# rusty_math This is a Rust library for mathematical, statistical and machine learning operations. ## Version 0.7.0 New version now supports K-Means clustering. See clustering module for more details. ## Features - GCD - LCM - Factorial - Check if a number is prime - Find all primes numbers less than a number - Permutation - Combination - Integration - Differentiation - Solve a linear equation - Find roots of a polynomial using Falsi Reguli and Newton-Raphson methods - Linear Regression - Logistic Regression - Lasso and Ridge Regression - Logistic Regression - Naive Bayes Classifier - K-Nearest Neighbors - K-Means Clustering - R2 score - Mean squared error - Accuracy - Precision - Confusion Matrix - Recall - F1 score ## Installation To use `rusty_math` in your project, add the following to your `Cargo.toml` file: ```toml [dependencies] rusty_math = "0.7.0" ``` ## Modules 1. numbers: Functions to find the GCD, LCM, factorial, to check for prime, to find all prime numbers less than n. 2. calculus: Find the definite integral and slope of a function at a point. 3. Linear: Fit and predict a several types linear functions. 4. Equations: Solve a system of linear equations and find a root of polynomials using Falsi Reguli and Newton-Raphson methods 5. naive_bayes: Fit a Gaussian Naive Bayes classifier and predict classes. 6. knn: Fit and predict target values using K-nearest neighbors classification and regression models. 7. clustering: Clustering Algorithms like KMeans. 8. Metrics: Score machine learning models. See detailed documation for list of functionalities in each module. ## Usage ```rust use rusty_math::gcd; fn main() { let result = gcd(12, 15); println!("GCD of 12 and 15 is {}",result) ; } ``` ## Contributing Contributions are welcome! If you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request. In case of any questions or feedback feel free to contact me at kjmakwana00@gmail.com ## License This project is licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE).