// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use fslock::LockFile; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::env; use std::fs; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::process::exit; use std::process::Command; use std::process::Stdio; use which::which; fn main() { println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=src/binding.cc"); // These are all the environment variables that we check. This is // probably more than what is needed, but missing an important // variable can lead to broken links when switching rusty_v8 // versions. let envs = vec![ "CARGO", "CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION", "CCACHE", "CLANG_BASE_PATH", "DENO_TRYBUILD", "DOCS_RS", "GN", "GN_ARGS", "HOST", "NINJA", "OUT_DIR", "PROFILE", "RUSTY_V8_ARCHIVE", "RUSTY_V8_MIRROR", "SCCACHE", "TARGET", "V8_FORCE_DEBUG", "V8_FROM_SOURCE", ]; for env in envs { println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed={}", env); } // Detect if trybuild tests are being compiled. let is_trybuild = env::var_os("DENO_TRYBUILD").is_some(); // Don't build V8 if "cargo doc" is being run. This is to support docs.rs. let is_cargo_doc = env::var_os("DOCS_RS").is_some(); // Don't build V8 if the rust language server (RLS) is running. let is_rls = env::var_os("CARGO") .map(PathBuf::from) .as_ref() .and_then(|p| p.file_stem()) .and_then(|f| f.to_str()) .map(|s| s.starts_with("rls")) .unwrap_or(false); if !(is_trybuild || is_cargo_doc | is_rls) { if env::var_os("V8_FROM_SOURCE").is_some() { build_v8() } else { // utilize a lockfile to prevent linking of // only partially downloaded static library. let root = env::current_dir().unwrap(); let out_dir = env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); let lockfilepath = root .join(out_dir) .parent() .unwrap() .parent() .unwrap() .join("lib_download.fslock"); println!("download lockfile: {:?}", &lockfilepath); let mut lockfile = LockFile::open(&lockfilepath) .expect("Couldn't open lib download lockfile."); lockfile.lock().expect("Couldn't get lock"); download_static_lib_binaries(); lockfile.unlock().expect("Couldn't unlock lockfile"); } } if !(is_cargo_doc || is_rls) { print_link_flags() } } fn build_v8() { env::set_var("DEPOT_TOOLS_WIN_TOOLCHAIN", "0"); // cargo publish doesn't like pyc files. env::set_var("PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE", "1"); // git submodule update --init --recursive let libcxx_src = PathBuf::from("buildtools/third_party/libc++/trunk/src"); if !libcxx_src.is_dir() { eprintln!( "missing source code. Run 'git submodule update --init --recursive'" ); exit(1); } if need_gn_ninja_download() { download_ninja_gn_binaries(); } // On windows, rustc cannot link with a V8 debug build. let mut gn_args = if is_debug() && !cfg!(target_os = "windows") { vec!["is_debug=true".to_string()] } else { vec!["is_debug=false".to_string()] }; if !is_debug() { gn_args.push("v8_enable_handle_zapping=false".to_string()); } // Fix GN's host_cpu detection when using x86_64 bins on Apple Silicon if cfg!(target_os = "macos") && cfg!(target_arch = "aarch64") { gn_args.push("host_cpu=\"arm64\"".to_string()) } if let Some(clang_base_path) = find_compatible_system_clang() { println!("clang_base_path {}", clang_base_path.display()); gn_args.push(format!("clang_base_path={:?}", clang_base_path)); // TODO: Dedupe this with the one from cc_wrapper() gn_args.push("treat_warnings_as_errors=false".to_string()); // we can't use chromiums clang plugins with a system clang gn_args.push("clang_use_chrome_plugins=false".to_string()); } else { let clang_base_path = clang_download(); gn_args.push(format!("clang_base_path={:?}", clang_base_path)); } if let Some(p) = env::var_os("SCCACHE") { cc_wrapper(&mut gn_args, Path::new(&p)); } else if let Ok(p) = which("sccache") { cc_wrapper(&mut gn_args, &p); } else if let Some(p) = env::var_os("CCACHE") { cc_wrapper(&mut gn_args, Path::new(&p)); } else if let Ok(p) = which("ccache") { cc_wrapper(&mut gn_args, &p); } else { println!