFrame *(VS_CC *newAudioFrame2)(const VSAudioFormat *format, int numSamples, const VSFrame **channelSrc, const int *channels, const VSFrame *propSrc, VSCore *core) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* same as newAudioFrame but allows the specified channels to be effectively copied from the source frames */ void (VS_CC *freeFrame)(const VSFrame *f) VS_NOEXCEPT; const VSFrame *(VS_CC *addFrameRef)(const VSFrame *f) VS_NOEXCEPT; VSFrame *(VS_CC *copyFrame)(const VSFrame *f, VSCore *core) VS_NOEXCEPT; const VSMap *(VS_CC *getFramePropertiesRO)(const VSFrame *f) VS_NOEXCEPT; VSMap *(VS_CC *getFramePropertiesRW)(VSFrame *f) VS_NOEXCEPT; ptrdiff_t (VS_CC *getStride)(const VSFrame *f, int plane) VS_NOEXCEPT; const uint8_t *(VS_CC *getReadPtr)(const VSFrame *f, int plane) VS_NOEXCEPT; uint8_t *(VS_CC *getWritePtr)(VSFrame *f, int plane) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* calling this function invalidates previously gotten read pointers to the same frame */ const VSVideoFormat *(VS_CC *getVideoFrameFormat)(const VSFrame *f) VS_NOEXCEPT; const VSAudioFormat *(VS_CC *getAudioFrameFormat)(const VSFrame *f) VS_NOEXCEPT; int (VS_CC *getFrameType)(const VSFrame *f) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* returns VSMediaType */ int (VS_CC *getFrameWidth)(const VSFrame *f, int plane) VS_NOEXCEPT; int (VS_CC *getFrameHeight)(const VSFrame *f, int plane) VS_NOEXCEPT; int (VS_CC *getFrameLength)(const VSFrame *f) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* returns the number of samples for audio frames */ /* General format functions */ int (VS_CC *getVideoFormatName)(const VSVideoFormat *format, char *buffer) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* up to 32 characters including terminating null may be written to the buffer, non-zero return value on success */ int (VS_CC *getAudioFormatName)(const VSAudioFormat *format, char *buffer) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* up to 32 characters including terminating null may be written to the buffer, non-zero return value on success */ int (VS_CC *queryVideoFormat)(VSVideoFormat *format, int colorFamily, int sampleType, int bitsPerSample, int subSamplingW, int subSamplingH, VSCore *core) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* non-zero return value on success */ int (VS_CC *queryAudioFormat)(VSAudioFormat *format, int sampleType, int bitsPerSample, uint64_t channelLayout, VSCore *core) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* non-zero return value on success */ uint32_t (VS_CC *queryVideoFormatID)(int colorFamily, int sampleType, int bitsPerSample, int subSamplingW, int subSamplingH, VSCore *core) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* returns 0 on failure */ int (VS_CC *getVideoFormatByID)(VSVideoFormat *format, uint32_t id, VSCore *core) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* non-zero return value on success */ /* Frame request and filter getframe functions */ const VSFrame *(VS_CC *getFrame)(int n, VSNode *node, char *errorMsg, int bufSize) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* only for external applications using the core as a library or for requesting frames in a filter constructor, do not use inside a filter's getframe function */ void (VS_CC *getFrameAsync)(int n, VSNode *node, VSFrameDoneCallback callback, void *userData) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* only for external applications using the core as a library or for requesting frames in a filter constructor, do not use inside a filter's getframe function */ const VSFrame *(VS_CC *getFrameFilter)(int n, VSNode *node, VSFrameContext *frameCtx) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* only use inside a filter's getframe function */ void (VS_CC *requestFrameFilter)(int n, VSNode *node, VSFrameContext *frameCtx) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* only use inside a filter's getframe function */ void (VS_CC *releaseFrameEarly)(VSNode *node, int n, VSFrameContext *frameCtx) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* only use inside a filter's getframe function, unless this function is called a requested frame is kept in memory until the end of processing the current frame */ void (VS_CC *cacheFrame)(const VSFrame *frame, int n, VSFrameContext *frameCtx) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* used to store intermediate frames in cache, useful for filters where random access is slow, must call setLinearFilter on the node before using or the result is undefined */ void (VS_CC *setFilterError)(const char *errorMessage, VSFrameContext *frameCtx) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* used to signal errors in the filter