// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html #include "unicode/utypes.h" #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING // Allow implicit conversion from char16_t* to UnicodeString for this file: // Helpful in toString methods and elsewhere. #define UNISTR_FROM_STRING_EXPLICIT #include #include #include #include "unicode/errorcode.h" #include "unicode/decimfmt.h" #include "number_decimalquantity.h" #include "number_types.h" #include "numparse_impl.h" #include "number_mapper.h" #include "number_patternstring.h" #include "putilimp.h" #include "number_utils.h" #include "number_utypes.h" using namespace icu; using namespace icu::number; using namespace icu::number::impl; using namespace icu::numparse; using namespace icu::numparse::impl; using ERoundingMode = icu::DecimalFormat::ERoundingMode; using EPadPosition = icu::DecimalFormat::EPadPosition; // MSVC VS2015 warns C4805 when comparing bool with UBool, VS2017 no longer emits this warning. // TODO: Move this macro into a better place? #if U_PF_WINDOWS <= U_PLATFORM && U_PLATFORM <= U_PF_CYGWIN #define UBOOL_TO_BOOL(b) static_cast(b) #else #define UBOOL_TO_BOOL(b) b #endif UOBJECT_DEFINE_RTTI_IMPLEMENTATION(DecimalFormat) DecimalFormat::DecimalFormat(UErrorCode& status) : DecimalFormat(nullptr, status) { if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } // Use the default locale and decimal pattern. const char* localeName = Locale::getDefault().getName(); LocalPointer ns(NumberingSystem::createInstance(status)); UnicodeString patternString = utils::getPatternForStyle( localeName, ns->getName(), CLDR_PATTERN_STYLE_DECIMAL, status); setPropertiesFromPattern(patternString, IGNORE_ROUNDING_IF_CURRENCY, status); touch(status); } DecimalFormat::DecimalFormat(const UnicodeString& pattern, UErrorCode& status) : DecimalFormat(nullptr, status) { if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } setPropertiesFromPattern(pattern, IGNORE_ROUNDING_IF_CURRENCY, status); touch(status); } DecimalFormat::DecimalFormat(const UnicodeString& pattern, DecimalFormatSymbols* symbolsToAdopt, UErrorCode& status) : DecimalFormat(symbolsToAdopt, status) { if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } setPropertiesFromPattern(pattern, IGNORE_ROUNDING_IF_CURRENCY, status); touch(status); } DecimalFormat::DecimalFormat(const UnicodeString& pattern, DecimalFormatSymbols* symbolsToAdopt, UNumberFormatStyle style, UErrorCode& status) : DecimalFormat(symbolsToAdopt, status) { if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } // If choice is a currency type, ignore the rounding information. if (style == UNumberFormatStyle::UNUM_CURRENCY || style == UNumberFormatStyle::UNUM_CURRENCY_ISO || style == UNumberFormatStyle::UNUM_CURRENCY_ACCOUNTING || style == UNumberFormatStyle::UNUM_CASH_CURRENCY || style == UNumberFormatStyle::UNUM_CURRENCY_STANDARD || style == UNumberFormatStyle::UNUM_CURRENCY_PLURAL) { setPropertiesFromPattern(pattern, IGNORE_ROUNDING_ALWAYS, status); } else { setPropertiesFromPattern(pattern, IGNORE_ROUNDING_IF_CURRENCY, status); } // Note: in Java, CurrencyPluralInfo is set in NumberFormat.java, but in C++, it is not set there, // so we have to set it here. if (style == UNumberFormatStyle::UNUM_CURRENCY_PLURAL) { LocalPointer cpi( new CurrencyPluralInfo(fields->symbols->getLocale(), status), status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } fields->properties.currencyPluralInfo.fPtr.adoptInstead(cpi.orphan()); } touch(status); } DecimalFormat::DecimalFormat(const DecimalFormatSymbols* symbolsToAdopt, UErrorCode& status) { // we must take ownership of symbolsToAdopt, even in a failure case. LocalPointer adoptedSymbols(symbolsToAdopt); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } fields = new DecimalFormatFields(); if (fields == nullptr) { status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; return; } if (adoptedSymbols.isNull()) { fields->symbols.adoptInsteadAndCheckErrorCode(new DecimalFormatSymbols(status), status); } else { fields->symbols.adoptInsteadAndCheckErrorCode(adoptedSymbols.orphan(), status); } if (U_FAILURE(status)) { delete fields; fields = nullptr; } } #if UCONFIG_HAVE_PARSEALLINPUT void DecimalFormat::setParseAllInput(UNumberFormatAttributeValue value) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } if (value == fields->properties.parseAllInput) { return; } fields->properties.parseAllInput = value; } #endif DecimalFormat& DecimalFormat::setAttribute(UNumberFormatAttribute attr, int32_t newValue, UErrorCode& status) { if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return *this; } if (fields == nullptr) { // We only get here if an OOM error happend during construction, copy construction, assignment, or modification. status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; return *this; } switch (attr) { case UNUM_LENIENT_PARSE: setLenient(newValue != 0); break; case UNUM_PARSE_INT_ONLY: setParseIntegerOnly(newValue != 0); break; case UNUM_GROUPING_USED: setGroupingUsed(newValue != 0); break; case UNUM_DECIMAL_ALWAYS_SHOWN: setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown(newValue != 0); break; case UNUM_MAX_INTEGER_DIGITS: setMaximumIntegerDigits(newValue); break; case UNUM_MIN_INTEGER_DIGITS: setMinimumIntegerDigits(newValue); break; case UNUM_INTEGER_DIGITS: setMinimumIntegerDigits(newValue); setMaximumIntegerDigits(newValue); break; case UNUM_MAX_FRACTION_DIGITS: setMaximumFractionDigits(newValue); break; case UNUM_MIN_FRACTION_DIGITS: setMinimumFractionDigits(newValue); break; case UNUM_FRACTION_DIGITS: setMinimumFractionDigits(newValue); setMaximumFractionDigits(newValue); break; case UNUM_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS_USED: setSignificantDigitsUsed(newValue != 0); break; case UNUM_MAX_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS: setMaximumSignificantDigits(newValue); break; case UNUM_MIN_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS: setMinimumSignificantDigits(newValue); break; case UNUM_MULTIPLIER: setMultiplier(newValue); break; case UNUM_SCALE: setMultiplierScale(newValue); break; case UNUM_GROUPING_SIZE: setGroupingSize(newValue); break; case UNUM_ROUNDING_MODE: setRoundingMode((DecimalFormat::ERoundingMode) newValue); break; case UNUM_FORMAT_WIDTH: setFormatWidth(newValue); break; case UNUM_PADDING_POSITION: /** The position at which padding will take place. */ setPadPosition((DecimalFormat::EPadPosition) newValue); break; case UNUM_SECONDARY_GROUPING_SIZE: setSecondaryGroupingSize(newValue); break; #if UCONFIG_HAVE_PARSEALLINPUT case UNUM_PARSE_ALL_INPUT: setParseAllInput((UNumberFormatAttributeValue) newValue); break; #endif case UNUM_PARSE_NO_EXPONENT: setParseNoExponent((UBool) newValue); break; case UNUM_PARSE_DECIMAL_MARK_REQUIRED: setDecimalPatternMatchRequired((UBool) newValue); break; case UNUM_CURRENCY_USAGE: setCurrencyUsage((UCurrencyUsage) newValue, &status); break; case UNUM_MINIMUM_GROUPING_DIGITS: setMinimumGroupingDigits(newValue); break; case UNUM_PARSE_CASE_SENSITIVE: setParseCaseSensitive(static_cast(newValue)); break; case UNUM_SIGN_ALWAYS_SHOWN: setSignAlwaysShown(static_cast(newValue)); break; case UNUM_FORMAT_FAIL_IF_MORE_THAN_MAX_DIGITS: setFormatFailIfMoreThanMaxDigits(static_cast(newValue)); break; default: status = U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR; break; } return *this; } int32_t DecimalFormat::getAttribute(UNumberFormatAttribute attr, UErrorCode& status) const { if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return -1; } if (fields == nullptr) { // We only get here if an OOM error happend during construction, copy construction, assignment, or modification. status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; return -1; } switch (attr) { case UNUM_LENIENT_PARSE: return isLenient(); case UNUM_PARSE_INT_ONLY: return isParseIntegerOnly(); case UNUM_GROUPING_USED: return isGroupingUsed(); case UNUM_DECIMAL_ALWAYS_SHOWN: return isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown(); case UNUM_MAX_INTEGER_DIGITS: return getMaximumIntegerDigits(); case UNUM_MIN_INTEGER_DIGITS: return getMinimumIntegerDigits(); case UNUM_INTEGER_DIGITS: // TBD: what should this return? return getMinimumIntegerDigits(); case UNUM_MAX_FRACTION_DIGITS: return getMaximumFractionDigits(); case UNUM_MIN_FRACTION_DIGITS: return getMinimumFractionDigits(); case UNUM_FRACTION_DIGITS: // TBD: what should this return? return getMinimumFractionDigits(); case UNUM_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS_USED: return areSignificantDigitsUsed(); case UNUM_MAX_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS: return getMaximumSignificantDigits(); case UNUM_MIN_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS: return getMinimumSignificantDigits(); case UNUM_MULTIPLIER: return getMultiplier(); case UNUM_SCALE: return getMultiplierScale(); case UNUM_GROUPING_SIZE: return getGroupingSize(); case UNUM_ROUNDING_MODE: return getRoundingMode(); case UNUM_FORMAT_WIDTH: return getFormatWidth(); case UNUM_PADDING_POSITION: return getPadPosition(); case UNUM_SECONDARY_GROUPING_SIZE: return getSecondaryGroupingSize(); case UNUM_PARSE_NO_EXPONENT: return isParseNoExponent(); case UNUM_PARSE_DECIMAL_MARK_REQUIRED: return isDecimalPatternMatchRequired(); case UNUM_CURRENCY_USAGE: return getCurrencyUsage(); case UNUM_MINIMUM_GROUPING_DIGITS: return getMinimumGroupingDigits(); case UNUM_PARSE_CASE_SENSITIVE: return isParseCaseSensitive(); case UNUM_SIGN_ALWAYS_SHOWN: return isSignAlwaysShown(); case UNUM_FORMAT_FAIL_IF_MORE_THAN_MAX_DIGITS: return isFormatFailIfMoreThanMaxDigits(); default: status = U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR; break; } return -1; /* undefined */ } void DecimalFormat::setGroupingUsed(UBool enabled) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } if (UBOOL_TO_BOOL(enabled) == fields->properties.groupingUsed) { return; } NumberFormat::setGroupingUsed(enabled); // to set field for compatibility fields->properties.groupingUsed = enabled; touchNoError(); } void DecimalFormat::setParseIntegerOnly(UBool value) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } if (UBOOL_TO_BOOL(value) == fields->properties.parseIntegerOnly) { return; } NumberFormat::setParseIntegerOnly(value); // to set field for compatibility fields->properties.parseIntegerOnly = value; touchNoError(); } void DecimalFormat::setLenient(UBool enable) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } ParseMode mode = enable ? PARSE_MODE_LENIENT : PARSE_MODE_STRICT; if (!fields->properties.parseMode.isNull() && mode == fields->properties.parseMode.getNoError()) { return; } NumberFormat::setLenient(enable); // to set field for compatibility fields->properties.parseMode = mode; touchNoError(); } DecimalFormat::DecimalFormat(const UnicodeString& pattern, DecimalFormatSymbols* symbolsToAdopt, UParseError&, UErrorCode& status) : DecimalFormat(symbolsToAdopt, status) { if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } // TODO: What is parseError for? setPropertiesFromPattern(pattern, IGNORE_ROUNDING_IF_CURRENCY, status); touch(status); } DecimalFormat::DecimalFormat(const UnicodeString& pattern, const DecimalFormatSymbols& symbols, UErrorCode& status) : DecimalFormat(nullptr, status) { if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } LocalPointer dfs(new DecimalFormatSymbols(symbols), status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { // If we failed to allocate DecimalFormatSymbols, then release fields and its members. // We must have a fully complete fields object, we cannot have partially populated members. delete fields; fields = nullptr; status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; return; } fields->symbols.adoptInstead(dfs.orphan()); setPropertiesFromPattern(pattern, IGNORE_ROUNDING_IF_CURRENCY, status); touch(status); } DecimalFormat::DecimalFormat(const DecimalFormat& source) : NumberFormat(source) { // If the object that we are copying from is invalid, no point in going further. if (source.fields == nullptr) { return; } // Note: it is not safe to copy fields->formatter or fWarehouse directly because fields->formatter might have // dangling pointers to fields inside fWarehouse. The safe thing is to re-construct fields->formatter from // the property bag, despite being somewhat slower. fields = new DecimalFormatFields(source.fields->properties); if (fields == nullptr) { return; // no way to report an error. } UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; fields->symbols.adoptInsteadAndCheckErrorCode(new DecimalFormatSymbols(*source.fields->symbols), status); // In order to simplify error handling logic in the various getters/setters/etc, we do not allow // any partially populated DecimalFormatFields object. We must have a fully complete fields object // or else we set it to nullptr. if (U_FAILURE(status)) { delete fields; fields = nullptr; return; } touch(status); } DecimalFormat& DecimalFormat::operator=(const DecimalFormat& rhs) { // guard against self-assignment if (this == &rhs) { return *this; } // Make sure both objects are valid. if (fields == nullptr || rhs.fields == nullptr) { return *this; // unfortunately, no way to report an error. } fields->properties = rhs.fields->properties; fields->exportedProperties.clear(); UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; LocalPointer dfs(new DecimalFormatSymbols(*rhs.fields->symbols), status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { // We failed to allocate DecimalFormatSymbols, release fields and its members. // We must have a fully complete fields object, we cannot have partially populated members. delete fields; fields = nullptr; return *this; } fields->symbols.adoptInstead(dfs.orphan()); touch(status); return *this; } DecimalFormat::~DecimalFormat() { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } delete fields->atomicParser.exchange(nullptr); delete fields->atomicCurrencyParser.exchange(nullptr); delete fields; } DecimalFormat* DecimalFormat::clone() const { // can only clone valid objects. if (fields == nullptr) { return nullptr; } LocalPointer df(new DecimalFormat(*this)); if (df.isValid() && df->fields != nullptr) { return df.orphan(); } return nullptr; } UBool DecimalFormat::operator==(const Format& other) const { auto* otherDF = dynamic_cast(&other); if (otherDF == nullptr) { return false; } // If either object is in an invalid state, prevent dereferencing nullptr below. // Additionally, invalid objects should not be considered equal to anything. if (fields == nullptr || otherDF->fields == nullptr) { return false; } return fields->properties == otherDF->fields->properties && *fields->symbols == *otherDF->fields->symbols; } UnicodeString& DecimalFormat::format(double number, UnicodeString& appendTo, FieldPosition& pos) const { if (fields == nullptr) { appendTo.setToBogus(); return appendTo; } if (pos.getField() == FieldPosition::DONT_CARE && fastFormatDouble(number, appendTo)) { return appendTo; } UErrorCode localStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR; UFormattedNumberData output; output.quantity.setToDouble(number); fields->formatter.formatImpl(&output, localStatus); fieldPositionHelper(output, pos, appendTo.length(), localStatus); auto appendable = UnicodeStringAppendable(appendTo); output.appendTo(appendable, localStatus); return appendTo; } UnicodeString& DecimalFormat::format(double number, UnicodeString& appendTo, FieldPosition& pos, UErrorCode& status) const { if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return appendTo; // don't overwrite status if it's already a failure. } if (fields == nullptr) { // We only get here if an OOM error happend during construction, copy construction, assignment, or modification. status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; appendTo.setToBogus(); return appendTo; } if (pos.getField() == FieldPosition::DONT_CARE && fastFormatDouble(number, appendTo)) { return appendTo; } UFormattedNumberData output; output.quantity.setToDouble(number); fields->formatter.formatImpl(&output, status); fieldPositionHelper(output, pos, appendTo.length(), status); auto appendable = UnicodeStringAppendable(appendTo); output.appendTo(appendable, status); return appendTo; } UnicodeString& DecimalFormat::format(double number, UnicodeString& appendTo, FieldPositionIterator* posIter, UErrorCode& status) const { if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return appendTo; // don't overwrite status if it's already a failure. } if (fields == nullptr) { // We only get here if an OOM error happend during construction, copy construction, assignment, or modification. status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; appendTo.setToBogus(); return appendTo; } if (posIter == nullptr && fastFormatDouble(number, appendTo)) { return appendTo; } UFormattedNumberData output; output.quantity.setToDouble(number); fields->formatter.formatImpl(&output, status); fieldPositionIteratorHelper(output, posIter, appendTo.length(), status); auto appendable = UnicodeStringAppendable(appendTo); output.appendTo(appendable, status); return appendTo; } UnicodeString& DecimalFormat::format(int32_t number, UnicodeString& appendTo, FieldPosition& pos) const { return format(static_cast (number), appendTo, pos); } UnicodeString& DecimalFormat::format(int32_t number, UnicodeString& appendTo, FieldPosition& pos, UErrorCode& status) const { return format(static_cast (number), appendTo, pos, status); } UnicodeString& DecimalFormat::format(int32_t number, UnicodeString& appendTo, FieldPositionIterator* posIter, UErrorCode& status) const { return format(static_cast (number), appendTo, posIter, status); } UnicodeString& DecimalFormat::format(int64_t number, UnicodeString& appendTo, FieldPosition& pos) const { if (fields == nullptr) { appendTo.setToBogus(); return appendTo; } if (pos.getField() == FieldPosition::DONT_CARE && fastFormatInt64(number, appendTo)) { return appendTo; } UErrorCode localStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR; UFormattedNumberData output; output.quantity.setToLong(number); fields->formatter.formatImpl(&output, localStatus); fieldPositionHelper(output, pos, appendTo.length(), localStatus); auto appendable = UnicodeStringAppendable(appendTo); output.appendTo(appendable, localStatus); return appendTo; } UnicodeString& DecimalFormat::format(int64_t number, UnicodeString& appendTo, FieldPosition& pos, UErrorCode& status) const { if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return appendTo; // don't overwrite status if it's already a failure. } if (fields == nullptr) { // We only get here if an OOM error happend during construction, copy construction, assignment, or modification. status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; appendTo.setToBogus(); return appendTo; } if (pos.getField() == FieldPosition::DONT_CARE && fastFormatInt64(number, appendTo)) { return appendTo; } UFormattedNumberData output; output.quantity.setToLong(number); fields->formatter.formatImpl(&output, status); fieldPositionHelper(output, pos, appendTo.length(), status); auto appendable = UnicodeStringAppendable(appendTo); output.appendTo(appendable, status); return appendTo; } UnicodeString& DecimalFormat::format(int64_t number, UnicodeString& appendTo, FieldPositionIterator* posIter, UErrorCode& status) const { if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return appendTo; // don't overwrite status if it's already a failure. } if (fields == nullptr) { // We only get here if an OOM error happend during construction, copy construction, assignment, or modification. status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; appendTo.setToBogus(); return appendTo; } if (posIter == nullptr && fastFormatInt64(number, appendTo)) { return appendTo; } UFormattedNumberData output; output.quantity.setToLong(number); fields->formatter.formatImpl(&output, status); fieldPositionIteratorHelper(output, posIter, appendTo.length(), status); auto appendable = UnicodeStringAppendable(appendTo); output.appendTo(appendable, status); return appendTo; } UnicodeString& DecimalFormat::format(StringPiece number, UnicodeString& appendTo, FieldPositionIterator* posIter, UErrorCode& status) const { if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return appendTo; // don't overwrite status if it's already a failure. } if (fields == nullptr) { // We only get here if an OOM error happend during construction, copy construction, assignment, or modification. status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; appendTo.setToBogus(); return appendTo; } UFormattedNumberData output; output.quantity.setToDecNumber(number, status); fields->formatter.formatImpl(&output, status); fieldPositionIteratorHelper(output, posIter, appendTo.length(), status); auto appendable = UnicodeStringAppendable(appendTo); output.appendTo(appendable, status); return appendTo; } UnicodeString& DecimalFormat::format(const DecimalQuantity& number, UnicodeString& appendTo, FieldPositionIterator* posIter, UErrorCode& status) const { if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return appendTo; // don't overwrite status if it's already a failure. } if (fields == nullptr) { // We only get here if an OOM error happend during construction, copy construction, assignment, or modification. status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; appendTo.setToBogus(); return appendTo; } UFormattedNumberData output; output.quantity = number; fields->formatter.formatImpl(&output, status); fieldPositionIteratorHelper(output, posIter, appendTo.length(), status); auto appendable = UnicodeStringAppendable(appendTo); output.appendTo(appendable, status); return appendTo; } UnicodeString& DecimalFormat::format(const DecimalQuantity& number, UnicodeString& appendTo, FieldPosition& pos, UErrorCode& status) const { if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return appendTo; // don't overwrite status if it's already a failure. } if (fields == nullptr) { // We only get here if an OOM error happend during construction, copy construction, assignment, or modification. status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; appendTo.setToBogus(); return appendTo; } UFormattedNumberData output; output.quantity = number; fields->formatter.formatImpl(&output, status); fieldPositionHelper(output, pos, appendTo.length(), status); auto appendable = UnicodeStringAppendable(appendTo); output.appendTo(appendable, status); return appendTo; } void DecimalFormat::parse(const UnicodeString& text, Formattable& output, ParsePosition& parsePosition) const { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } if (parsePosition.getIndex() < 0 || parsePosition.getIndex() >= text.length()) { if (parsePosition.getIndex() == text.length()) { // If there is nothing to parse, it is an error parsePosition.setErrorIndex(parsePosition.getIndex()); } return; } ErrorCode status; ParsedNumber result; // Note: if this is a currency instance, currencies will be matched despite the fact that we are not in the // parseCurrency method (backwards compatibility) int32_t startIndex = parsePosition.getIndex(); const NumberParserImpl* parser = getParser(status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; // unfortunately no way to report back the error. } parser->parse(text, startIndex, true, result, status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; // unfortunately no way to report back the error. } // TODO: Do we need to check for fImpl->properties->parseAllInput (UCONFIG_HAVE_PARSEALLINPUT) here? if (result.success()) { parsePosition.setIndex(result.charEnd); result.populateFormattable(output, parser->getParseFlags()); } else { parsePosition.setErrorIndex(startIndex + result.charEnd); } } CurrencyAmount* DecimalFormat::parseCurrency(const UnicodeString& text, ParsePosition& parsePosition) const { if (fields == nullptr) { return nullptr; } if (parsePosition.getIndex() < 0 || parsePosition.getIndex() >= text.length()) { return nullptr; } ErrorCode status; ParsedNumber result; // Note: if this is a currency instance, currencies will be matched despite the fact that we are not in the // parseCurrency method (backwards compatibility) int32_t startIndex = parsePosition.getIndex(); const NumberParserImpl* parser = getCurrencyParser(status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return nullptr; } parser->parse(text, startIndex, true, result, status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return nullptr; } // TODO: Do we need to check for fImpl->properties->parseAllInput (UCONFIG_HAVE_PARSEALLINPUT) here? if (result.success()) { parsePosition.setIndex(result.charEnd); Formattable formattable; result.populateFormattable(formattable, parser->getParseFlags()); LocalPointer currencyAmount( new CurrencyAmount(formattable, result.currencyCode, status), status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return nullptr; } return currencyAmount.orphan(); } else { parsePosition.setErrorIndex(startIndex + result.charEnd); return nullptr; } } const DecimalFormatSymbols* DecimalFormat::getDecimalFormatSymbols(void) const { if (fields == nullptr) { return nullptr; } return fields->symbols.getAlias(); } void DecimalFormat::adoptDecimalFormatSymbols(DecimalFormatSymbols* symbolsToAdopt) { if (symbolsToAdopt == nullptr) { return; // do not allow caller to set fields->symbols to NULL } // we must take ownership of symbolsToAdopt, even in a failure case. LocalPointer dfs(symbolsToAdopt); if (fields == nullptr) { return; } fields->symbols.adoptInstead(dfs.orphan()); touchNoError(); } void DecimalFormat::setDecimalFormatSymbols(const DecimalFormatSymbols& symbols) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; LocalPointer dfs(new DecimalFormatSymbols(symbols), status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { // We failed to allocate DecimalFormatSymbols, release fields and its members. // We must have a fully complete fields object, we cannot have partially populated members. delete fields; fields = nullptr; return; } fields->symbols.adoptInstead(dfs.orphan()); touchNoError(); } const CurrencyPluralInfo* DecimalFormat::getCurrencyPluralInfo(void) const { if (fields == nullptr) { return nullptr; } return fields->properties.currencyPluralInfo.fPtr.getAlias(); } void DecimalFormat::adoptCurrencyPluralInfo(CurrencyPluralInfo* toAdopt) { // TODO: should we guard against nullptr input, like in adoptDecimalFormatSymbols? // we must take ownership of toAdopt, even in a failure case. LocalPointer cpi(toAdopt); if (fields == nullptr) { return; } fields->properties.currencyPluralInfo.fPtr.adoptInstead(cpi.orphan()); touchNoError(); } void DecimalFormat::setCurrencyPluralInfo(const CurrencyPluralInfo& info) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } if (fields->properties.currencyPluralInfo.fPtr.isNull()) { // Note: clone() can fail with OOM error, but we have no way to report it. :( fields->properties.currencyPluralInfo.fPtr.adoptInstead(info.clone()); } else { *fields->properties.currencyPluralInfo.fPtr = info; // copy-assignment operator } touchNoError(); } UnicodeString& DecimalFormat::getPositivePrefix(UnicodeString& result) const { if (fields == nullptr) { result.setToBogus(); return result; } UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; fields->formatter.getAffixImpl(true, false, result, status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { result.setToBogus(); } return result; } void DecimalFormat::setPositivePrefix(const UnicodeString& newValue) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } if (newValue == fields->properties.positivePrefix) { return; } fields->properties.positivePrefix = newValue; touchNoError(); } UnicodeString& DecimalFormat::getNegativePrefix(UnicodeString& result) const { if (fields == nullptr) { result.setToBogus(); return result; } UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; fields->formatter.getAffixImpl(true, true, result, status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { result.setToBogus(); } return result; } void DecimalFormat::setNegativePrefix(const UnicodeString& newValue) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } if (newValue == fields->properties.negativePrefix) { return; } fields->properties.negativePrefix = newValue; touchNoError(); } UnicodeString& DecimalFormat::getPositiveSuffix(UnicodeString& result) const { if (fields == nullptr) { result.setToBogus(); return result; } UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; fields->formatter.getAffixImpl(false, false, result, status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { result.setToBogus(); } return result; } void DecimalFormat::setPositiveSuffix(const UnicodeString& newValue) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } if (newValue == fields->properties.positiveSuffix) { return; } fields->properties.positiveSuffix = newValue; touchNoError(); } UnicodeString& DecimalFormat::getNegativeSuffix(UnicodeString& result) const { if (fields == nullptr) { result.setToBogus(); return result; } UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; fields->formatter.getAffixImpl(false, true, result, status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { result.setToBogus(); } return result; } void DecimalFormat::setNegativeSuffix(const UnicodeString& newValue) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } if (newValue == fields->properties.negativeSuffix) { return; } fields->properties.negativeSuffix = newValue; touchNoError(); } UBool DecimalFormat::isSignAlwaysShown() const { // Not much we can do to report an error. if (fields == nullptr) { return DecimalFormatProperties::getDefault().signAlwaysShown; } return fields->properties.signAlwaysShown; } void DecimalFormat::setSignAlwaysShown(UBool value) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } if (UBOOL_TO_BOOL(value) == fields->properties.signAlwaysShown) { return; } fields->properties.signAlwaysShown = value; touchNoError(); } int32_t DecimalFormat::getMultiplier(void) const { const DecimalFormatProperties *dfp; // Not much we can do to report an error. if (fields == nullptr) { // Fallback to using the default instance of DecimalFormatProperties. dfp = &(DecimalFormatProperties::getDefault()); } else { dfp = &fields->properties; } if (dfp->multiplier != 1) { return dfp->multiplier; } else if (dfp->magnitudeMultiplier != 0) { return static_cast(uprv_pow10(dfp->magnitudeMultiplier)); } else { return 1; } } void DecimalFormat::setMultiplier(int32_t multiplier) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } if (multiplier == 0) { multiplier = 1; // one being the benign default value for a multiplier. } // Try to convert to a magnitude multiplier first int delta = 0; int value = multiplier; while (value != 1) { delta++; int temp = value / 10; if (temp * 10 != value) { delta = -1; break; } value = temp; } if (delta != -1) { fields->properties.magnitudeMultiplier = delta; fields->properties.multiplier = 1; } else { fields->properties.magnitudeMultiplier = 0; fields->properties.multiplier = multiplier; } touchNoError(); } int32_t DecimalFormat::getMultiplierScale() const { // Not much we can do to report an error. if (fields == nullptr) { // Fallback to using the default instance of DecimalFormatProperties. return DecimalFormatProperties::getDefault().multiplierScale; } return fields->properties.multiplierScale; } void DecimalFormat::setMultiplierScale(int32_t newValue) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } if (newValue == fields->properties.multiplierScale) { return; } fields->properties.multiplierScale = newValue; touchNoError(); } double DecimalFormat::getRoundingIncrement(void) const { // Not much we can do to report an error. if (fields == nullptr) { // Fallback to using the default