# rusty-saber A safe pure-rust implementation of the Saber post-quantum scheme. * Saber is a lattice-based key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) * The implementation is based on the Saber reference implementation of NIST round 3 * The implementation does not utilize any concurrency techniques (SIMD/threading/…, except maybe auto-vectorization for your CPU) * It depends on `sha3` as SHA-3 implementation and `aes` as AES block cipher (used as RNG) implementation * It passes the 100 testcases of the C reference implementation * The C reference implementation is included in this distribution since it is used for tests * It implements the three variants: LightSaber, Saber, FireSaber * The KEM takes about 25 milliseconds (all three variants) to run on a modern computer * The implementation is constant-time on software instruction level * The random number generator is based on AES256 in counter mode ## Who should use it? Anyone, how wants to utilize Saber to negotiate a symmetric key between two parties. ## How does one use it? Add this to your `Cargo.toml`: ```toml [dependencies] rusty-saber = "1.0" ``` To use a specific Saber variant, you need to import it with the corresponding feature flag: ```toml [dependencies] rusty-saber = { version = "1.0", features = ["lightsaber"] } ``` Feature flags for the three variants are called `lightsaber`, `saber`, and `firesaber` respectively. The `simple` example illustrates the API: ```rust use rusty_saber::api::{ CRYPTO_BYTES, CRYPTO_CIPHERTEXTBYTES, CRYPTO_PUBLICKEYBYTES, CRYPTO_SECRETKEYBYTES, }; use rusty_saber::kem::{crypto_kem_dec, crypto_kem_enc, crypto_kem_keypair}; use rusty_saber::rng::AesState; use std::error::Error; fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let mut pk = [0u8; CRYPTO_PUBLICKEYBYTES]; let mut sk = [0u8; CRYPTO_SECRETKEYBYTES]; let mut ct = [0u8; CRYPTO_CIPHERTEXTBYTES]; let mut ss_a = [0u8; CRYPTO_BYTES]; let mut ss_b = [0u8; CRYPTO_BYTES]; let mut rng = AesState::new(); //rng.randombytes_init([0u8; 48]); // TODO use a proper seed (like bytes from /dev/urandom) here // Party a: generate public key `pk` and secret key `sk` crypto_kem_keypair(&mut pk, &mut sk, &mut rng)?; // Party b: generate a shared secret `ss_a` and ciphertext `ct` from the public key `pk` crypto_kem_enc(&mut ct, &mut ss_a, &mut pk, &mut rng)?; // Party a: derive the same shared secret `ss_b` from the ciphertext `ct` and the secret key `sk` crypto_kem_dec(&mut ss_b, &mut ct, &mut sk)?; assert_eq!(ss_a, ss_b); Ok(()) } ``` ## How does one run it? This library comes with two examples: ```bash $ cargo run --example simple ``` The `pqcgenkat_kem` example implements the classic request/response file structure which is part of the NIST PQC framework. ```bash $ cargo run --example pqcgenkat_kem $ ls *.r?? PQCkemKAT_2304.req PQCkemKAT_2304.rsp $ tail -n 2 PQCkemKAT_2304.rsp ss = E5256B4F25816367FBE235E47C25ABB78195CEF7DE3F9C77926839F209CDF652 ``` The different variants can be enabled through feature flags: ```bash $ cargo run --example pqcgenkat_kem --features lightsaber $ ls *.r?? PQCkemKAT_1568.req PQCkemKAT_1568.rsp ``` `saber` is the default variant. Unfortunately, you cannot enable two variants simultaneously. ## Is it correct? Yes. You can run unittests with the following commands: ```bash $ cargo test --features cref,lightsaber $ cargo test --features cref $ cargo test --features cref,firesaber ``` It compares the output of function calls with its C equivalent. Besides unittests, you can generate the `pqcgenkat_kem` req/rsp files and compare them to the ones generated by the C reference implementation. We verified that they are equivalent. ## Is it fast? Yes, but it takes roughly 16.2% more runtime than the C implementation. Here, data is always mentioned with clock cycles as unit. The rust implementation has the following clock-cycle count characteristics (the smaller the better):
complete KEMkeypairencdec
The C reference implementation has the following clock-cycle count characteristics (the smaller the better):
complete KEMkeypairencdec
The tests were done on a Lenovo Thinkpad x260 (Intel Core i5-6200U CPU @ 2.30GHz). In the case of rust, [criterion 0.3.5](https://crates.io/crates/criterion) has been used as given in `benches/` and in case of C, the rudimentary code utilizing the TSC register provided with the reference implementation is used. I disabled CPU frequency scaling before running experiments. You can run the benchmark suite yourself with the `bench` subcommand, the `cref` feature and optionally some variant feature flag: ```bash $ cargo bench --features cref,lightsaber $ cargo bench --features cref $ cargo bench --features cref,firesaber ``` ## Where is the source code? On [github](https://github.com/lkiem/rusty_saber). ## What is the content's license? [MIT License](LICENSE.txt) ## Changelog * **Version 1.0.0:** public release ## Where can I ask you to fix a bug? On [github](https://github.com/lkiem/rusty_saber/issues).