# LIF_Server A library for using space tuples in fog computing The library offers the possibility to create servers with UDP and TCP protocols. These servers allow access to a repository that stores the tuples spaces. The primitives are based on the [Rustupolis library](https://github.com/micutio/rustupolis) Voici la liste des différentes commandes disponibles : ```rust create {creation_attribute} {tuple_space_name} {permission_attribute} create {creation_attribute} {tuple_space_name} {read_permission_attribute} {in_permission_attribute} {out_permission_attribute} {delete_permission_attribute} delete {delete_permission_attribute} {tuple_space_name} attach {tuple_space_name} {permission_attribute}* out {tuple} out {tuple}(,{tuple})* read {tuple} read {tuple} (,{tuple})* in {tuple} in {tuple} (,{tuple})* ``` An example for launching 2 servers is available in the file ```\example``` # Milestones - [x] Make the tuple space available on the network - [x] Add a access control system - [x] Add the encryption on the communication - [ ] Add a data persistency system - [ ] Add a system of data placement policy