getframe function */ /* External functions */ VSFunction *(VS_CC *createFunction)(VSPublicFunction func, void *userData, VSFreeFunctionData free, VSCore *core) VS_NOEXCEPT; void (VS_CC *freeFunction)(VSFunction *f) VS_NOEXCEPT; VSFunction *(VS_CC *addFunctionRef)(VSFunction *f) VS_NOEXCEPT; void (VS_CC *callFunction)(VSFunction *func, const VSMap *in, VSMap *out) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* Map and property access functions */ VSMap *(VS_CC *createMap)(void) VS_NOEXCEPT; void (VS_CC *freeMap)(VSMap *map) VS_NOEXCEPT; void (VS_CC *clearMap)(VSMap *map) VS_NOEXCEPT; void (VS_CC *copyMap)(const VSMap *src, VSMap *dst) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* copies all values in src to dst, if a key already exists in dst it's replaced */ void (VS_CC *mapSetError)(VSMap *map, const char *errorMessage) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* used to signal errors outside filter getframe function */ const char *(VS_CC *mapGetError)(const VSMap *map) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* used to query errors, returns 0 if no error */ int (VS_CC *mapNumKeys)(const VSMap *map) VS_NOEXCEPT; const char *(VS_CC *mapGetKey)(const VSMap *map, int index) VS_NOEXCEPT; int (VS_CC *mapDeleteKey)(VSMap *map, const char *key) VS_NOEXCEPT; int (VS_CC *mapNumElements)(const VSMap *map, const char *key) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* returns -1 if a key doesn't exist */ int (VS_CC *mapGetType)(const VSMap *map, const char *key) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* returns VSPropertyType */ int (VS_CC *mapSetEmpty)(VSMap *map, const char *key, int type) VS_NOEXCEPT; int64_t (VS_CC *mapGetInt)(const VSMap *map, const char *key, int index, int *error) VS_NOEXCEPT; int (VS_CC *mapGetIntSaturated)(const VSMap *map, const char *key, int index, int *error) VS_NOEXCEPT; const int64_t *(VS_CC *mapGetIntArray)(const VSMap *map, const char *key, int *error) VS_NOEXCEPT; int (VS_CC *mapSetInt)(VSMap *map, const char *key, int64_t i, int append) VS_NOEXCEPT; int (VS_CC *mapSetIntArray)(VSMap *map, const char *key, const int64_t *i, int size) VS_NOEXCEPT; double (VS_CC *mapGetFloat)(const VSMap *map, const char *key, int index, int *error) VS_NOEXCEPT; float (VS_CC *mapGetFloatSaturated)(const VSMap *map, const char *key, int index, int *error) VS_NOEXCEPT; const double *(VS_CC *mapGetFloatArray)(const VSMap *map, const char *key, int *error) VS_NOEXCEPT; int (VS_CC *mapSetFloat)(VSMap *map, const char *key, double d, int append) VS_NOEXCEPT; int (VS_CC *mapSetFloatArray)(VSMap *map, const char *key, const double *d, int size) VS_NOEXCEPT; const char *(VS_CC *mapGetData)(const VSMap *map, const char *key, int index, int *error) VS_NOEXCEPT; int (VS_CC *mapGetDataSize)(const VSMap *map, const char *key, int index, int *error) VS_NOEXCEPT; int (VS_CC *mapGetDataTypeHint)(const VSMap *map, const char *key, int index, int *error) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* returns VSDataTypeHint */ int (VS_CC *mapSetData)(VSMap *map, const char *key, const char *data, int size, int type, int append) VS_NOEXCEPT; VSNode *(VS_CC *mapGetNode)(const VSMap *map, const char *key, int index, int *error) VS_NOEXCEPT; int (VS_CC *mapSetNode)(VSMap *map, const char *key, VSNode *node, int append) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* returns 0 on success */ int (VS_CC *mapConsumeNode)(VSMap *map, const char *key, VSNode *node, int append) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* always consumes the reference, even on error */ const VSFrame *(VS_CC *mapGetFrame)(const VSMap *map, const char *key, int index, int *error) VS_NOEXCEPT; int (VS_CC *mapSetFrame)(VSMap *map, const char *key, const VSFrame *f, int append) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* returns 0 on success */ int (VS_CC *mapConsumeFrame)(VSMap *map, const char *key, const VSFrame *f, int append) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* always consumes the reference, even on error */ VSFunction *(VS_CC *mapGetFunction)(const VSMap *map, const char *key, int index, int *error) VS_NOEXCEPT; int (VS_CC *mapSetFunction)(VSMap *map, const char *key, VSFunction *func, int append) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* returns 0 on success */ int (VS_CC *mapConsumeFunction)(VSMap *map, const char *key, VSFunction *func, int append) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* always consumes the reference, even on error */ /* Plugin and plugin function related */ int (VS_CC *registerFunction)(const char *name, const char *args, const char *returnType, VSPublicFunction argsFunc, void *functionData, VSPlugin *plugin) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* non-zero return value on success */ VSPlugin *(VS_CC *getPluginByID)(const char *identifier, VSCore *core) VS_NOEXCEPT; VSPlugin *(VS_CC *getPluginByNamespace)(const char *ns, VSCore *core) VS_NOEXCEPT; VSPlugin *(VS_CC *getNextPlugin)(VSPlugin *plugin, VSCore *core) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* pass NULL to get the first plugin */ const char *(VS_CC *getPluginName)(VSPlugin *plugin) VS_NOEXCEPT; const char *(VS_CC *getPluginID)(VSPlugin *plugin) VS_NOEXCEPT; const char *(VS_CC *getPluginNamespace)(VSPlugin *plugin) VS_NOEXCEPT; VSPluginFunction *(VS_CC *getNextPluginFunction)(VSPluginFunction *func, VSPlugin *plugin) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* pass NULL to get the first plugin function */ VSPluginFunction *(VS_CC *getPluginFunctionByName)(const char *name, VSPlugin *plugin) VS_NOEXCEPT; const char *(VS_CC *getPluginFunctionName)(VSPluginFunction *func) VS_NOEXCEPT; const char *(VS_CC *getPluginFunctionArguments)(VSPluginFunction *func) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* returns an argument format string */ const char *(VS_CC *getPluginFunctionReturnType)(VSPluginFunction *func) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* returns an argument format string */ const char *(VS_CC *getPluginPath)(const VSPlugin *plugin) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* the full path to the loaded library file containing the plugin entry point */ int (VS_CC *getPluginVersion)(const VSPlugin *plugin) VS_NOEXCEPT; VSMap *(VS_CC *invoke)(VSPlugin *plugin, const char *name, const VSMap *args) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* user must free the returned VSMap */ /* Core and information */ VSCore *(VS_CC *createCore)(int flags) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* flags uses the VSCoreCreationFlags enum */ void (VS_CC *freeCore)(VSCore *core) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* only call this function after all node, frame and function references belonging to the core have been freed */ int64_t(VS_CC *setMaxCacheSize)(int64_t bytes, VSCore *core) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* the total cache size at which vapoursynth more aggressively tries to reclaim memory, it is not a hard limit */ int (VS_CC *setThreadCount)(int threads, VSCore *core) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* setting threads to 0 means automatic detection */ void (VS_CC *getCoreInfo)(VSCore *core, VSCoreInfo *info) VS_NOEXCEPT; int (VS_CC *getAPIVersion)(void) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* Message handler */ void (VS_CC *logMessage)(int msgType, const char *msg, VSCore *core) VS_NOEXCEPT; VSLogHandle *(VS_CC *addLogHandler)(VSLogHandler handler, VSLogHandlerFree free, void *userData, VSCore *core) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* free and userData can be NULL, returns a handle that can be passed to removeLogHandler */ int (VS_CC *removeLogHandler)(VSLogHandle *handle, VSCore *core) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* returns non-zero if successfully removed */ #ifdef VS_GRAPH_API /* Graph information */ /* * NOT PART OF THE STABLE API! * These functions only exist to retrieve internal details for debug purposes and graph visualization * They will only only work properly when used on a core created with ccfEnableGraphInspection and are * not safe to use concurrently with frame requests or other API functions * NOT PART OF THE STABLE API! */ const char *(VS_CC *getNodeCreationFunctionName)(VSNode *node, int level) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* level=0 returns the name of the function that created the filter, specifying a higher level will retrieve the function above that invoked it or NULL if a non-existent level is requested */ const VSMap *(VS_CC *getNodeCreationFunctionArguments)(VSNode *node, int level) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* level=0 returns a copy of the arguments passed to the function that created the filter, returns NULL if a non-existent level is requested */ const char *(VS_CC *getNodeName)(VSNode *node) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* the name passed to create*Filter */ int (VS_CC *getNodeFilterMode)(VSNode *node) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* VSFilterMode */ int64_t (VS_CC *getNodeFilterTime)(VSNode *node) VS_NOEXCEPT; /* time spent processing frames in nanoseconds */ const VSFilterDependency *(VS_CC *getNodeDependencies)(VSNode *node) VS_NOEXCEPT; int (VS_CC *getNumNodeDependencies)(VSNode *node) VS_NOEXCEPT; #endif }; VS_API(const VSAPI *) getVapourSynthAPI(int version) VS_NOEXCEPT; #endif /* VAPOURSYNTH4_H */