use crossterm::{ event::{self, Event, KeyCode}, terminal, }; use rusty_link::AblLink; use std::sync::{ atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}, mpsc, Arc, Mutex, }; pub enum UpdateSessionState { TempoPlus, TempoMinus, TogglePlaying, } /// Polls Keyboard Input, manipulates AblLink and sends messages to /// the Audio Callback Thread to alter the SessionState there. The Link documentation /// recommends to commit changes to the SessionState in the Audio thread, if there /// are both App and Audio Threads. pub fn poll_input( tx: mpsc::Sender, running: Arc, link: Arc, quantum: Arc>, ) { terminal::enable_raw_mode().unwrap(); 'input_loop: loop { if let Event::Key(event) = event::read().expect("Input read error") { match event.code { KeyCode::Char('w') => tx.send(UpdateSessionState::TempoMinus).unwrap(), KeyCode::Char('e') => tx.send(UpdateSessionState::TempoPlus).unwrap(), KeyCode::Char(' ') => tx.send(UpdateSessionState::TogglePlaying).unwrap(), KeyCode::Char('a') => { link.enable(!link.is_enabled()); } KeyCode::Char('r') => { let mut q = quantum.lock().unwrap(); *q = (*q - 1.).max(1.); } KeyCode::Char('t') => { let mut q = quantum.lock().unwrap(); *q = (*q + 1.).min(16.); } KeyCode::Char('s') => { link.enable_start_stop_sync(!link.is_start_stop_sync_enabled()); } KeyCode::Char('q') => break 'input_loop, _ => {} } } } terminal::disable_raw_mode().unwrap(); println!("\n");, Ordering::Release); }