("cargo:warning=Not using sccache or ccache"); } if let Ok(args) = env::var("GN_ARGS") { for arg in args.split_whitespace() { gn_args.push(arg.to_string()); } } let target_triple = env::var("TARGET").unwrap(); // check if the target triple describes a non-native environment if target_triple != env::var("HOST").unwrap() { // cross-compilation setup if target_triple == "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu" { gn_args.push(r#"target_cpu="arm64""#.to_string()); gn_args.push("use_sysroot=true".to_string()); maybe_install_sysroot("arm64"); maybe_install_sysroot("amd64"); }; } if target_triple.starts_with("i686-") { gn_args.push(r#"target_cpu="x86""#.to_string()); } let gn_root = env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap(); let gn_out = maybe_gen(&gn_root, gn_args); assert!(gn_out.exists()); assert!(gn_out.join("args.gn").exists()); build("rusty_v8", None); } fn maybe_install_sysroot(arch: &str) { let sysroot_path = format!("build/linux/debian_sid_{}-sysroot", arch); if !PathBuf::from(sysroot_path).is_dir() { let status = Command::new("python") .arg("./build/linux/sysroot_scripts/install-sysroot.py") .arg(format!("--arch={}", arch)) .status() .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("sysroot download failed: {}", arch)); assert!(status.success()); } } fn platform() -> &'static str { #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] { "win" } #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] { "linux64" } #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] { "mac" } } fn download_ninja_gn_binaries() { let target_dir = build_dir(); let bin_dir = target_dir .join("ninja_gn_binaries-20210101") .join(platform()); let gn = bin_dir.join("gn"); let ninja = bin_dir.join("ninja"); #[cfg(windows)] let gn = gn.with_extension("exe"); #[cfg(windows)] let ninja = ninja.with_extension("exe"); if !gn.exists() || !ninja.exists() { let status = Command::new("python") .arg("./tools/ninja_gn_binaries.py") .arg("--dir") .arg(&target_dir) .status() .expect("ninja_gn_binaries.py download failed"); assert!(status.success()); } assert!(gn.exists()); assert!(ninja.exists()); env::set_var("GN", gn); env::set_var("NINJA", ninja); } fn static_lib_url() -> String { if let Ok(custom_archive) = env::var("RUSTY_V8_ARCHIVE") { return custom_archive; } let default_base = "https://github.com/denoland/rusty_v8/releases/download"; let base = env::var("RUSTY_V8_MIRROR").unwrap_or_else(|_| default_base.into()); let version = env::var("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").unwrap(); let target = env::var("TARGET").unwrap(); // Note: we always use the release build on windows. if cfg!(target_os = "windows") { return format!("{}/v{}/rusty_v8_release_{}.lib", base, version, target); } // Use v8 in release mode unless $V8_FORCE_DEBUG=true let profile = match env_bool("V8_FORCE_DEBUG") { true => "debug", _ => "release", }; format!("{}/v{}/librusty_v8_{}_{}.a", base, version, profile, target) } fn env_bool(key: &str) -> bool { matches!( env::var(key).unwrap_or_default().as_str(), "true" | "1" | "yes" ) } fn static_lib_name() -> &'static str { match cfg!(target_os = "windows") { true => "rusty_v8.lib", false => "librusty_v8.a", } } fn static_lib_path() -> PathBuf { static_lib_dir().join(static_lib_name()) } fn static_lib_dir() -> PathBuf { build_dir().join("gn_out").join("obj") } fn build_dir() -> PathBuf { let root = env::current_dir().unwrap(); // target/debug//build/rusty_v8-d9e5a424d4f96994/out/ let out_dir = env::var_os("OUT_DIR").expect( "The 'OUT_DIR' environment is not set (it should be something like \ 'target/debug/rusty_v8-{hash}').", ); let out_dir_abs = root.join(out_dir); // This would be target/debug or target/release out_dir_abs .parent() .unwrap() .parent() .unwrap() .parent() .unwrap() .to_path_buf() } fn download_file(url: String, filename: PathBuf) { if !url.starts_with("http:") && !url.starts_with("https:") { fs::copy(&url, filename).unwrap(); return; } // Try downloading with python first. Python is a V8 build dependency, // so this saves us from adding a Rust HTTP client dependency. println!("Downloading {}", url); let status = Command::new("python") .arg("./tools/download_file.py") .arg("--url") .arg(&url) .arg("--filename") .arg(&filename) .status(); // Python is only a required dependency for `V8_FROM_SOURCE` builds. // If python is not available, try falling back to curl. let status = match status { Ok(status) if status.success() => status, _ => { println!("Python downloader failed, trying with curl."); Command::new("curl") .arg("-L") .arg("-s") .arg("-o") .arg(&filename) .arg(&url) .status() .unwrap() } }; assert!(status.success()); assert!(filename.exists()); } fn download_static_lib_binaries() { let url = static_lib_url(); println!("static lib URL: {}", url); let dir = static_lib_dir(); std::fs::create_dir_all(&dir).unwrap(); println!("cargo:rustc-link-search={}", dir.display()); let filename = static_lib_path(); if filename.exists() { println!("Deleting old static lib {}", filename.display()); std::fs::remove_file(&filename).unwrap(); } download_file(url, filename); } fn print_link_flags() { println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static=rusty_v8"); if cfg!(target_os = "windows") { println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=dylib=winmm"); println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=dylib=dbghelp"); } } // Chromium depot_tools contains helpers // which delegate to the "relevant" `buildtools` // directory when invoked, so they don't count. fn not_in_depot_tools(p: PathBuf) -> bool { !p.as_path().to_str().unwrap().contains("depot_tools") } fn need_gn_ninja_download() -> bool { let has_ninja = which("ninja").map_or(false, not_in_depot_tools) || env::var_os("NINJA").is_some(); let has_gn = which("gn").map_or(false, not_in_depot_tools) || env::var_os("GN").is_some(); !has_ninja || !has_gn } // Chromiums gn arg clang_base_path is currently compatible with: // * Apples clang and clang from homebrew's llvm@x packages // * the official binaries from releases.llvm.org // * unversioned (Linux) packages of clang (if recent enough) // but unfortunately it doesn't work with version-suffixed packages commonly // found in Linux packet managers fn is_compatible_clang_version(clang_path: &Path) -> bool { if let Ok(o) = Command::new(clang_path).arg("--version").output() { let _output = String::from_utf8(o.stdout).unwrap(); // TODO check version output to make sure it's supported. const _MIN_APPLE_CLANG_VER: f32 = 11.0; const _MIN_LLVM_CLANG_VER: f32 = 8.0; return true; } false } fn find_compatible_system_clang() -> Option { if let Ok(p) = env::var("CLANG_BASE_PATH") { let base_path = Path::new(&p); let clang_path = base_path.join("bin").join("clang"); if is_compatible_clang_version(&clang_path) { return Some(base_path.to_path_buf()); } } println!("using Chromiums clang"); None } // Download chromium's clang into OUT_DIR because Cargo will not allow us to // modify the source directory. fn clang_download() -> PathBuf { let clang_base_path = build_dir().join("clang"); println!("clang_base_path {}", clang_base_path.display()); let status = Command::new("python") .arg("./tools/clang/scripts/update.py") .arg("--output-dir") .arg(&clang_base_path) .status() .expect("clang download failed"); assert!(status.success()); assert!(clang_base_path.exists()); clang_base_path } fn cc_wrapper(gn_args: &mut Vec, sccache_path: &Path) { gn_args.push(format!("cc_wrapper={:?}", sccache_path)); // Disable treat_warnings_as_errors until this sccache bug is fixed: // https://github.com/mozilla/sccache/issues/264 if cfg!(target_os = "windows") { gn_args.push("treat_warnings_as_errors=false".to_string()); } } struct Dirs { pub out: PathBuf, pub root: PathBuf, } fn get_dirs(manifest_dir: Option<&str>) -> Dirs { // The OUT_DIR is going to be a crate-specific directory like // "target/debug/build/cargo_gn_example-eee5160084460b2c" // But we want to share the GN build amongst all crates // and return the path "target/debug". So to find it, we walk up three // directories. // TODO(ry) This is quite brittle - if Cargo changes the directory structure // this could break. let out = env::var("OUT_DIR").map(PathBuf::from).unwrap(); let out = out .parent() .unwrap() .parent() .unwrap() .parent() .unwrap() .to_owned(); let root = match manifest_dir { Some(s) => env::current_dir().unwrap().join(s), None => env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").map(PathBuf::from).unwrap(), }; let mut dirs = Dirs { out, root }; maybe_symlink_root_dir(&mut dirs); dirs } #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))] fn maybe_symlink_root_dir(_: &mut Dirs) {} #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] fn maybe_symlink_root_dir(dirs: &mut Dirs) { // GN produces invalid paths if the source (a.k.a. root) directory is on a // different drive than the output. If this is the case we'll create a // symlink called "gn_root' in the out directory, next to 'gn_out', so it // appears as if they're both on the same drive. use std::fs::remove_dir; use std::os::windows::fs::symlink_dir; let get_prefix = |p: &Path| { p.components() .find_map(|c| match c { std::path::Component::Prefix(p) => Some(p), _ => None, }) .map(|p| p.as_os_str().to_owned()) }; let Dirs { out, root } = dirs; if get_prefix(out) != get_prefix(root) { let symlink = &*out.join("gn_root"); let target = &*root.canonicalize().unwrap(); println!("Creating symlink {:?} to {:?}", &symlink, &root); loop { match symlink.canonicalize() { Ok(existing) if existing == target => break, Ok(_) => remove_dir(symlink).expect("remove_dir failed"), Err(_) => { break symlink_dir(target, symlink).expect("symlink_dir failed") } } } dirs.root = symlink.to_path_buf(); } } pub fn is_debug() -> bool { // Cargo sets PROFILE to either "debug" or "release", which conveniently // matches the build modes we support. let m = env::var("PROFILE").unwrap(); if m == "release" { false } else if m == "debug" { true } else { panic!("unhandled PROFILE value {}", m) } } fn gn() -> String { env::var("GN").unwrap_or_else(|_| "gn".to_owned()) } type NinjaEnv = Vec<(String, String)>; fn ninja(gn_out_dir: &Path, maybe_env: Option) -> Command { let cmd_string = env::var("NINJA").unwrap_or_else(|_| "ninja".to_owned()); let mut cmd = Command::new(cmd_string); cmd.arg("-C"); cmd.arg(&gn_out_dir); if let Some(env) = maybe_env { for item in env { cmd.env(item.0, item.1); } } cmd } pub type GnArgs = Vec; pub fn maybe_gen(manifest_dir: &str, gn_args: GnArgs) -> PathBuf { let dirs = get_dirs(Some(manifest_dir)); let gn_out_dir = dirs.out.join("gn_out"); if !gn_out_dir.exists() || !gn_out_dir.join("build.ninja").exists() { let args = gn_args.join(" "); let path = env::current_dir().unwrap(); println!("The current directory is {}", path.display()); println!( "gn gen --root={} {}", dirs.root.display(), gn_out_dir.display() ); let mut cmd = Command::new(gn()); cmd.arg(format!("--root={}", dirs.root.display())); cmd.arg("gen"); cmd.arg(&gn_out_dir); cmd.arg("--args=".to_owned() + &args); cmd.stdout(Stdio::inherit()); cmd.stderr(Stdio::inherit()); cmd.envs(env::vars()); run(&mut cmd, "gn gen"); } gn_out_dir } pub fn build(target: &str, maybe_env: Option) { let gn_out_dir = get_dirs(None).out.join("gn_out"); // This helps Rust source files locate the snapshot, source map etc. println!("cargo:rustc-env=GN_OUT_DIR={}", gn_out_dir.display()); let mut cmd = ninja(&gn_out_dir, maybe_env.clone()); cmd.arg(target); run(&mut cmd, "ninja"); rerun_if_changed(&gn_out_dir, maybe_env, target); // TODO This is not sufficent. We need to use "gn desc" to query the target // and figure out what else we need to add to the link. println!( "cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}/obj/", gn_out_dir.display() ); } /// build.rs does not get re-run unless we tell cargo about what files we /// depend on. This outputs a bunch of rerun-if-changed lines to stdout. fn rerun_if_changed(out_dir: &Path, maybe_env: Option, target: &str) { let deps = ninja_get_deps(out_dir, maybe_env, target); for d in deps { let p = out_dir.join(d); assert!(p.exists()); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", p.display()); } } fn run(cmd: &mut Command, program: &str) { use std::io::ErrorKind; println!("running: {:?}", cmd); let status = match cmd.status() { Ok(status) => status, Err(ref e) if e.kind() == ErrorKind::NotFound => { fail(&format!( "failed to execute command: {}\nis `{}` not installed?", e, program )); } Err(e) => fail(&format!("failed to execute command: {}", e)), }; if !status.success() { fail(&format!( "command did not execute successfully, got: {}", status )); } } fn fail(s: &str) -> ! { panic!("\n{}\n\nbuild script failed, must exit now", s) } fn ninja_get_deps( out_dir: &Path, maybe_env: Option, target: &str, ) -> HashSet { let mut cmd = ninja(out_dir, maybe_env.clone()); cmd.arg("-t"); cmd.arg("graph"); cmd.arg(target); let output = cmd.output().expect("ninja -t graph failed"); let stdout = String::from_utf8(output.stdout).unwrap(); let graph_files = parse_ninja_graph(&stdout); let mut cmd = ninja(out_dir, maybe_env); cmd.arg(target); cmd.arg("-t"); cmd.arg("deps"); let output = cmd.output().expect("ninja -t deps failed"); let stdout = String::from_utf8(output.stdout).unwrap(); let deps_files = parse_ninja_deps(&stdout); // TODO(ry) There's probably a simpler way to union two HashSet // objects. let mut out = HashSet::::new(); for x in graph_files.union(&deps_files) { out.insert(x.to_string()); } out } pub fn parse_ninja_deps(s: &str) -> HashSet { let mut out = HashSet::new(); for line in s.lines() { if line.starts_with(" ") { let filename = line.trim().to_string(); out.insert(filename); } } out } /// A parser for the output of "ninja -t graph". It returns all of the input /// files. pub fn parse_ninja_graph(s: &str) -> HashSet { let mut out = HashSet::new(); // This is extremely hacky and likely to break. for line in s.lines() { //println!("line {}", line); if line.starts_with('\"') && line.contains("label=") && !line.contains("shape=") && !line.contains(" -> ") { let filename = line.split('\"').nth(3).unwrap(); if !filename.starts_with("..") { continue; } out.insert(filename.to_string()); println!("filename {}", filename); } } out } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; const MOCK_GRAPH: &str = r#" digraph ninja { rankdir="LR" node [fontsize=10, shape=box, height=0.25] edge [fontsize=10] "0x7fc3c040c210" [label="default"] "0x7fc3c040a7f0" -> "0x7fc3c040c210" [label=" phony"] "0x7fc3c040a7f0" [label="obj/default.stamp"] "0x7fc3c040a790" [label="stamp", shape=ellipse] "0x7fc3c040a790" -> "0x7fc3c040a7f0" "0x7fc3c040a6c0" -> "0x7fc3c040a790" [arrowhead=none] "0x7fc3c040a8a0" -> "0x7fc3c040a790" [arrowhead=none] "0x7fc3c040a920" -> "0x7fc3c040a790" [arrowhead=none] "0x7fc3c040a6c0" [label="obj/count_bytes.stamp"] "0x7fc3c040a4d0" -> "0x7fc3c040a6c0" [label=" stamp"] "0x7fc3c040a4d0" [label="gen/output.txt"] "0x7fc3c040a400" [label="___count_bytes___build_toolchain_mac_clang_x64__rule", shape=ellipse] "0x7fc3c040a400" -> "0x7fc3c040a4d0" "0x7fc3c040a580" -> "0x7fc3c040a400" [arrowhead=none] "0x7fc3c040a620" -> "0x7fc3c040a400" [arrowhead=none] "0x7fc3c040a580" [label="../../../example/src/count_bytes.py"] "0x7fc3c040a620" [label="../../../example/src/input.txt"] "0x7fc3c040a8a0" [label="foo"] "0x7fc3c040b5e0" [label="link", shape=ellipse] "0x7fc3c040b5e0" -> "0x7fc3c040a8a0" "0x7fc3c040b5e0" -> "0x7fc3c040b6d0" "0x7fc3c040b5e0" -> "0x7fc3c040b780" "0x7fc3c040b5e0" -> "0x7fc3c040b820" "0x7fc3c040b020" -> "0x7fc3c040b5e0" [arrowhead=none] "0x7fc3c040a920" -> "0x7fc3c040b5e0" [arrowhead=none] "0x7fc3c040b020" [label="obj/foo/foo.o"] "0x7fc3c040b0d0" -> "0x7fc3c040b020" [label=" cxx"] "0x7fc3c040b0d0" [label="../../../example/src/foo.cc"] "0x7fc3c040a920" [label="obj/libhello.a"] "0x7fc3c040be00" -> "0x7fc3c040a920" [label=" alink"] "0x7fc3c040be00" [label="obj/hello/hello.o"] "0x7fc3c040beb0" -> "0x7fc3c040be00" [label=" cxx"] "0x7fc3c040beb0" [label="../../../example/src/hello.cc"] } "#; #[test] fn test_parse_ninja_graph() { let files = parse_ninja_graph(MOCK_GRAPH); assert!(files.contains("../../../example/src/input.txt")); assert!(files.contains("../../../example/src/count_bytes.py")); assert!(!files.contains("obj/hello/hello.o")); } }