instance of DecimalFormatProperties. return DecimalFormatProperties::getDefault().roundingIncrement; } return fields->exportedProperties.roundingIncrement; } void DecimalFormat::setRoundingIncrement(double newValue) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } if (newValue == fields->properties.roundingIncrement) { return; } fields->properties.roundingIncrement = newValue; touchNoError(); } ERoundingMode DecimalFormat::getRoundingMode(void) const { // Not much we can do to report an error. if (fields == nullptr) { // Fallback to using the default instance of DecimalFormatProperties. return static_cast(DecimalFormatProperties::getDefault().roundingMode.getNoError()); } // UNumberFormatRoundingMode and ERoundingMode have the same values. return static_cast(fields->exportedProperties.roundingMode.getNoError()); } void DecimalFormat::setRoundingMode(ERoundingMode roundingMode) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } auto uRoundingMode = static_cast(roundingMode); if (!fields->properties.roundingMode.isNull() && uRoundingMode == fields->properties.roundingMode.getNoError()) { return; } NumberFormat::setMaximumIntegerDigits(roundingMode); // to set field for compatibility fields->properties.roundingMode = uRoundingMode; touchNoError(); } int32_t DecimalFormat::getFormatWidth(void) const { // Not much we can do to report an error. if (fields == nullptr) { // Fallback to using the default instance of DecimalFormatProperties. return DecimalFormatProperties::getDefault().formatWidth; } return fields->properties.formatWidth; } void DecimalFormat::setFormatWidth(int32_t width) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } if (width == fields->properties.formatWidth) { return; } fields->properties.formatWidth = width; touchNoError(); } UnicodeString DecimalFormat::getPadCharacterString() const { if (fields == nullptr || fields->properties.padString.isBogus()) { // Readonly-alias the static string kFallbackPaddingString return {TRUE, kFallbackPaddingString, -1}; } else { return fields->properties.padString; } } void DecimalFormat::setPadCharacter(const UnicodeString& padChar) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } if (padChar == fields->properties.padString) { return; } if (padChar.length() > 0) { fields->properties.padString = UnicodeString(padChar.char32At(0)); } else { fields->properties.padString.setToBogus(); } touchNoError(); } EPadPosition DecimalFormat::getPadPosition(void) const { if (fields == nullptr || fields->properties.padPosition.isNull()) { return EPadPosition::kPadBeforePrefix; } else { // UNumberFormatPadPosition and EPadPosition have the same values. return static_cast(fields->properties.padPosition.getNoError()); } } void DecimalFormat::setPadPosition(EPadPosition padPos) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } auto uPadPos = static_cast(padPos); if (!fields->properties.padPosition.isNull() && uPadPos == fields->properties.padPosition.getNoError()) { return; } fields->properties.padPosition = uPadPos; touchNoError(); } UBool DecimalFormat::isScientificNotation(void) const { // Not much we can do to report an error. if (fields == nullptr) { // Fallback to using the default instance of DecimalFormatProperties. return (DecimalFormatProperties::getDefault().minimumExponentDigits != -1); } return (fields->properties.minimumExponentDigits != -1); } void DecimalFormat::setScientificNotation(UBool useScientific) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } int32_t minExp = useScientific ? 1 : -1; if (fields->properties.minimumExponentDigits == minExp) { return; } if (useScientific) { fields->properties.minimumExponentDigits = 1; } else { fields->properties.minimumExponentDigits = -1; } touchNoError(); } int8_t DecimalFormat::getMinimumExponentDigits(void) const { // Not much we can do to report an error. if (fields == nullptr) { // Fallback to using the default instance of DecimalFormatProperties. return static_cast(DecimalFormatProperties::getDefault().minimumExponentDigits); } return static_cast(fields->properties.minimumExponentDigits); } void DecimalFormat::setMinimumExponentDigits(int8_t minExpDig) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } if (minExpDig == fields->properties.minimumExponentDigits) { return; } fields->properties.minimumExponentDigits = minExpDig; touchNoError(); } UBool DecimalFormat::isExponentSignAlwaysShown(void) const { // Not much we can do to report an error. if (fields == nullptr) { // Fallback to using the default instance of DecimalFormatProperties. return DecimalFormatProperties::getDefault().exponentSignAlwaysShown; } return fields->properties.exponentSignAlwaysShown; } void DecimalFormat::setExponentSignAlwaysShown(UBool expSignAlways) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } if (UBOOL_TO_BOOL(expSignAlways) == fields->properties.exponentSignAlwaysShown) { return; } fields->properties.exponentSignAlwaysShown = expSignAlways; touchNoError(); } int32_t DecimalFormat::getGroupingSize(void) const { int32_t groupingSize; // Not much we can do to report an error. if (fields == nullptr) { // Fallback to using the default instance of DecimalFormatProperties. groupingSize = DecimalFormatProperties::getDefault().groupingSize; } else { groupingSize = fields->properties.groupingSize; } if (groupingSize < 0) { return 0; } return groupingSize; } void DecimalFormat::setGroupingSize(int32_t newValue) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } if (newValue == fields->properties.groupingSize) { return; } fields->properties.groupingSize = newValue; touchNoError(); } int32_t DecimalFormat::getSecondaryGroupingSize(void) const { int32_t grouping2; // Not much we can do to report an error. if (fields == nullptr) { // Fallback to using the default instance of DecimalFormatProperties. grouping2 = DecimalFormatProperties::getDefault().secondaryGroupingSize; } else { grouping2 = fields->properties.secondaryGroupingSize; } if (grouping2 < 0) { return 0; } return grouping2; } void DecimalFormat::setSecondaryGroupingSize(int32_t newValue) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } if (newValue == fields->properties.secondaryGroupingSize) { return; } fields->properties.secondaryGroupingSize = newValue; touchNoError(); } int32_t DecimalFormat::getMinimumGroupingDigits() const { // Not much we can do to report an error. if (fields == nullptr) { // Fallback to using the default instance of DecimalFormatProperties. return DecimalFormatProperties::getDefault().minimumGroupingDigits; } return fields->properties.minimumGroupingDigits; } void DecimalFormat::setMinimumGroupingDigits(int32_t newValue) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } if (newValue == fields->properties.minimumGroupingDigits) { return; } fields->properties.minimumGroupingDigits = newValue; touchNoError(); } UBool DecimalFormat::isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown(void) const { // Not much we can do to report an error. if (fields == nullptr) { // Fallback to using the default instance of DecimalFormatProperties. return DecimalFormatProperties::getDefault().decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown; } return fields->properties.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown; } void DecimalFormat::setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown(UBool newValue) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } if (UBOOL_TO_BOOL(newValue) == fields->properties.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown) { return; } fields->properties.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown = newValue; touchNoError(); } UBool DecimalFormat::isDecimalPatternMatchRequired(void) const { // Not much we can do to report an error. if (fields == nullptr) { // Fallback to using the default instance of DecimalFormatProperties. return DecimalFormatProperties::getDefault().decimalPatternMatchRequired; } return fields->properties.decimalPatternMatchRequired; } void DecimalFormat::setDecimalPatternMatchRequired(UBool newValue) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } if (UBOOL_TO_BOOL(newValue) == fields->properties.decimalPatternMatchRequired) { return; } fields->properties.decimalPatternMatchRequired = newValue; touchNoError(); } UBool DecimalFormat::isParseNoExponent() const { // Not much we can do to report an error. if (fields == nullptr) { // Fallback to using the default instance of DecimalFormatProperties. return DecimalFormatProperties::getDefault().parseNoExponent; } return fields->properties.parseNoExponent; } void DecimalFormat::setParseNoExponent(UBool value) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } if (UBOOL_TO_BOOL(value) == fields->properties.parseNoExponent) { return; } fields->properties.parseNoExponent = value; touchNoError(); } UBool DecimalFormat::isParseCaseSensitive() const { // Not much we can do to report an error. if (fields == nullptr) { // Fallback to using the default instance of DecimalFormatProperties. return DecimalFormatProperties::getDefault().parseCaseSensitive; } return fields->properties.parseCaseSensitive; } void DecimalFormat::setParseCaseSensitive(UBool value) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } if (UBOOL_TO_BOOL(value) == fields->properties.parseCaseSensitive) { return; } fields->properties.parseCaseSensitive = value; touchNoError(); } UBool DecimalFormat::isFormatFailIfMoreThanMaxDigits() const { // Not much we can do to report an error. if (fields == nullptr) { // Fallback to using the default instance of DecimalFormatProperties. return DecimalFormatProperties::getDefault().formatFailIfMoreThanMaxDigits; } return fields->properties.formatFailIfMoreThanMaxDigits; } void DecimalFormat::setFormatFailIfMoreThanMaxDigits(UBool value) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } if (UBOOL_TO_BOOL(value) == fields->properties.formatFailIfMoreThanMaxDigits) { return; } fields->properties.formatFailIfMoreThanMaxDigits = value; touchNoError(); } UnicodeString& DecimalFormat::toPattern(UnicodeString& result) const { if (fields == nullptr) { // We only get here if an OOM error happend during construction, copy construction, assignment, or modification. result.setToBogus(); return result; } // Pull some properties from exportedProperties and others from properties // to keep affix patterns intact. In particular, pull rounding properties // so that CurrencyUsage is reflected properly. // TODO: Consider putting this logic in number_patternstring.cpp instead. ErrorCode localStatus; DecimalFormatProperties tprops(fields->properties); bool useCurrency = ( !tprops.currency.isNull() || !tprops.currencyPluralInfo.fPtr.isNull() || !tprops.currencyUsage.isNull() || AffixUtils::hasCurrencySymbols(tprops.positivePrefixPattern, localStatus) || AffixUtils::hasCurrencySymbols(tprops.positiveSuffixPattern, localStatus) || AffixUtils::hasCurrencySymbols(tprops.negativePrefixPattern, localStatus) || AffixUtils::hasCurrencySymbols(tprops.negativeSuffixPattern, localStatus)); if (useCurrency) { tprops.minimumFractionDigits = fields->exportedProperties.minimumFractionDigits; tprops.maximumFractionDigits = fields->exportedProperties.maximumFractionDigits; tprops.roundingIncrement = fields->exportedProperties.roundingIncrement; } result = PatternStringUtils::propertiesToPatternString(tprops, localStatus); return result; } UnicodeString& DecimalFormat::toLocalizedPattern(UnicodeString& result) const { if (fields == nullptr) { // We only get here if an OOM error happend during construction, copy construction, assignment, or modification. result.setToBogus(); return result; } ErrorCode localStatus; result = toPattern(result); result = PatternStringUtils::convertLocalized(result, *fields->symbols, true, localStatus); return result; } void DecimalFormat::applyPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern, UParseError&, UErrorCode& status) { // TODO: What is parseError for? applyPattern(pattern, status); } void DecimalFormat::applyPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern, UErrorCode& status) { // don't overwrite status if it's already a failure. if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } if (fields == nullptr) { // We only get here if an OOM error happend during construction, copy construction, assignment, or modification. status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; return; } setPropertiesFromPattern(pattern, IGNORE_ROUNDING_NEVER, status); touch(status); } void DecimalFormat::applyLocalizedPattern(const UnicodeString& localizedPattern, UParseError&, UErrorCode& status) { // TODO: What is parseError for? applyLocalizedPattern(localizedPattern, status); } void DecimalFormat::applyLocalizedPattern(const UnicodeString& localizedPattern, UErrorCode& status) { // don't overwrite status if it's already a failure. if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } if (fields == nullptr) { // We only get here if an OOM error happend during construction, copy construction, assignment, or modification. status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; return; } UnicodeString pattern = PatternStringUtils::convertLocalized( localizedPattern, *fields->symbols, false, status); applyPattern(pattern, status); } void DecimalFormat::setMaximumIntegerDigits(int32_t newValue) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } if (newValue == fields->properties.maximumIntegerDigits) { return; } // For backwards compatibility, conflicting min/max need to keep the most recent setting. int32_t min = fields->properties.minimumIntegerDigits; if (min >= 0 && min > newValue) { fields->properties.minimumIntegerDigits = newValue; } fields->properties.maximumIntegerDigits = newValue; touchNoError(); } void DecimalFormat::setMinimumIntegerDigits(int32_t newValue) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } if (newValue == fields->properties.minimumIntegerDigits) { return; } // For backwards compatibility, conflicting min/max need to keep the most recent setting. int32_t max = fields->properties.maximumIntegerDigits; if (max >= 0 && max < newValue) { fields->properties.maximumIntegerDigits = newValue; } fields->properties.minimumIntegerDigits = newValue; touchNoError(); } void DecimalFormat::setMaximumFractionDigits(int32_t newValue) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } if (newValue == fields->properties.maximumFractionDigits) { return; } // cap for backward compatibility, formerly 340, now 999 if (newValue > kMaxIntFracSig) { newValue = kMaxIntFracSig; } // For backwards compatibility, conflicting min/max need to keep the most recent setting. int32_t min = fields->properties.minimumFractionDigits; if (min >= 0 && min > newValue) { fields->properties.minimumFractionDigits = newValue; } fields->properties.maximumFractionDigits = newValue; touchNoError(); } void DecimalFormat::setMinimumFractionDigits(int32_t newValue) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } if (newValue == fields->properties.minimumFractionDigits) { return; } // For backwards compatibility, conflicting min/max need to keep the most recent setting. int32_t max = fields->properties.maximumFractionDigits; if (max >= 0 && max < newValue) { fields->properties.maximumFractionDigits = newValue; } fields->properties.minimumFractionDigits = newValue; touchNoError(); } int32_t DecimalFormat::getMinimumSignificantDigits() const { // Not much we can do to report an error. if (fields == nullptr) { // Fallback to using the default instance of DecimalFormatProperties. return DecimalFormatProperties::getDefault().minimumSignificantDigits; } return fields->exportedProperties.minimumSignificantDigits; } int32_t DecimalFormat::getMaximumSignificantDigits() const { // Not much we can do to report an error. if (fields == nullptr) { // Fallback to using the default instance of DecimalFormatProperties. return DecimalFormatProperties::getDefault().maximumSignificantDigits; } return fields->exportedProperties.maximumSignificantDigits; } void DecimalFormat::setMinimumSignificantDigits(int32_t value) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } if (value == fields->properties.minimumSignificantDigits) { return; } int32_t max = fields->properties.maximumSignificantDigits; if (max >= 0 && max < value) { fields->properties.maximumSignificantDigits = value; } fields->properties.minimumSignificantDigits = value; touchNoError(); } void DecimalFormat::setMaximumSignificantDigits(int32_t value) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } if (value == fields->properties.maximumSignificantDigits) { return; } int32_t min = fields->properties.minimumSignificantDigits; if (min >= 0 && min > value) { fields->properties.minimumSignificantDigits = value; } fields->properties.maximumSignificantDigits = value; touchNoError(); } UBool DecimalFormat::areSignificantDigitsUsed() const { const DecimalFormatProperties* dfp; // Not much we can do to report an error. if (fields == nullptr) { // Fallback to using the default instance of DecimalFormatProperties. dfp = &(DecimalFormatProperties::getDefault()); } else { dfp = &fields->properties; } return dfp->minimumSignificantDigits != -1 || dfp->maximumSignificantDigits != -1; } void DecimalFormat::setSignificantDigitsUsed(UBool useSignificantDigits) { if (fields == nullptr) { return; } // These are the default values from the old implementation. if (useSignificantDigits) { if (fields->properties.minimumSignificantDigits != -1 || fields->properties.maximumSignificantDigits != -1) { return; } } else { if (fields->properties.minimumSignificantDigits == -1 && fields->properties.maximumSignificantDigits == -1) { return; } } int32_t minSig = useSignificantDigits ? 1 : -1; int32_t maxSig = useSignificantDigits ? 6 : -1; fields->properties.minimumSignificantDigits = minSig; fields->properties.maximumSignificantDigits = maxSig; touchNoError(); } void DecimalFormat::setCurrency(const char16_t* theCurrency, UErrorCode& ec) { // don't overwrite ec if it's already a failure. if (U_FAILURE(ec)) { return; } if (fields == nullptr) { // We only get here if an OOM error happend during construction, copy construction, assignment, or modification. ec = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; return; } CurrencyUnit currencyUnit(theCurrency, ec); if (U_FAILURE(ec)) { return; } if (!fields->properties.currency.isNull() && fields->properties.currency.getNoError() == currencyUnit) { return; } NumberFormat::setCurrency(theCurrency, ec); // to set field for compatibility fields->properties.currency = currencyUnit; // In Java, the DecimalFormatSymbols is mutable. Why not in C++? LocalPointer newSymbols(new DecimalFormatSymbols(*fields->symbols), ec); newSymbols->setCurrency(currencyUnit.getISOCurrency(), ec); fields->symbols.adoptInsteadAndCheckErrorCode(newSymbols.orphan(), ec); touch(ec); } void DecimalFormat::setCurrency(const char16_t* theCurrency) { ErrorCode localStatus; setCurrency(theCurrency, localStatus); } void DecimalFormat::setCurrencyUsage(UCurrencyUsage newUsage, UErrorCode* ec) { // don't overwrite ec if it's already a failure. if (U_FAILURE(*ec)) { return; } if (fields == nullptr) { // We only get here if an OOM error happend during construction, copy construction, assignment, or modification. *ec = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; return; } if (!fields->properties.currencyUsage.isNull() && newUsage == fields->properties.currencyUsage.getNoError()) { return; } fields->properties.currencyUsage = newUsage; touch(*ec); } UCurrencyUsage DecimalFormat::getCurrencyUsage() const { // CurrencyUsage is not exported, so we have to get it from the input property bag. // TODO: Should we export CurrencyUsage instead? if (fields == nullptr || fields->properties.currencyUsage.isNull()) { return UCURR_USAGE_STANDARD; } return fields->properties.currencyUsage.getNoError(); } void DecimalFormat::formatToDecimalQuantity(double number, DecimalQuantity& output, UErrorCode& status) const { // don't overwrite status if it's already a failure. if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } if (fields == nullptr) { // We only get here if an OOM error happend during construction, copy construction, assignment, or modification. status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; return; } fields->formatter.formatDouble(number, status).getDecimalQuantity(output, status); } void DecimalFormat::formatToDecimalQuantity(const Formattable& number, DecimalQuantity& output, UErrorCode& status) const { // don't overwrite status if it's already a failure. if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } if (fields == nullptr) { // We only get here if an OOM error happend during construction, copy construction, assignment, or modification. status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; return; } UFormattedNumberData obj; number.populateDecimalQuantity(obj.quantity, status); fields->formatter.formatImpl(&obj, status); output = std::move(obj.quantity); } const number::LocalizedNumberFormatter* DecimalFormat::toNumberFormatter(UErrorCode& status) const { // We sometimes need to return nullptr here (see ICU-20380) if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return nullptr; } if (fields == nullptr) { // We only get here if an OOM error happend during construction, copy construction, assignment, or modification. status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; return nullptr; } return &fields->formatter; } /** Rebuilds the formatter object from the property bag. */ void DecimalFormat::touch(UErrorCode& status) { if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } if (fields == nullptr) { // We only get here if an OOM error happend during construction, copy construction, assignment, or modification. // For regular construction, the caller should have checked the status variable for errors. // For copy construction, there is unfortunately nothing to report the error, so we need to guard against // this possible bad state here and set the status to an error. status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; return; } // In C++, fields->symbols is the source of truth for the locale. Locale locale = fields->symbols->getLocale(); // Note: The formatter is relatively cheap to create, and we need it to populate fields->exportedProperties, // so automatically recompute it here. The parser is a bit more expensive and is not needed until the // parse method is called, so defer that until needed. // TODO: Only update the pieces that changed instead of re-computing the whole formatter? // Since memory has already been allocated for the formatter, we can move assign a stack-allocated object // and don't need to call new. (Which is slower and could possibly fail). fields->formatter = NumberPropertyMapper::create( fields->properties, *fields->symbols, fields->warehouse, fields->exportedProperties, status ).locale(locale); // Do this after fields->exportedProperties are set up setupFastFormat(); // Delete the parsers if they were made previously delete fields->atomicParser.exchange(nullptr); delete fields->atomicCurrencyParser.exchange(nullptr); // In order for the getters to work, we need to populate some fields in NumberFormat. NumberFormat::setCurrency(fields->exportedProperties.currency.get(status).getISOCurrency(), status); NumberFormat::setMaximumIntegerDigits(fields->exportedProperties.maximumIntegerDigits); NumberFormat::setMinimumIntegerDigits(fields->exportedProperties.minimumIntegerDigits); NumberFormat::setMaximumFractionDigits(fields->exportedProperties.maximumFractionDigits); NumberFormat::setMinimumFractionDigits(fields->exportedProperties.minimumFractionDigits); // fImpl->properties, not fields->exportedProperties, since this information comes from the pattern: NumberFormat::setGroupingUsed(fields->properties.groupingUsed); } void DecimalFormat::touchNoError() { UErrorCode localStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR; touch(localStatus); } void DecimalFormat::setPropertiesFromPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern, int32_t ignoreRounding, UErrorCode& status) { if (U_SUCCESS(status)) { // Cast workaround to get around putting the enum in the public header file auto actualIgnoreRounding = static_cast(ignoreRounding); PatternParser::parseToExistingProperties(pattern, fields->properties, actualIgnoreRounding, status); } } const numparse::impl::NumberParserImpl* DecimalFormat::getParser(UErrorCode& status) const { // TODO: Move this into umutex.h? (similar logic also in numrange_fluent.cpp) // See ICU-20146 if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return nullptr; } // First try to get the pre-computed parser auto* ptr = fields->atomicParser.load(); if (ptr != nullptr) { return ptr; } // Try computing the parser on our own auto* temp = NumberParserImpl::createParserFromProperties(fields->properties, *fields->symbols, false, status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return nullptr; } if (temp == nullptr) { status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; return nullptr; } // Note: ptr starts as nullptr; during compare_exchange, // it is set to what is actually stored in the atomic // if another thread beat us to computing the parser object. auto* nonConstThis = const_cast(this); if (!nonConstThis->fields->atomicParser.compare_exchange_strong(ptr, temp)) { // Another thread beat us to computing the parser delete temp; return ptr; } else { // Our copy of the parser got stored in the atomic return temp; } } const numparse::impl::NumberParserImpl* DecimalFormat::getCurrencyParser(UErrorCode& status) const { if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return nullptr; } // First try to get the pre-computed parser auto* ptr = fields->atomicCurrencyParser.load(); if (ptr != nullptr) { return ptr; } // Try computing the parser on our own auto* temp = NumberParserImpl::createParserFromProperties(fields->properties, *fields->symbols, true, status); if (temp == nullptr) { status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; // although we may still dereference, call sites should be guarded } // Note: ptr starts as nullptr; during compare_exchange, it is set to what is actually stored in the // atomic if another thread beat us to computing the parser object. auto* nonConstThis = const_cast(this); if (!nonConstThis->fields->atomicCurrencyParser.compare_exchange_strong(ptr, temp)) { // Another thread beat us to computing the parser delete temp; return ptr; } else { // Our copy of the parser got stored in the atomic return temp; } } void DecimalFormat::fieldPositionHelper( const UFormattedNumberData& formatted, FieldPosition& fieldPosition, int32_t offset, UErrorCode& status) { if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } // always return first occurrence: fieldPosition.setBeginIndex(0); fieldPosition.setEndIndex(0); bool found = formatted.nextFieldPosition(fieldPosition, status); if (found && offset != 0) { FieldPositionOnlyHandler fpoh(fieldPosition); fpoh.shiftLast(offset); } } void DecimalFormat::fieldPositionIteratorHelper( const UFormattedNumberData& formatted, FieldPositionIterator* fpi, int32_t offset, UErrorCode& status) { if (U_SUCCESS(status) && (fpi != nullptr)) { FieldPositionIteratorHandler fpih(fpi, status); fpih.setShift(offset); formatted.getAllFieldPositions(fpih, status); } } // To debug fast-format, change void(x) to printf(x) #define trace(x) void(x) void DecimalFormat::setupFastFormat() { // Check the majority of properties: if (!fields->properties.equalsDefaultExceptFastFormat()) { trace("no fast format: equality\n"); fields->canUseFastFormat = false; return; } // Now check the remaining properties. // Nontrivial affixes: UBool trivialPP = fields->properties.positivePrefixPattern.isEmpty(); UBool trivialPS = fields->properties.positiveSuffixPattern.isEmpty(); UBool trivialNP = fields->properties.negativePrefixPattern.isBogus() || ( fields->properties.negativePrefixPattern.length() == 1 && fields->properties.negativePrefixPattern.charAt(0) == u'-'); UBool trivialNS = fields->properties.negativeSuffixPattern.isEmpty(); if (!trivialPP || !trivialPS || !trivialNP || !trivialNS) { trace("no fast format: affixes\n"); fields->canUseFastFormat = false; return; } // Grouping (secondary grouping is forbidden in equalsDefaultExceptFastFormat): bool groupingUsed = fields->properties.groupingUsed; int32_t groupingSize = fields->properties.groupingSize; bool unusualGroupingSize = groupingSize > 0 && groupingSize != 3; const UnicodeString& groupingString = fields->symbols->getConstSymbol(DecimalFormatSymbols::kGroupingSeparatorSymbol); if (groupingUsed && (unusualGroupingSize || groupingString.length() != 1)) { trace("no fast format: grouping\n"); fields->canUseFastFormat = false; return; } // Integer length: int32_t minInt = fields->exportedProperties.minimumIntegerDigits; int32_t maxInt = fields->exportedProperties.maximumIntegerDigits; // Fastpath supports up to only 10 digits (length of INT32_MIN) if (minInt > 10) { trace("no fast format: integer\n"); fields->canUseFastFormat = false; return; } // Fraction length (no fraction part allowed in fast path): int32_t minFrac = fields->exportedProperties.minimumFractionDigits; if (minFrac > 0) { trace("no fast format: fraction\n"); fields->canUseFastFormat = false; return; } // Other symbols: const UnicodeString& minusSignString = fields->symbols->getConstSymbol(DecimalFormatSymbols::kMinusSignSymbol); UChar32 codePointZero = fields->symbols->getCodePointZero(); if (minusSignString.length() != 1 || U16_LENGTH(codePointZero) != 1) { trace("no fast format: symbols\n"); fields->canUseFastFormat = false; return; } // Good to go! trace("can use fast format!\n"); fields->canUseFastFormat = true; fields->fastData.cpZero = static_cast(codePointZero); fields->fastData.cpGroupingSeparator = groupingUsed && groupingSize == 3 ? groupingString.charAt(0) : 0; fields->fastData.cpMinusSign = minusSignString.charAt(0); fields->fastData.minInt = (minInt < 0 || minInt > 127) ? 0 : static_cast(minInt); fields->fastData.maxInt = (maxInt < 0 || maxInt > 127) ? 127 : static_cast(maxInt); } bool DecimalFormat::fastFormatDouble(double input, UnicodeString& output) const { if (!fields->canUseFastFormat) { return false; } if (std::isnan(input) || uprv_trunc(input) != input || input <= INT32_MIN || input > INT32_MAX) { return false; } doFastFormatInt32(static_cast(input), std::signbit(input), output); return true; } bool DecimalFormat::fastFormatInt64(int64_t input, UnicodeString& output) const { if (!fields->canUseFastFormat) { return false; } if (input <= INT32_MIN || input > INT32_MAX) { return false; } doFastFormatInt32(static_cast(input), input < 0, output); return true; } void DecimalFormat::doFastFormatInt32(int32_t input, bool isNegative, UnicodeString& output) const { U_ASSERT(fields->canUseFastFormat); if (isNegative) { output.append(fields->fastData.cpMinusSign); U_ASSERT(input != INT32_MIN); // handled by callers input = -input; } // Cap at int32_t to make the buffer small and operations fast. // Longest string: "2,147,483,648" (13 chars in length) static constexpr int32_t localCapacity = 13; char16_t localBuffer[localCapacity]; char16_t* ptr = localBuffer + localCapacity; int8_t group = 0; int8_t minInt = (fields->fastData.minInt < 1)? 1: fields->fastData.minInt; for (int8_t i = 0; i < fields->fastData.maxInt && (input != 0 || i < minInt); i++) { if (group++ == 3 && fields->fastData.cpGroupingSeparator != 0) { *(--ptr) = fields->fastData.cpGroupingSeparator; group = 1; } std::div_t res = std::div(input, 10); *(--ptr) = static_cast(fields->fastData.cpZero + res.rem); input = res.quot; } int32_t len = localCapacity - static_cast(ptr - localBuffer); output.append(ptr, len); } #endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */