// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html // // From the double-conversion library. Original license: // // Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided // with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // ICU PATCH: ifdef around UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING #include "unicode/utypes.h" #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING #ifndef DOUBLE_CONVERSION_STRING_TO_DOUBLE_H_ #define DOUBLE_CONVERSION_STRING_TO_DOUBLE_H_ // ICU PATCH: Customize header file paths for ICU. #include "double-conversion-utils.h" // ICU PATCH: Wrap in ICU namespace U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace double_conversion { class StringToDoubleConverter { public: // Enumeration for allowing octals and ignoring junk when converting // strings to numbers. enum Flags { NO_FLAGS = 0, ALLOW_HEX = 1, ALLOW_OCTALS = 2, ALLOW_TRAILING_JUNK = 4, ALLOW_LEADING_SPACES = 8, ALLOW_TRAILING_SPACES = 16, ALLOW_SPACES_AFTER_SIGN = 32, ALLOW_CASE_INSENSITIVITY = 64, ALLOW_CASE_INSENSIBILITY = 64, // Deprecated ALLOW_HEX_FLOATS = 128, }; static const uc16 kNoSeparator = '\0'; // Flags should be a bit-or combination of the possible Flags-enum. // - NO_FLAGS: no special flags. // - ALLOW_HEX: recognizes the prefix "0x". Hex numbers may only be integers. // Ex: StringToDouble("0x1234") -> 4660.0 // In StringToDouble("0x1234.56") the characters ".56" are trailing // junk. The result of the call is hence dependent on // the ALLOW_TRAILING_JUNK flag and/or the junk value. // With this flag "0x" is a junk-string. Even with ALLOW_TRAILING_JUNK, // the string will not be parsed as "0" followed by junk. // // - ALLOW_OCTALS: recognizes the prefix "0" for octals: // If a sequence of octal digits starts with '0', then the number is // read as octal integer. Octal numbers may only be integers. // Ex: StringToDouble("01234") -> 668.0 // StringToDouble("012349") -> 12349.0 // Not a sequence of octal // // digits. // In StringToDouble("01234.56") the characters ".56" are trailing // junk. The result of the call is hence dependent on // the ALLOW_TRAILING_JUNK flag and/or the junk value. // In StringToDouble("01234e56") the characters "e56" are trailing // junk, too. // - ALLOW_TRAILING_JUNK: ignore trailing characters that are not part of // a double literal. // - ALLOW_LEADING_SPACES: skip over leading whitespace, including spaces, // new-lines, and tabs. // - ALLOW_TRAILING_SPACES: ignore trailing whitespace. // - ALLOW_SPACES_AFTER_SIGN: ignore whitespace after the sign. // Ex: StringToDouble("- 123.2") -> -123.2. // StringToDouble("+ 123.2") -> 123.2 // - ALLOW_CASE_INSENSITIVITY: ignore case of characters for special values: // infinity and nan. // - ALLOW_HEX_FLOATS: allows hexadecimal float literals. // This *must* start with "0x" and separate the exponent with "p". // Examples: 0x1.2p3 == 9.0 // 0x10.1p0 == 16.0625 // ALLOW_HEX and ALLOW_HEX_FLOATS are indendent. // // empty_string_value is returned when an empty string is given as input. // If ALLOW_LEADING_SPACES or ALLOW_TRAILING_SPACES are set, then a string // containing only spaces is converted to the 'empty_string_value', too. // // junk_string_value is returned when // a) ALLOW_TRAILING_JUNK is not set, and a junk character (a character not // part of a double-literal) is found. // b) ALLOW_TRAILING_JUNK is set, but the string does not start with a // double literal. // // infinity_symbol and nan_symbol are strings that are used to detect // inputs that represent infinity and NaN. They can be null, in which case // they are ignored. // The conversion routine first reads any possible signs. Then it compares the // following character of the input-string with the first character of // the infinity, and nan-symbol. If either matches, the function assumes, that // a match has been found, and expects the following input characters to match // the remaining characters of the special-value symbol. // This means that the following restrictions apply to special-value symbols: // - they must not start with signs ('+', or '-'), // - they must not have the same first character. // - they must not start with digits. // // If the separator character is not kNoSeparator, then that specific // character is ignored when in between two valid digits of the significant. // It is not allowed to appear in the exponent. // It is not allowed to lead or trail the number. // It is not allowed to appear twice next to each other. // // Examples: // flags = ALLOW_HEX | ALLOW_TRAILING_JUNK, // empty_string_value = 0.0, // junk_string_value = NaN, // infinity_symbol = "infinity", // nan_symbol = "nan": // StringToDouble("0x1234") -> 4660.0. // StringToDouble("0x1234K") -> 4660.0. // StringToDouble("") -> 0.0 // empty_string_value. // StringToDouble(" ") -> NaN // junk_string_value. // StringToDouble(" 1") -> NaN // junk_string_value. // StringToDouble("0x") -> NaN // junk_string_value. // StringToDouble("-123.45") -> -123.45. // StringToDouble("--123.45") -> NaN // junk_string_value. // StringToDouble("123e45") -> 123e45. // StringToDouble("123E45") -> 123e45. // StringToDouble("123e+45") -> 123e45. // StringToDouble("123E-45") -> 123e-45. // StringToDouble("123e") -> 123.0 // trailing junk ignored. // StringToDouble("123e-") -> 123.0 // trailing junk ignored. // StringToDouble("+NaN") -> NaN // NaN string literal. // StringToDouble("-infinity") -> -inf. // infinity literal. // StringToDouble("Infinity") -> NaN // junk_string_value. // // flags = ALLOW_OCTAL | ALLOW_LEADING_SPACES, // empty_string_value = 0.0, // junk_string_value = NaN, // infinity_symbol = NULL, // nan_symbol = NULL: // StringToDouble("0x1234") -> NaN // junk_string_value. // StringToDouble("01234") -> 668.0. // StringToDouble("") -> 0.0 // empty_string_value. // StringToDouble(" ") -> 0.0 // empty_string_value. // StringToDouble(" 1") -> 1.0 // StringToDouble("0x") -> NaN // junk_string_value. // StringToDouble("0123e45") -> NaN // junk_string_value. // StringToDouble("01239E45") -> 1239e45. // StringToDouble("-infinity") -> NaN // junk_string_value. // StringToDouble("NaN") -> NaN // junk_string_value. // // flags = NO_FLAGS, // separator = ' ': // StringToDouble("1 2 3 4") -> 1234.0 // StringToDouble("1 2") -> NaN // junk_string_value // StringToDouble("1 000 000.0") -> 1000000.0 // StringToDouble("1.000 000") -> 1.0 // StringToDouble("1.0e1 000") -> NaN // junk_string_value StringToDoubleConverter(int flags, double empty_string_value, double junk_string_value, const char* infinity_symbol, const char* nan_symbol, uc16 separator = kNoSeparator) : flags_(flags), empty_string_value_(empty_string_value), junk_string_value_(junk_string_value), infinity_symbol_(infinity_symbol), nan_symbol_(nan_symbol), separator_(separator) { } // Performs the conversion. // The output parameter 'processed_characters_count' is set to the number // of characters that have been processed to read the number. // Spaces than are processed with ALLOW_{LEADING|TRAILING}_SPACES are included // in the 'processed_characters_count'. Trailing junk is never included. double StringToDouble(const char* buffer, int length, int* processed_characters_count) const; // Same as StringToDouble above but for 16 bit characters. double StringToDouble(const uc16* buffer, int length, int* processed_characters_count) const; // Same as StringToDouble but reads a float. // Note that this is not equivalent to static_cast(StringToDouble(...)) // due to potential double-rounding. float StringToFloat(const char* buffer, int length, int* processed_characters_count) const; // Same as StringToFloat above but for 16 bit characters. float StringToFloat(const uc16* buffer, int length, int* processed_characters_count) const; private: const int flags_; const double empty_string_value_; const double junk_string_value_; const char* const infinity_symbol_; const char* const nan_symbol_; const uc16 separator_; template double StringToIeee(Iterator start_pointer, int length, bool read_as_double, int* processed_characters_count) const; DOUBLE_CONVERSION_DISALLOW_IMPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS(StringToDoubleConverter); }; } // namespace double_conversion // ICU PATCH: Close ICU namespace U_NAMESPACE_END #endif // DOUBLE_CONVERSION_STRING_TO_DOUBLE_H_ #endif // ICU PATCH: close #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING