#!/bin/bash # set -x ICUROOT="$(dirname "$0")/.." if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then echo "Usage: "$0" (android|android_small|android_extra|cast|chromeos|common|flutter|ios) icubuilddir1 icubuilddir2" >&2 echo "$0 compare data files of a particular build inside two icu build directory." >&2 echo "These files were previously archived by backup_outdir in scripts/copy_data.sh." >&2 echo "The first parameter indicate which build to be compared." >&2 exit 1 fi # Input Parameters BUILD=$1 DIR1=$2 DIR2=$3 echo "=======================================================" echo " ${BUILD} BUILD REPORT" echo "=======================================================" RESSUBDIR1=`ls ${DIR1}/dataout/${BUILD}/data/out/build` RESDIR1="${DIR1}/dataout/${BUILD}/data/out/build/${RESSUBDIR1}" ICUDATA_LST1="${DIR1}/dataout/${BUILD}/data/out/tmp/icudata.lst" RESSUBDIR2=`ls ${DIR2}/dataout/${BUILD}/data/out/build` RESDIR2="${DIR2}/dataout/${BUILD}/data/out/build/${RESSUBDIR2}" ICUDATA_LST2="${DIR2}/dataout/${BUILD}/data/out/tmp/icudata.lst" SORTED_ICUDATA_LST1=/tmp/${BUILD}1_icudata_lst SORTED_ICUDATA_LST2=/tmp/${BUILD}2_icudata_lst sort ${ICUDATA_LST1} >${SORTED_ICUDATA_LST1} sort ${ICUDATA_LST2} >${SORTED_ICUDATA_LST2} echo " ICUDATA.LST DIFFERENCES" diff -u ${SORTED_ICUDATA_LST1} ${SORTED_ICUDATA_LST2} echo "-------------------------------------------------------" echo -n "> Checking and sorting the diff size ." SIZEFILE=/tmp/${BUILD}size.txt SIZESORTEDFILE=/tmp/${BUILD}sizesorted.txt count=0 rm -rf $SIZEFILE for res in $(cat "${SORTED_ICUDATA_LST2}") do # diff the txt file STAT1=`stat --printf="%s" ${RESDIR1}/$res` STAT2=`stat --printf="%s" ${RESDIR2}/$res` SIZEDIFF=`expr $STAT2 - $STAT1` echo $SIZEDIFF $STAT1 $STAT2 $res >> $SIZEFILE count=`expr $count + 1` if [ $count -gt 100 ] then count=0 echo -n "." fi done echo "#Increase Old New Res" > $SIZESORTEDFILE sort -n $SIZEFILE >>$SIZESORTEDFILE echo "" echo "-------------------------------------------------------" echo " RES SIZE DIFFERENCES" cat $SIZESORTEDFILE exit