#!/usr/bin/zsh # Create a job to process the larger or smaller subsplits of the Pile. START=$1 END=$2 PREFIX=willm-pile2 echo "Running from $START to $END..." for split in {$START..$END}; do MACHINE=$PREFIX-$split echo "=== Creating $MACHINE... ===" gcloud compute instances create $MACHINE --source-instance-template willm-ram-384gb --zone "us-central1-a" done for split in {$START..$END}; do MACHINE=$PREFIX-$split echo "=== Launching $MACHINE... ===" gcloud compute scp --zone "us-central1-a" --recurse /home/willm/rusty-dawg-startup $MACHINE:/home/willm/rusty-dawg-startup cmd="screen -dmS cdawg bash -c 'export SPLIT=$split && chmod +x rusty-dawg-startup/wrap_startup.sh && sudo shutdown -h now; exec bash'" echo "Running command: $cmd" gcloud compute ssh --zone "us-central1-a" willm@$MACHINE --command="$cmd" done