use navig18xx::hex::theme::AlignH; use navig18xx::prelude::*; use navig18xx::route::builder::{Result, RouteBuilder}; use std::io::Write; mod output; use output::Dir; #[test] fn run_test() -> Result<()> { main() } fn main() -> Result<()> { env_logger::Builder::from_env( env_logger::Env::default().default_filter_or("info"), ) .format(|buf, record| { writeln!( buf, "{} [{}] {}", chrono::Local::now().format("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"), record.level(), record.args() ) }) .init(); // Specify where to save the output images. let output_dir = Dir::Examples; let hex_max_diameter = 125.0; let token_a = Token::new(TokenStyle::SideArcs { fg: (176, 176, 176).into(), bg: (66, 0, 0).into(), text: Colour::WHITE, }); let name_a = "A"; let tokens = vec![(name_a, token_a)]; let tiles = vec![ tile_at("5", "A1").tokens(&[(0, name_a)]), tile_at("8", "B2").rotate_cw(4), tile_at("8", "C1").rotate_cw(1), tile_at("6", "D2").rotate_cw(2).token(0, name_a), tile_at("9", "A3"), tile_at("6", "A5").rotate_cw(5).token(0, name_a), tile_at("8", "B6").rotate_cw(4), tile_at("8", "C5").rotate_cw(1), tile_at("6", "D6").rotate_cw(2).token(0, name_a), tile_at("9", "D8"), tile_at("5", "A9").token(0, name_a), tile_at("8", "B10").rotate_cw(4), tile_at("8", "C9").rotate_cw(1), tile_at("5", "D10").rotate_cw(3).token(0, name_a), tile_at("9", "A11"), tile_at("6", "A13").rotate_cw(5).token(0, name_a), tile_at("8", "B14").rotate_cw(4), tile_at("8", "C13").rotate_cw(1), tile_at("6", "D14").rotate_cw(2).token(0, name_a), ]; let coords = Coordinates { orientation: Orientation::FlatTop, letters: Letters::AsColumns, first_row: FirstRow::OddColumns, }; let example = Example::new(hex_max_diameter, tokens, tiles, coords); let map =; let a1 = coords.parse("A1").unwrap(); let a3 = coords.parse("A3").unwrap(); let route1 = RouteBuilder::from_edge(map, a1, HexFace::LowerRight)? .to_city(0, true)? .to_edge(HexFace::Bottom)? .to_edge(HexFace::Bottom)? .to_city(0, true)? .to_edge(HexFace::LowerRight)? .to_edge(HexFace::UpperRight)? .to_edge(HexFace::LowerRight)? .to_city(0, false)? .to_edge(HexFace::Bottom)? .into_route(); let route2 = RouteBuilder::from_edge(map, a3, HexFace::Top)? .to_edge(HexFace::Bottom)? .to_city(0, true)? .into_route(); // Find the best route for an 8-train. let token = map.token(name_a); let criteria = Criteria { token, path_limit: None, conflict_rule: ConflictRule::TrackOrCityHex, route_conflict_rule: ConflictRule::TrackOnly, }; let paths = paths_for_token(map, &criteria); let trains = Trains::new(vec![TrainType::SkipTowns.with_max_stops(8)]); let best_routes = trains.select_routes(paths, vec![]); let best_route = &best_routes.unwrap().train_routes[0].route; example.draw_map(); example.draw_route(best_route, example.theme().nth_highlight_colour(1)); example.draw_route(&route1, example.theme().nth_highlight_colour(0)); example.draw_route(&route2, example.theme().nth_highlight_colour(2)); // NOTE: use Pango to draw a large label above the map. let ctx = example.context(); let centre_label = false; let horiz = if centre_label { AlignH::Centre } else { AlignH::Left }; let labeller = example .text_style() .font_serif() .font_size(36.0) .bold() .halign(horiz) .labeller(ctx, example.hex()); let label_text = "navig18xx"; let label_height = labeller.size(label_text).height; let coords = if centre_label { let image_width = example.content_size().0; (0.5 * image_width, -2.0 * label_height as f64) } else { (0.0, -2.0 * label_height as f64) }; labeller.draw(label_text, coords.into()); let bg_rgba = Some(Colour::WHITE); let margin = 20; example.write_png(margin, bg_rgba, output_dir.join("example_routes.png")); example.write_svg(margin, bg_rgba, output_dir.join("example_routes.svg")); example.write_pdf(margin, bg_rgba, output_dir.join("example_routes.pdf")); Ok(()) }