# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # This file should only be imported from files that define toolchains. # There's no way to enforce this exactly, but all toolchains are processed # in the context of the default_toolchain, so we can at least check for that. assert(current_toolchain == default_toolchain) import("//build/config/android/config.gni") import("//build/config/apple/symbols.gni") import("//build/config/chromeos/ui_mode.gni") import("//build/config/compiler/compiler.gni") import("//build/config/coverage/coverage.gni") import("//build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni") import("//build/toolchain/toolchain.gni") declare_args() { # Limit the number of concurrent links; we often want to run fewer # links at once than we do compiles, because linking is memory-intensive. # The default to use varies by platform and by the amount of memory # available, so we call out to a script to get the right value. concurrent_links = -1 } if (concurrent_links == -1) { if (use_thin_lto) { _args = [ "--reserve_mem_gb=10" ] if (use_goma_thin_lto) { _args += [ "--thin-lto=goma" ] } else { _args += [ "--thin-lto=local" ] } if (is_win) { # Based on measurements of linking chrome.dll and chrome_child.dll, plus # a little padding to account for future growth. _args += [ "--mem_per_link_gb=45" ] } else { _args += [ "--mem_per_link_gb=10" ] } } else if ((use_clang_coverage && # When coverage_instrumentation_input_file is not empty it means # we're only instrumenting changed files and not using a lot of # memory. Likewise, when it's empty we're building everything with # coverage, which requires more memory. coverage_instrumentation_input_file == "") || use_sanitizer_coverage || use_fuzzing_engine) { # Full sanitizer coverage instrumentation increases linker memory consumption # significantly. _args = [ "--mem_per_link_gb=16" ] } else if (is_win && symbol_level == 1 && !is_debug && is_component_build) { _args = [ "--mem_per_link_gb=3" ] } else if (is_win) { _args = [ "--mem_per_link_gb=6" ] } else if (is_mac) { if (enable_dsyms) { _args = [ "--mem_per_link_gb=12" ] } else { _args = [ "--mem_per_link_gb=4" ] } } else if (is_android && !is_component_build && symbol_level == 2) { # Full debug symbols require large memory for link. _args = [ "--mem_per_link_gb=25" ] } else if (is_android && !is_debug && !using_sanitizer && is_java_debug && disable_android_lint && symbol_level < 2) { if (symbol_level == 1) { _args = [ "--mem_per_link_gb=6" ] } else { _args = [ "--mem_per_link_gb=4" ] } } else if ((is_linux || is_chromeos_lacros) && symbol_level == 0) { # Memory consumption on link without debug symbols is low on linux. _args = [ "--mem_per_link_gb=3" ] } else { _args = [] } # For Android builds, we also need to be wary of: # * ProGuard / R8 # * Android Lint # These both have a peak usage of < 2GB, but that is still large enough for # them to need to use a pool since they both typically happen at the # same time as linking. if (is_android) { _args += [ "--secondary_mem_per_link=2" ] } # TODO(crbug.com/617429) Pass more build configuration info to the script # so that we can compute better values. _command_dict = exec_script("get_concurrent_links.py", _args, "scope") concurrent_links = _command_dict.primary_pool_size concurrent_links_logs = _command_dict.explanation if (_command_dict.secondary_pool_size >= concurrent_links) { # Have R8 / Lint share the link pool unless we would safely get more # concurrency out of using a separate one. # On low-RAM machines, this allows an apk's native library to link at the # same time as its java is optimized with R8. java_cmd_pool_size = _command_dict.secondary_pool_size } } else { assert(!use_thin_lto, "can't explicitly set concurrent_links with thinlto") concurrent_links_logs = [ "concurrent_links set by GN arg (value=$concurrent_links)" ] }