# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Wrapper around actool to compile assets catalog. The script compile_xcassets.py is a wrapper around actool to compile assets catalog to Assets.car that turns warning into errors. It also fixes some quirks of actool to make it work from ninja (mostly that actool seems to require absolute path but gn generates command-line with relative paths). The wrapper filter out any message that is not a section header and not a warning or error message, and fails if filtered output is not empty. This should to treat all warnings as error until actool has an option to fail with non-zero error code when there are warnings. """ import argparse import os import re import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile # Pattern matching a section header in the output of actool. SECTION_HEADER = re.compile('^/\\* ([^ ]*) \\*/$') # Name of the section containing informational messages that can be ignored. NOTICE_SECTION = 'com.apple.actool.compilation-results' # Regular expressions matching spurious messages from actool that should be # ignored (as they are bogus). Generally a bug should be filed with Apple # when adding a pattern here. SPURIOUS_PATTERNS = [ re.compile(v) for v in [ # crbug.com/770634, likely a bug in Xcode 9.1 beta, remove once build # requires a version of Xcode with a fix. r'\[\]\[ipad\]\[76x76\]\[\]\[\]\[1x\]\[\]\[\]: notice: \(null\)', # crbug.com/770634, likely a bug in Xcode 9.2 beta, remove once build # requires a version of Xcode with a fix. r'\[\]\[ipad\]\[76x76\]\[\]\[\]\[1x\]\[\]\[\]: notice: 76x76@1x app' ' icons only apply to iPad apps targeting releases of iOS prior to' ' 10.0.', ] ] # Map special type of asset catalog to the corresponding command-line # parameter that need to be passed to actool. ACTOOL_FLAG_FOR_ASSET_TYPE = { '.appiconset': '--app-icon', '.launchimage': '--launch-image', } def IsSpuriousMessage(line): """Returns whether line contains a spurious message that should be ignored.""" for pattern in SPURIOUS_PATTERNS: match = pattern.search(line) if match is not None: return True return False def FixAbsolutePathInLine(line, relative_paths): """Fix absolute paths present in |line| to relative paths.""" absolute_path = line.split(':')[0] relative_path = relative_paths.get(absolute_path, absolute_path) if absolute_path == relative_path: return line return relative_path + line[len(absolute_path):] def FilterCompilerOutput(compiler_output, relative_paths): """Filers actool compilation output. The compiler output is composed of multiple sections for each different level of output (error, warning, notices, ...). Each section starts with the section name on a single line, followed by all the messages from the section. The function filter any lines that are not in com.apple.actool.errors or com.apple.actool.document.warnings sections (as spurious messages comes before any section of the output). See crbug.com/730054, crbug.com/739163 and crbug.com/770634 for some example messages that pollute the output of actool and cause flaky builds. Args: compiler_output: string containing the output generated by the compiler (contains both stdout and stderr) relative_paths: mapping from absolute to relative paths used to convert paths in the warning and error messages (unknown paths will be left unaltered) Returns: The filtered output of the compiler. If the compilation was a success, then the output will be empty, otherwise it will use relative path and omit any irrelevant output. """ filtered_output = [] current_section = None data_in_section = False for line in compiler_output.splitlines(): match = SECTION_HEADER.search(line) if match is not None: data_in_section = False current_section = match.group(1) continue if current_section and current_section != NOTICE_SECTION: if IsSpuriousMessage(line): continue if not data_in_section: data_in_section = True filtered_output.append('/* %s */\n' % current_section) fixed_line = FixAbsolutePathInLine(line, relative_paths) filtered_output.append(fixed_line + '\n') return ''.join(filtered_output) def CompileAssetCatalog(output, platform, product_type, min_deployment_target, inputs, compress_pngs, partial_info_plist): """Compile the .xcassets bundles to an asset catalog using actool. Args: output: absolute path to the containing bundle platform: the targeted platform product_type: the bundle type min_deployment_target: minimum deployment target inputs: list of absolute paths to .xcassets bundles compress_pngs: whether to enable compression of pngs partial_info_plist: path to partial Info.plist to generate """ command = [ 'xcrun', 'actool', '--output-format=human-readable-text', '--notices', '--warnings', '--errors', '--platform', platform, '--minimum-deployment-target', min_deployment_target, ] if compress_pngs: command.extend(['--compress-pngs']) if product_type != '': command.extend(['--product-type', product_type]) if platform == 'macosx': command.extend(['--target-device', 'mac']) else: command.extend(['--target-device', 'iphone', '--target-device', 'ipad']) # Scan the input directories for the presence of asset catalog types that # require special treatment, and if so, add them to the actool command-line. for relative_path in inputs: if not os.path.isdir(relative_path): continue for file_or_dir_name in os.listdir(relative_path): if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(relative_path, file_or_dir_name)): continue asset_name, asset_type = os.path.splitext(file_or_dir_name) if asset_type not in ACTOOL_FLAG_FOR_ASSET_TYPE: continue command.extend([ACTOOL_FLAG_FOR_ASSET_TYPE[asset_type], asset_name]) # Always ask actool to generate a partial Info.plist file. If no path # has been given by the caller, use a temporary file name. temporary_file = None if not partial_info_plist: temporary_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.plist') partial_info_plist = temporary_file.name command.extend(['--output-partial-info-plist', partial_info_plist]) # Dictionary used to convert absolute paths back to their relative form # in the output of actool. relative_paths = {} # actool crashes if paths are relative, so convert input and output paths # to absolute paths, and record the relative paths to fix them back when # filtering the output. absolute_output = os.path.abspath(output) relative_paths[output] = absolute_output relative_paths[os.path.dirname(output)] = os.path.dirname(absolute_output) command.extend(['--compile', os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(output))]) for relative_path in inputs: absolute_path = os.path.abspath(relative_path) relative_paths[absolute_path] = relative_path command.append(absolute_path) try: # Run actool and redirect stdout and stderr to the same pipe (as actool # is confused about what should go to stderr/stdout). process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) stdout = process.communicate()[0].decode('utf-8') # If the invocation of `actool` failed, copy all the compiler output to # the standard error stream and exit. See https://crbug.com/1205775 for # example of compilation that failed with no error message due to filter. if process.returncode: for line in stdout.splitlines(): fixed_line = FixAbsolutePathInLine(line, relative_paths) sys.stderr.write(fixed_line + '\n') sys.exit(1) # Filter the output to remove all garbage and to fix the paths. If the # output is not empty after filtering, then report the compilation as a # failure (as some version of `actool` report error to stdout, yet exit # with an return code of zero). stdout = FilterCompilerOutput(stdout, relative_paths) if stdout: sys.stderr.write(stdout) sys.exit(1) finally: if temporary_file: temporary_file.close() def Main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='compile assets catalog for a bundle') parser.add_argument('--platform', '-p', required=True, choices=('macosx', 'iphoneos', 'iphonesimulator'), help='target platform for the compiled assets catalog') parser.add_argument( '--minimum-deployment-target', '-t', required=True, help='minimum deployment target for the compiled assets catalog') parser.add_argument('--output', '-o', required=True, help='path to the compiled assets catalog') parser.add_argument('--compress-pngs', '-c', action='store_true', default=False, help='recompress PNGs while compiling assets catalog') parser.add_argument('--product-type', '-T', help='type of the containing bundle') parser.add_argument('--partial-info-plist', '-P', help='path to partial info plist to create') parser.add_argument('inputs', nargs='+', help='path to input assets catalog sources') args = parser.parse_args() if os.path.basename(args.output) != 'Assets.car': sys.stderr.write('output should be path to compiled asset catalog, not ' 'to the containing bundle: %s\n' % (args.output, )) sys.exit(1) if os.path.exists(args.output): if os.path.isfile(args.output): os.unlink(args.output) else: shutil.rmtree(args.output) CompileAssetCatalog(args.output, args.platform, args.product_type, args.minimum_deployment_target, args.inputs, args.compress_pngs, args.partial_info_plist) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(Main())