use navig18xx::prelude::*; use navig18xx::ui::*; mod output; use output::Dir; #[test] fn test() { main() } /// Creates a new game of 1861, modifies the game state by feeding events to /// the user interface, checks that these events have had the intended /// effects, and saves a screenshot. fn main() { let image_dir = Dir::Examples; let output_file = image_dir.join("offline_ui.png"); let ui = build_ui(); check_ui(&ui); save_screenshot(&ui, output_file); } /// Creates a new game of 1861, places a token on the Moscow tile, rotates the /// Moscow tile, and upgrades the Moscow tile from yellow to green. fn build_ui() -> UserInterface { // NOTE: only provide 1861 so that we can always select it by index, // no matter which games are included in `n18game::games()`. let games: Vec> = vec![Box::new(navig18xx::game::new_1861())]; let controller: Controller = control::DummyController::new().into(); let keymap = Keymap::default(); let mut ui = UserInterface::new(games, controller, keymap); // Create a new game of 1861. let response = ui.new_game(0); ui.respond(response); // Make Moscow the active hex for the default UI state. // NOTE: alternatively, feed 4x Down and 8x Left key events, since the // initial active hex is the top-right grey tile. let moscow: HexAddress = (4, 7).into(); ui.state = state::default::Default::at_hex(moscow).into(); ui.draw(); // Place a token in the bottom token space. feed_key(&mut ui, gdk::keys::constants::t); feed_key(&mut ui, gdk::keys::constants::Up); feed_key(&mut ui, gdk::keys::constants::Up); feed_key(&mut ui, gdk::keys::constants::Return); // Rotate the tile two turns clockwise. feed_key(&mut ui, gdk::keys::constants::period); feed_key(&mut ui, gdk::keys::constants::period); // Upgrade the Moscow tile to green. feed_key(&mut ui, gdk::keys::constants::u); feed_key(&mut ui, gdk::keys::constants::Return); ui } /// Feeds a key-press event to the user interface. fn feed_key(ui: &mut UserInterface, key: keymap::Key) { let (ctrl, alt, shift) = (false, false, false); let event = KeyPress { key, ctrl, alt, shift, }; let response = ui.handle_key_press(&event); ui.respond(response); } /// Tests whether the UI actions have had the intended effects. fn check_ui(ui: &UserInterface) { let moscow: HexAddress = (4, 7).into(); let hex_state_opt =; // Ensure that there is a tile placed on the Moscow hex. assert!(hex_state_opt.is_some()); let hex_state = hex_state_opt.unwrap(); // Check the placed tile's name and rotation are as expected. assert_eq!(hex_state.tile(&, "637"); assert_eq!(hex_state.rotation(), &RotateCW::Two); // Check that there is a token placed in the first token space. let tok_spaces = hex_state.tile(&; let token_opt = hex_state.token_at(&tok_spaces[0]); assert!(token_opt.is_some()); // Check that the placed token has the expected name. let token = token_opt.unwrap(); assert_eq!(, Some("KK")); } /// Saves a screenshot of the current UI state. fn save_screenshot(ui: &UserInterface, dest: std::path::PathBuf) { let margin = 1; let image = ui .canvas .copy_ink_with_margin(&ui.state, &ui.assets, margin); let _ = ui.save_image(dest, image); }