use navig18xx::prelude::*; mod output; use output::Dir; type Result = std::result::Result<(), Box>; #[test] fn test_optimal_routes_1() -> Result { let output_dir = Dir::DevGuide; optimal_routes_1(&output_dir) } fn main() -> Result { let output_dir = Dir::DevGuide; optimal_routes_1(&output_dir) } fn optimal_routes_1(output_dir: &Dir) -> Result { let hex_max_diameter = 125.0; let token_a = Token::new(TokenStyle::SideArcs { fg: (176, 176, 176).into(), bg: (66, 0, 0).into(), text: Colour::WHITE, }); let name_a = "A"; let tokens = vec![(name_a, token_a)]; // $70 --- $100 (token) --- $100 --- $50 let tiles = vec![ tile_at("X6", "B2"), tile_at("124", "C3").token(0, name_a).rotate_acw(1), tile_at("124", "C1").rotate_cw(2), tile_at("801", "D2"), ]; let coords = Coordinates { orientation: Orientation::FlatTop, letters: Letters::AsColumns, first_row: FirstRow::OddColumns, }; let mut example = Example::new(hex_max_diameter, tokens, tiles, coords); // The different train combinations. let (t8, t2p2) = ( TrainType::SkipTowns.with_max_stops(8), TrainType::SkipTowns.with_max_stops(2).with_multiplier(2), ); let trains_8 = Trains::new(vec![t8]); let trains_2p2 = Trains::new(vec![t2p2]); let trains_both = Trains::new(vec![t2p2, t8]); let combinations = [("8", trains_8), ("2p2", trains_2p2), ("both", trains_both)]; // Find all available routes, ignoring limits on the number of stops. let map =; let token = map.token(name_a); let criteria = Criteria { token, path_limit: None, conflict_rule: ConflictRule::TrackOrCityHex, route_conflict_rule: ConflictRule::TrackOnly, }; let paths = paths_for_token(map, &criteria); let bonuses = vec![]; // Background and route colours, image margins. let t8_rgba = example.theme().nth_highlight_colour(0); let t2p2_rgba = example.theme().nth_highlight_colour(1); let bg_rgba = Some(Colour::TRANSPARENT); let margin = 20; // Save the map (without any routes) to disk. example.draw_map(); example.write_png(margin, bg_rgba, output_dir.join("opt_r1.png")); for (suffix, trains) in &combinations { // Find the best route(s) for this train combination. let best_routes = trains .select_routes(paths.clone(), bonuses.clone()) .unwrap_or_else(|| { panic!("Could not find optimal routes for {}", suffix) }); // Clear the image buffer. example .erase_all() .expect("Could not erase example content"); // Draw each of the routes operated by the company. example.draw_map(); for tr in &best_routes.train_routes { if tr.train == t8 { example.draw_route(&tr.route, t8_rgba); } else { example.draw_route(&tr.route, t2p2_rgba); } } // Save the image to disk. let basename = format!("opt_r1_{}.png", suffix); example.write_png(margin, bg_rgba, output_dir.join(basename)); } Ok(()) }