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## Overview
`rusturnate` introduces a cell-like object called a `Rusturn`, which may hold an arbitrary type.
It can be shared across thread or future boundaries using `Arc` or `static`.
## The ``Editor`` (``MutexGuard``)
Similar to `std::sync::Mutex`, a `Rusturn` allows only one thread or future to access its
contents at a time by acquiring an `Editor` (similar to a `MutexGuard`). There can only be
one editor instance accessing a `Rusturn` object at any given moment. To finish editing
the editor must either be dropped or `.done()` must be invoked on it. Subsequently, other
threads can acquire a new instance of an editor. If a panic occurs while holding an editor
it gets marked as poisoned. Despite this, access is still possible. However, you will need
to handle the resulting `PoisonError` and update the editorĀ“s value to clear its poisoned
state. `auto-poisoning` only works if the `std` feature is enabled. Otherwise, you can do
manual poisoning by activating the `manual_poisoning` or `anytime_poisoning` feature.
## Manual poisoning
## The ``Access`` object
## Awaiting results
## Feature flags
## Use of ``unsafe``
## Allocation details
This crate itself does not perform any heap allocations. However, if the `suspending_with_timeout`
feature is enabled, it utilizes the [futures-timer](https://crates.io/crates/futures-timer) crate,
which does perform heap allocations. `futures-timer` is only used for suspending execution in an
`async` context with a timeout.
## Roadmap
- [x] ``Rusturn``/``Editor`` implementation
- [x] ``sync/async`` awaiting/queuing
- [x] ``sync/async`` timeouts
- [x] auto/manual poisoning
- [ ] full ``README.md`` explanation
- [ ] clear documentation for exposed methods
- [ ] documentation for internal methods
- [ ] explicit edge case tests
- [ ] more debug assertions
## License
Licensed under either of
Apache License, Version 2.0
MIT license.