# Inputs
rusty-cli provides a ton of different inputs. It uses the
inputs from dialoguer
as base and creates some wrapped inputs that are much easier to
use and maintain.
## Confirm Input
let yes_no = ConfirmInput::get_value("Yes or no?".to_string());
println!("{}", yes_no);
The `get_value` method defined on the `ConfirmInput` struct takes one single
parameter that defines the prompt that is shown if the input is opened.
## MultiSelect Input
let items = vec!["Option 1".to_string(), "Option 2".to_string()];
let indexes = MultiSelectInput::get_selected_indexes(items.clone());
println!("{:?}", indexes);
let values = MultiSelectInput::get_selected_values(items);
println!("{:?}", values);
The `get_selected_indexes` method defined on the `MultiSelectInput`
struct takes only the items (`Vec`) as parameter and returns the index values of the
vector. The `get_selected_values` takes the same parameter, but returns the absolute
values from the vector.
## Password Input
let pwd = PasswordInput::get_value(Some("Password".to_string()), false);
println!("{}", pwd.unwrap());
The method `get_value` takes two parameters. The first one is an `Option` and defines
the prompt that should be shown. If it is `None` no prompt is shown.
The second parameter indicates whether the password should be retyped before submitting.
## Select Input
let items = vec!["Option 1".to_string(), "Option 2".to_string()];
let index = SelectInput::get_index(items.clone());
println!("{}", index.unwrap());
let value = SelectInput::get_value(items);
println!("{}", value);
The method `get_index` takes the items as parameter and returns
the index in the vector of the items. The method `get_value` takes the
same parameters, but returns the direct value from the items.
## Text Input
let value = TextInput::get_value(Some("Frage".to_string()));
println!("{}", value);
The method `get_value` takes an `Option` as parameter. It defines the
prompt that should be shown. If it is `None` no prompt is shown.
## Vim Input
let input_value = VimInput::get_value("Edit me".to_string());
println!("{}", input_value.unwrap());
The method `get_value` takes a single `String` as parameter. The string
is edited in the vim editor that is opened by the cli and the
result is returned by the method.